
  1. 紧急求助电话的平均回应时间是9分钟。

    The average response time to emergency calls was 9 minutes .

  2. IBMSupport接到的许多求助电话都是由于已经在某个IBM修复程序包中解决的问题而发生的。

    Many calls to IBM Support occur because of problems that have already been fixed in an IBM fix pack .

  3. 日后建成的所有快速公路,均会装设意外求助电话。

    All future expressways will be equipped with emergency telephones .

  4. 通过提高技术使用说明,协助帮助中心减少了12%的求助电话。

    Helped reduce help center call volume by12 % through improved technical instructions .

  5. 两年来,该热线共接到2万多人的求助电话,其中近一半是学生。

    The hotline has since helped more than 20000 people , nearly half of them students .

  6. 西班牙一慈善机构最近发明了一张独特的海报,只有孩子才能看到海报上公布的虐童事件求助电话。

    A Spanish charity has revealed a unique poster that only reveals an anti-abuse helpline to children .

  7. 另一个猎人赶紧拿出手机拨通紧急求助电话。

    The other hunter soon took out his mobile phone to call the emergency center for help .

  8. 你接到用户求助电话,说他的用户配置文件运行不正确。

    You receive a Help call from a user who states that his user profile is not working correctly .

  9. 新产品的使用往往会接到大量的求助电话。一些新推出的产品同样会经历发布初始的困难时期。

    Getting gadgets to communicate with each other was the subject of a large number of requests for help .

  10. 而一个拒绝接听求助电话的中国则会把欧洲推向深渊。

    And a China that refuses to take the phone call at all could well push Europe off the cliff .

  11. 警长阿德里安·加西亚描述了911求助电话的情况,今天上午,当局已派了多名执法人员赶到这所位于休斯敦的学校。

    Sheriff Adrian Garcia recounts the 911 call that sent various law enforcement officials racing to the Houston area school this morning .

  12. 当孩子(或不到1.35米高的任何人)看到海报,他们就能看到完整信息和求助电话。

    When a child ( or anyone under 1.35m tall ) views the poster , they see the full message and helpline number .

  13. 紧急求助电话是大商场的主要安全措施,消费者只需拿起电话即可求助。

    Emergency call boxes are a mainstay in shopping center security , allowing shoppers to request help by simply picking up the receiver .

  14. 在南非,一场关于艾滋病短信的活动导致国家艾滋病求助电话不断增加。

    In South Africa , a campaign of text messages about H.I.V.led to a large increase in calls to the national AIDS helpline .

  15. 同时,毕节还将设立标有求助电话的公告牌及指示标志,并加强巡查力度,尽快发现并救助流浪人群。

    Billboards and guidance signs with helplines will also be set up , while patrol officers will step up efforts to find them .

  16. 现在,他们不得不停止在线工作,查询求助电话号码,然后拨打电话。

    Right now , they 'd have to stop working online , look up the number to call for assistance , and then place the call .

  17. 我们给一家电脑店打了个求助电话,他们的回答是:“买一台新的吧,不用这么麻烦了。”

    We phoned a computer shop for a bit of advice , their answer was ," Just buy a new computer as it would be easier . "

  18. 该机构称,今年10月至11月,他们共接到7500多个求助电话,而去年同期则约为5000个。

    Relate said it had received more than 7500 calls in October to November this year , compared with about 5000 in the same period of 2007 .

  19. 一问帮忙的服务员,才知打求助电话的人并不是我一个。

    And it turned out that I wasn 't the only one to call for guidance , according to the waitress who saved me out of the trouble .

  20. 根据美国毒物控制中心协会的数据,有关“浴盐”的咨询求助电话已由2010年的304个上升至2011年的6138个。

    The number of calls to poison centers concerning " bath salts " rose 6138 in 2011 from 304 in 2010 , according to the American Association of Poison Control Centers .

  21. 该机构的考虑是:如果大人孩子都能看到海报上的求助电话,施暴者就可能威胁孩子打消寻求外界救助的念头。

    The foundation was concerned that if a poster containing a phone number that both adult and child could see , the adult may possibly say things to dissuade the child from considering seeking help .

  22. 要记住,我们说的是一个解雇率失业率非常高的州,他们解雇教师和警察,提高学费,向一些紧急求助电话收费。

    Keep in mind , we 're talking about a state where the pink slip has become the state flower , where they are laying off teachers and cops , raising tuition and charging people for some emergency calls .

  23. 由于非常担心这个受伤的骑摩托车的男人,吉米的心一直怦怦地狂跳不已。他驱车赶到最近的居民点,请求那里的住户拨打求助电话911报告这起交通肇事逃逸案,并描述了肇事卡车的具体特征。

    Heart pounding with fear for the injured motorcyclist , Jimmy raced to the nearest house , and asked the person who lived there to call 911 to report that there had been a hit-and-run , and give a description of the truck .

  24. 根据密西西比州卫生部8月20日发布的警告,最近该州中毒控制中心接到的求助电话中有70%与服用了在家畜补给中心购买的家畜或动物用伊维菌素有关。

    According to an alert issued by the Mississippi Department of Health on Friday , 70 percent of all recent calls to poison control in the state " have been related to ingestion of livestock or animal formulations of ivermectin purchased at livestock supply centers . " Although most callers ( 85 percent ) only reported mild symptoms ,

  25. 1996年7月,美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)发布了E-911条例,要求移动通信运营商在求助者使用移动电话拨打紧急求助电话时,能够对其迅速定位。

    In July 1996 US Federal Communication Commission ( FCC ) issued the E-911 mandate stating that all wireless carriers must provide the fast location of an emergency caller to the appropriate public safety answering point .