
diào yú dǎo
  • Diaoyu Islands
钓鱼岛[diào yú dǎo]
  1. 自上月日本宣布“购买”钓鱼岛事件后,导致中日关系紧张,数家中国大型银行决定不出席IMF年会。

    The banks'decision was made after bilateral relations between China and Japan became strained , after the Japanese government announced its decision to " purchase " the Diaoyu Islands last month .

  2. 南海北部陆架区海域科鱼类的分布中日钓鱼岛争端与东海大陆架划界

    Sion-Japan Diaoyu Islands Dispute and the Delimitation of East China Sea Continental Shelf

  3. 第二,钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿是中国固有领土。

    Second , the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands are China 's inherent territory .

  4. 中方在钓鱼岛海域巡航执法是行使本国固有权利。

    China 's patrol and law enforcement in waters off the Diaoyu Island is an exercise of its inherent rights .

  5. 中国声称拥有东中国海(EastChinaSea,中国称东海)钓鱼岛主权。该岛为日本所控,在日本叫尖阁列岛(Senkaku)。

    China holds claim to the Japanese-controlled Senkaku islands in the East China Sea , known in Chinese as the Diaoyu .

  6. 中日武装冲突很可能会把美国“拉下水”,因为美国已明确表示,钓鱼岛是《美日安保条约》(us-japansecuritytreaty)的适用对象。

    Any such clash would probably draw in the US , which has made it clear that the islands are covered by the US-Japan security treaty .

  7. 国家海洋局声明了钓鱼岛详细精确的经纬度以及它的70个附属岛屿,同时发布了位置地图,3D效果图以及钓鱼岛的草绘地图。

    The SOA announcement details the exact longitude and latitude of the Diaoyu Island and 70 of its affiliated islets while publishing location maps , 3D effect graphs and sketch maps for the Diaoyu Islands .

  8. 中国昨天派遣两艘海监船驶近日本控制、但存在争议的尖阁诸岛(SenkakuIslands,中国称“钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿”)。

    China sent two maritime surveillance vessels close to the Japanese-controlled disputed Senkaku islands yesterday , writes Kathrin Hille .

  9. 日本财务大臣安住淳(junazumi)也呼吁冷静处理争端,并强调称,围绕钓鱼岛的紧张局势不应让经济合作脱轨。

    Finance minister Jun Azumi also called for calm in dealing with the dispute and stressed that tensions over the islands should not derail economic co-operation .

  10. 在日本从1895年起管辖的东海尖阁诸岛(Senkakuislands)——中国称为“钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿”——问题上,中日两国在近几个月里多次发生争执。

    Beijing and Tokyo have clashed repeatedly in recent months over the Senkaku islands - which China calls the Diaoyu - in the East China Sea which Japan has administered since 1895 .

  11. 二者都有望在几年后服役,这可能会让日本的防卫——比如对有争议的尖阁诸岛(SenkakuIslands,中国称钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿)的防卫——处于极大的劣势。

    Both are expected to enter service in coming years , raising the prospect that Japan 's defences - over the disputed Senkaku or Diaoyu islands , for example - will be outclassed .

  12. 日本海上保安厅元旦在有争议的尖阁诸岛(SenkakuIslands,中国称这些岛屿为钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿)附近海域救起了一名落水的中国热气球驾驶者。此人曾试图降落到其中的一个岛屿,但没有成功。

    Japan 's coast guard plucked a stranded Chinese balloonist out of the sea near the disputed Senkaku Islands on New Year 's day after the man tried and failed to land on one of the islands .

  13. 紧张局势升级成为了2010年的一个特征,中国对日本称尖阁列岛(senkaku)中国称钓鱼岛的争议岛屿采取的攻击性举动令日本十分惊讶。

    As heightened tension became a feature of 2010 , Japan was taken aback by what it felt was aggressive Chinese action over islands known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China .

  14. 划设防空识别区可能加剧中日之间围绕东海这个群岛本已十分紧张的争端。该群岛在日本被称为尖阁诸岛(Senkaku),在中国被称为钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿。

    The announcement of the new air zone could aggravate the already tense dispute with Japan over the islands in the East China Sea , known as the Senkaku in Japan and the Diaoyu in China .

  15. 8月15日,中国活动人士登上日中争议岛屿。这些岛屿在日本被称作尖阁列岛(Senkaku),在中国被称作钓鱼岛。几天后,一组日本民族主义者以同样的方式登岛。

    The Aug. 15 landing of Chinese activists on one of the contested islands-called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in Chinese-was countered by a similar landing by a group of Japanese nationalists a few days later .

  16. 香港活动人士在其中一个岛屿上的“探险活动”仅持续了不到半小时,他们就被日本警方逮捕了。上述争议岛屿日本称为“尖阁列岛”(Senkaku),中国称为“钓鱼岛”。

    The activists ' island adventure on one of the disputed islets , known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China , lasted less than half an hour before they were arrested by Japanese police .

  17. 周二上午,我国外交部副部长张志军与ChikaoKawai就两国双边关系,特别是双方因钓鱼岛事件导致的紧张关系进行了磋商。

    On Tuesday morning , China 's Vice Foreign Minister , Zhang Zhijun , held a consultation with him on bilateral relations , with particular focus on the tensions over the Diaoyu Islands .

  18. 这也是当时为什么中国会用到钓鱼岛列岛的原因。

    That is what the Chinese were doing among the Diaoyus .

  19. 二战后钓鱼岛归还中国

    Diaoyu Dao was returned to China after the Second World War

  20. 美国非法将钓鱼岛纳入托管范围

    The United States illegally included Diaoyu Dao under its trusteeship

  21. 四、日本主张钓鱼岛主权毫无依据

    IV. Japan 's Claim of Sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao is Totally Unfounded

  22. 与此同时,中国媒体继续呼吁在钓鱼岛问题上同仇敌忾。

    Chinese media meanwhile kept up calls for solidarity over the Senkaku .

  23. 日本决定“国有化”钓鱼岛是的荒谬可笑的。

    Japan 's decision to " nationalize " the islands is ridiculous .

  24. 钓鱼岛是神圣的不可侵犯的中国领土。

    Diaoyu Island is China 's sacred and inviolable territory .

  25. 东海水螅水母类生态研究钓鱼岛周围海域的水螅水母类

    Ecological study on Hydromedusae in the East China Sea

  26. 评论中指出,日本右翼势力试图在钓鱼岛问题上兴风作浪由来已久。

    It says Japanese right-wing forces have long caused trouble on the Diaoyu Islands

  27. 中国政府在周二时候发布钓鱼岛白皮书。

    The Chinese government has issued a white paper on Diaoyu Islands Tuesday .

  28. (一)中国最先发现、命名和利用钓鱼岛

    1 . Diaoyu Dao was first discovered , named and exploited by China

  29. 日本染指我钓鱼岛问题;

    Japan has finger in my Diaoyu Island question ;

  30. 万物有其位,钓鱼岛也有其位。

    Everything had its place-including the Diaoyu Islands .