
Mǎ Liù Jiǎ Hǎi Xiá
  • Strait of Malacca
马六甲海峡 [mǎ liù jiǎ hǎi xiá]
  • [the Strait of Malacca] 位于马来半岛和苏门答腊岛之间。连接安达曼海和南海。长约1000公里,最宽处约40公里,航道最深处25米

  1. 他表示,美国海军的一艘P-3C猎户星座海上巡逻机一直在马来西亚西边的马六甲海峡北部进行搜索,同时基德号(USSKidd)和平克尼号(USSPinckney)驱逐舰在东边的泰国湾调遣直升机。

    A U.S. Navy P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft has been searching the northern Strait of Malacca , west of Malaysia , he said , while destroyers USS Kidd and USS Pinckney have been deploying helicopters in the Gulf of Thailand to the east .

  2. 举例来说,周三早间,马来西亚空军司令RodzaliDaud发布了一份书面声明,否认他曾对当地媒体说,雷达站最后追踪到这架客机是在马来西亚另外一侧马六甲海峡的岛屿附近。

    Early Wednesday , for instance , Malaysia 's air force chief issued a written statement denying that he had told local media that radar stations last tracked the plane to the vicinity of island on the other side of Malaysia , in the Strait of Malacca .

  3. 美国海军(U.S.Navy)第七舰队的发言人表示,正在对以下两个海域进行搜寻:马六甲海峡北部长120海里、宽120海里海域;泰国湾长100海里、宽100海里海域。

    A spokesman for the U.S. Navy 's Seventh Fleet -- which has ships , helicopters and one surveillance plane taking part in the search -- said it was homing in on two areas : a 120-by-120 square-nautical-mile area in the northern part of Malacca Strait and a 100-by-100 square nautical mile area in the Gulf of Thailand .

  4. 中国石油在马六甲海峡运输的安全研究

    Safety analysis on China 's oil transportation at Malacca strait

  5. 马六甲海峡地区现代介形虫分布

    Distribution of Ostracod Assemblages in Bottom Sediments of the Malacca Straits Area

  6. 马六甲海峡位于马来西亚和苏门答腊之间。

    The Strait of Malacca lies between Malaysia and Sumatra .

  7. 海上电子高速公路技术在马六甲海峡的应用

    The Application of Marine Electronic Highway Technology in the Straits of Malacca

  8. 我们飞往马六甲海峡来到马来西亚的西方。

    We flew to the Malacca Straits to the west of Malaysia .

  9. 警告发出后,新加坡和马来西亚都加强了对马六甲海峡的安保措施。

    In response to the warning , Singapore and Malaysia boosted Malacca Strait security .

  10. 马六甲海峡与南海航道安全

    Malacca Straits and the Security of Sea - lanes In the South China Sea

  11. 因此,马六甲海峡的安全对于新加坡这个东南亚小国和强国来说,具有举足轻重的意义,一荣俱荣,一损俱损。

    Thus , the security of the Straits of Malacca for Singapore has significance .

  12. 我船在马六甲海峡西出口被海盗抢劫后必须弃船。

    I must abandon vessel after piracy in the west mouth of Malacca Strait .

  13. 马六甲海峡使用国合作义务问题的形成背景及现状分析

    The Background and Evolution of the Issue of User Cooperation on the Straits of Malacca

  14. 试析中国对马六甲海峡安全事务的参与

    An Analysis on the Participation of China in the Security Affairs of the Malacca Strait

  15. 略论马六甲海峡的水文特点

    Hydrographic in the Strait of Malacca

  16. 在马六甲海峡的周围有一个很大的海盗问题,国防部长罗伯特·M。

    There was a huge piracy problem around the Strait of Malacca , Defense Secretary Robert M.

  17. 槟城是三个海峡殖民地英国统治下与马六甲海峡和新加坡。

    Penang was one of the three Straits Settlements under British rule along with Malacca and Singapore .

  18. 马六甲海峡是世界上最危险和最重要的战略要冲之一。

    The Strait of Malacca is one of the worlds hottest and most crucial strategic choke points .

  19. 这些袭击事件仍然经常发生今天在马六甲海峡和南方的中国海。

    These attacks are still a regular occurrence today in the Malacca Straits and the South China Sea .

  20. 马六甲海峡问题的最新发展及对南海问题的启示

    The Latest Development on the Issue of the Malacca Strait and the Inspiration on South China Sea Issue

  21. 美驻伊军方发言人没有就此立刻回应。美军欲进驻马六甲海峡的意图及影响

    Analyses on the Intention , Influence of the US Military Forces Wanting to Enter and Station in Strait of Malacca

  22. 马来西亚军方称,失联马航飞机在周六消失前改变了航线并飞向马六甲海峡。

    The Malaysian military says the missing airliner changed course and made it to the Malacca Straight before it disappeared Saturday .

  23. 目前,中国80%的石油进口、30%的铁矿石进口都需要经过马六甲海峡。

    Up to80 % of China 's oil imports and30 % of its iron ore imports pass through the Strait of Malacca .

  24. 索马里海岸线附近以及马六甲海峡的大多数海盗袭击都与劫持油轮、索要赎金有关。

    Most of the pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia or in the Malacca Strait involve oil tankers that are ransomed .

  25. 对于中国而言,广大的南海地区以及马六甲海峡附近海域所存在的海盗给我国带来的影响也不容小视。

    For China , the pirates of the south China sea area and the strait of Malacca waters around also brings bad impact .

  26. 在新加坡海油井附近的马六甲海峡两艘大油轮相撞后着火。

    Two huge oil ships are reported on fire after crash into each other in the Strait of Malacca near the coast of Singapore .

  27. 然而,近年来恐怖主义、海盗袭击等突发事件频频发生,马六甲海峡的安全状况受到严重的威胁。

    However , terrorism , pirate attacks and other emergencies which occur frequently in the strait in recent years , threaten the security of it .

  28. 欧洲商人,特别是葡萄牙和英国的商人跋山涉水,经过马六甲海峡、南中国海,到达广州进行贸易。

    European merchants coming northwards via the Straits of Malacca and the South China Sea , particularly the Portuguese and British , traded extensively through Guangzhou .

  29. 越南周三暂停了空中搜索活动,因为此前马来西亚有报道称,马来西亚有关部门追踪到客机消失前曾出现在马六甲海峡。

    Vietnam on Wednesday suspended search flights due to reports from Malaysia that authorities there had tracked the plane to the Strait of Malacca before it disappeared .

  30. 搜索和救援队目前已经将搜索范围扩大到飞行道以外位于马六甲海峡的西海岸。

    The search and rescue teams ( SAR ) have expanded the scope beyond the flight path to the West Peninsular of Malaysia at the Straits of Malacca .