
  • 网络Jump forward;Spring forward;bounce along
  1. 连续的移动,过渡或发展;跳跃前进。

    Discontinuous movement , transition , or development ; advancement by leaps .

  2. 比赛者的脚套在麻袋中跳跃前进的趣味比赛。

    A novelty race in which competitors jump ahead with their feet confined in a sack .

  3. 已经进入到生命周期的批准阶段的建议也可能被取消,原因可能是基于环境中的一个变化,或者另一个建议可能在生命周期中跳跃前进。

    Proposals that advanced far into the approval phase of the lifecycle may be cancelled based upon a change in the environment , or another proposal may suddenly leap ahead in the lifecycle .

  4. 现在让我们跳跃前进,更进一步地研究这个话题:宇航员在长期的太空旅行,换句话说,环游火星时可能要面临的问题?

    Now let 's leap ahead , and much farther afield . What kinds of issues might a crew of astronauts face on a longer journey - say , a round-trip to Mars ?

  5. 象灵长类似的跳跃着前进。

    Leap around playfully , like young primates .

  6. 他们的作品穿梭在虚与实之间,在艺术的真实与生活的真实之间跳跃着、前进着。

    Their works shuttling between " virtual " and " real ", between the truth of art and real life , leaping forward .