
  • income statement;profit statement;Statement of Income
  1. EVA是对企业资产负债表和利润表的综合考核,其核心在于资本投入是有成本的,企业的盈利只有高于资本成本时才会为股东创造价值。

    EVA is a corporate balance sheet and income statement of the comprehensive examination , the core is the capital investment has a cost , corporate earnings is only higher than the cost of capital will create value for shareholders .

  2. 在利润表上,费用应当按照其性质分项列示。

    On income statement , expenses shall be itemized according to their properties .

  3. 总账与UFO相结合正确编制利润表

    Making the Profit Flow Table Correctly with General Ledgers and UFO

  4. 现行利润表随着社会经济的发展越来越不适应经济发展的需要,但冒然采纳FASB的全面收益表又困难重重,改革陷入两难境地。

    With the development of society and economics , the present profit statement does not meet the need for usage increasingly , but taking abruptly the composite income of FASB encounters difficulties .

  5. 高盛股票策略师考斯汀(DavidKostin)提到了公司利润表中明细栏中销售和管理费用的下降。包括在销售和管理费用中的包括薪资和业务成本,如差旅费和广告支出。

    David Kostin , an equity strategist at Goldman , points to a decline in a key line item on corporate income statements known as ' selling , general and administrative expenses ' otherwise known as SG & A. Included in SG & A are salaries and costs of doing business , such as travel or advertising .

  6. 我国利润表编制中存在的问题与改进

    The Improvement and Existed Problems of Income Statement in China

  7. 第二十四条所得税费用应当在利润表中单独列示。

    Article24The income tax expenses shall be presented separately in the profit statement .

  8. 论我国利润表要素的设置和定义

    Installing and Defining the Essential Factors of Profit Forms

  9. 保险公司的资产负债表和利润表都有可能是雷区。

    Both the income statements and balance sheets of insurers can be minefields .

  10. 会计利润表在会计报表中有非常重要的作用。

    Accounting profit table has played a great important role in accounting statement .

  11. 增进利润表信息的相关性&试探利润表列报的改进

    Improving the Relevance of Information in Profit Loss Statement Discussing the proposed reporting standard

  12. 利润表和历史汇率的转换

    Conversion of the Income Statement and Historical Rates

  13. 利润表要素&收入、费用、利润的比较研究

    Accounting Elements of Profit Form & the Comparing Research on Revenue 、 Expense and Profit

  14. 用吸收成本法准备一份完整的本月预算利润表。

    Prepare in full a budgeted profit statement for this month using absorption costing principles .

  15. 在利润表和损益表以及现金流量表上有良好的会计知识。

    Good accounting knowledge in terms of Profit and Loss Balance Sheet and Cash Flows composition .

  16. 利润表分析主要从毛利率、期间费用、投资收益等方面进行分析。

    The profit statement analysis focuses on gross profit rate , period expenses , returns on investments etc.

  17. 营业收入是指在利润表中列报的营业收入。

    The " business incomes " refers to those business incomes as listed in the income statement .

  18. 利润表揭示企业一段期间的收入和费用。

    An income statement shows an entity 's revenues and expenses for a particular span of time .

  19. 利润表提供的经营活动的资源信息,而不是确切的现金。

    The income statement provides information about resources , but not exactly cash , provided by operations .

  20. 笔者分析了资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表以及附表附注等,对其中的每个报表项目所涉及到的欺诈都进行了充分的说明。

    Relative items in balance sheet , income statement , cash flow statement and other appendix are explained adequately .

  21. 会计报表至少应当包括资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表等报表。

    Accounting statements shall at least comprise a balance sheet , an income statement and a cash flow statement .

  22. 德鲁克审查重点,现金流量表的趋势和问题的资产负债表,利润表和。

    Drucker reviewed highlights , trends and issues from the balance sheet , income statement and cash flow statement .

  23. 多步式利润表包含了一系列把费用从收入中扣除的步骤。

    The multiple-step income statement contains the series of steps in which costs and expenses are deducted from revenues .

  24. 本文主要探讨如何编制实时利润表为管理者解决这一难题。

    This paper mainly discusses how to make the real-time income statement in order to solve this difficulty for administrators .

  25. 本论文首先介绍了利润表的一些相关内容,利润表的作用以及利润表在会计发展过程中的历史。

    In the thesis firstly introduce some contents about profit table , its role and the development of its history .

  26. 这些明细项目从不同角度反映企业经济业务活动的现金流入与流出的具体情况,因此从这点上看,现金流量表弥补了资产负债表和利润表提供的企业经营信息的缺陷。

    These items reflect cash flow in and cash flow out of company business activities from different angle of view .

  27. 资产负债表、利润表的填报、申报等系统录入工作。

    Input data into system , such as filling in , declaring and submitting balance sheet , income statement , etc.

  28. 将债务重组收益计入利润表,将会对债务人当期利润产生重大影响。

    The debt restructuring income is included in the income statement , which will have a significant impact on current profits .

  29. 基本每股收益和稀释每股收益应当在中期利润表中单独列示。

    The basic earnings per share and the diluted earnings per share shall be separately presented in the interim profit statement .

  30. 编制月度试算平衡表;编制月度利润表、负债表及现金流量表;

    Prepare the trial balance on a monthly basis ; prepare the income statement and balance sheet , cash flow statement ;