
  • 网络Maseru;Lesotho
  1. 由于在美国东北部开发大型马塞卢斯页岩(marcellusshale)层的经验,挪威国家石油公司可能是一家有吸引力的合作伙伴。

    Statoil could be an attractive partner because of its experience developing the big Marcellus shale formation in the US north-east .

  2. 马塞卢斯以“罗马之剑”闻名于世。

    Marcellus is known , and was known , as the " Sword of Rome " .

  3. 莱索托,马塞卢边境检查站–南非四周环绕莱索托,两国之间的人员流动几乎从未停止过。

    MASERU BORDER POST , Lesotho – South Africa completely surrounds Lesotho , and the flow of people between the two countries almost never stops .