
  • 网络LIBREVILLE;Gabon
  1. 加蓬首都利伯维尔依然是非洲物价第二贵的城市。

    The Gabonese capital of Libreville remains Africa 's second-most expensive city .

  2. 在加蓬首都利伯维尔,整天的投票气氛都非常紧张。

    In the capital Libreville the atmosphere was described as tense throughout the day .

  3. 但外界利伯维尔,布库比说,邦戈赢得了很大比例的选票。

    But outside Libreville , Boukoubi says Bongo won a large proportion of the vote .

  4. 扩大的利伯维尔委员会

    Enhanced Committee of Libreville

  5. 建于1843年,当时是法国的贸易站,自从获得自由的奴隶在这里定居后,被称作利伯维尔(1848年)。

    Founded as a French trading post in1843 , it was named Libreville after freed slaves settled here ( 1848 ) . Population , 235,700 .

  6. 其次,如《非洲卫生和环境利伯维尔宣言》所表明的那样,你们确保环境部长与卫生部长并肩工作。

    Second , you have ensured that ministers of the environment work in tandem with ministers of health , as articulated in the Libreville Declaration on Health and the Environment in Africa .