
diào gān
  • fishing rod;fishing pole;angling rod;casting rod
钓竿 [diào gān]
  • [fishing rod] 一根逐渐变细的细长杆,尖端系线用来钓鱼

钓竿[diào gān]
  1. 我们用树枝做钓竿。

    We used a branch as a fishing pole .

  2. 他一手拿着钓竿,另一手抬起来指了一指。

    He raised his finger to point , holding the fishing pole in his other hand .

  3. 所以,不用点击链接,Web应用程序可通过简单的HTTP调用获得关于鱼饵、绕线轮、钓竿等的信息。

    So , instead of clicking around , the Web application obtains information about lures , reels , rods , and so forth with a simple HTTP invocation .

  4. 不过,当来到船上,看到那些高低不平的气垫,那些船尾的钓竿拖曳线,以及那些固定在甲板上的旋转斗鱼椅时,就会发现这和Orca号一样。

    But when you climbed on board , mentally noting the lumpy cushions , the rods trailing wires at the stern and the swivel fish-fighting chair bolted to the deck , you knew you were in the same place .

  5. 我等了又等,但是我的钓竿依然没有动静。

    I waited and waited but my fishing rod stood still .

  6. 戴维和安德鲁都手持钓竿坐在钓鱼用的椅子里。

    David and Andrew sat in the two fishing chairs holding rods .

  7. 伍尔夫装好拟饵钓竿,开始在瀑布下垂钓。

    Wulff assembled his fly rod and started fishing below the falls .

  8. 296.苏打使女神在钓竿旁打盹。

    296 . The soda made the goddess nod by the fishing rod .

  9. 我以前从没用过这种高级滑轮钓竿。

    I never used one ofthese fancy reels before .

  10. 435.靠在湖边的加长长钓竿属于我。

    435 . The lengthened long fishing rod alongside the lake belongs to me .

  11. 这钓竿可叠缩进竿柄。

    The fishing rod telescopes into its handle .

  12. 他动手把他的钓竿装配好。

    He started to put his rod together .

  13. 少用根钓竿就省了力气,还多了根备用的钓竿。

    Spare the rod and have a spare rod , as well as more energy .

  14. 这一治疗钓竿是否能提供用户以刺激穴位。

    This curative fishing rod is capable of providing the user with an acupressure stimulator .

  15. 以下列表是钓竿强度,钓线强度及假饵重量大概的级别。

    The fishing rod power categories correspond roughly to the information in the chart below .

  16. 当我们去钓鱼时,布赖恩将会把他其中一枝钓竿借给我。

    Brian is going to lend me one of his fishing rod when we go fishing .

  17. 好,现在把钓竿柄插到钓竿座里去。坚硬竹竿内的柔软竹衣

    Now get the butt into your butt rest . The soft pulp inside the hard stems

  18. 一个非常简单的方法就是用木制钓竿钓鱼。有些冰钓的钓客比较喜欢用古时候的方法。

    One of the simplest is cane-pole fishing . Some ice fishermen prefer the old ways .

  19. 勺子有卷轴的钓竿

    A fishing pole with reel

  20. 错了,他如果只要钓竿,那他一条鱼也吃不到。

    Wrong , as long as the rod , that if he is not to eat fish .

  21. 就在这时,他凝视着钓索,看见其中有一根挑出在水面上的绿色钓竿猛地往水中一沉。

    Just then , watching his lines , he saw one of the projecting green sticks dip sharply .

  22. 指的是可以伸缩的飞钓竿?那说的是方法还是装备呢?

    Tenkara is perfect for those in search of a pure , effective and simpler method of fly-fishing .

  23. 钓竿是:一端有钩子、另一端有傻子的竹竿。

    A fishing rod is a stick with a hook at one end and a fool at the other .

  24. 现在有很多好的钓具:线轴、纤维玻璃钓竿等。

    Nowadays there 's a lot of good fishing gear available : reels , fiber glass rods and so on .

  25. 人家给我们的钓竿上装有三个分叉的钓钩,有一回,我一次就钓上来三尾鱼。

    We were given rods with three separate hooks , and once I caught three fish at the same time .

  26. 最准确额定钓竿的“强度”必须配合钓线与假饵的评级。

    The best way to determine the " power " of a rod is to check its line and lure ratings .

  27. 钓竿捕鱼时用的带有线的木杆、钢杆或纤维玻璃杆前钢索不确保连到拉杆

    A rod of wood , steel , or fiberglass used with a line for catching fish . Front cable not secured to lever

  28. 此列表为选择最适当的钓竿性能,技术与指定假饵的配搭之基本指南。

    This table reflects a general guideline of what " might " be the best rod characteristics for specific lure categories or techniques .

  29. 钓竿动态的功能延自三个主要因素,竿身材料,竿身锥度和厚度。

    A fishing rod 's action is a function of three primary factors , blank material , taper and thickness of the blank .

  30. 他们用传统的方法在海上捕捞。这意味着他们不使用包括钓竿、面具、潜水装置等一切现代捕鱼工具。

    They gather resources from the sea using traditional methods , which means no modern fishing poles , masks , or diving gear .