
lì xī
  • interest ;money rates
利息 [lì xī]
  • (1) [interest]∶去除本金以外所增加的利钱

  • 公债利息

  • (2) [property;belongings]∶财物

  • 便撇了行李逃奔了去,以此得这些利息,实不敢害人。--《水浒传》

  • (3) [gain]∶收益

  • 到了乡下,连那叶子也不白扔。那一桩不是利息。--《儿女英雄传》

  1. 利息按标准比率11%收取。

    Interest is charged at a flat rate of 11 % .

  2. 利息所得作为你收入的一部分要予以征税。

    Any interest payments are taxed as part of your income .

  3. 利息将每半年一次于六月份和十二月份支付。

    Interest will be paid half-yearly in June and December .

  4. 这笔钱的利息免税。

    The interest on the money is exempt from tax .

  5. 那家公司已无力支付债务利息。

    The company can no longer service its debts .

  6. 逾期付款必须支付利息。

    Interest will be charged for late payment .

  7. 这个账户的贷方余额没有利息。

    The account does not pay interest on a credit balance .

  8. 我欠款5,000英镑,其中一部分是累计的利息。

    I owed £ 5,000 — part of this was accrued interest

  9. 对于利息的急剧增加,他的导师给出了一个更为平淡无奇的解释。

    His instructor offered a more prosaic explanation for the surge in interest

  10. 利息已经使得贷款金额提高到了27,000美元。

    Interest had pushed the loan up to $ 27,000 .

  11. 他们将支付约6.73亿美元再加上利息。

    They will pay about $ 673 million plus interest .

  12. 利息只能根据实际借款数目给付。

    Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed .

  13. 9%的利息减去7%的通货膨胀率等于2%。

    9 percent interest less 7 percent inflation equals 2 percent

  14. 这些贷款延期偿还以支付旧账利息。

    Loans were extended to help pay the interest on the old ones .

  15. 利息按月支付。提款须提前3个月通知银行。

    Interest is paid monthly . Three months ' notice is required for withdrawals

  16. 从信贷公司借钱利息非常高。

    It 's so expensive to borrow from finance companies

  17. 银行合计所有利息和其他费用。

    Banks add all the interest and other charges together

  18. 该方案提供种子基金融资,其贷款只收取4%的利息。

    The scheme offers seed corn finance with loans at only 4 % interest .

  19. 你要是愿意,每年可以仅支取利息。

    You can just take out the interest each year , if you choose .

  20. 利息按天计算,每年4月1日一次性打入账户。

    Interest is calculated daily and credited once a year , on 1 April .

  21. 你的活期账户有利息吗?

    Does your current account pay interest ?

  22. 常规的按揭还款额既包含本金也包括利息。

    With a conventional repayment mortgage , the repayments consist of both capital and interest .

  23. 利息按照贷方余额支付。

    Interest is payable on credit balances .

  24. 每个月的利息费用都不一样。

    Monthly interest costs vary .

  25. 另外,国债利息不需缴纳政府和地方所得税。

    In addition , interest on Treasury issues isn 't subject to state and local income taxes .

  26. 该国几乎1/4的出口收入都用来支付290亿美元外债的利息了。

    Almost a quarter of the country 's export earnings go to service a foreign debt of $ 29 billion .

  27. 人们会认为战争期间生意会很红火,但实际上利息只有小幅上升。

    Although you 'd think business would have boomed during the war , there was only a small spike in interest .

  28. 在我国农业贷款的利息很低。

    Interest on agricultural loans is very low in our country .

  29. 潜在的购房者将为更低的利息暗暗高兴。

    Potential home buyers would cheer for lower interest rates .

  30. 银行对这笔贷款收取我25%的利息。

    The bank charged me25 % interest on the loan .