
  1. 两个人便走上窄小的圆拱桥,到了对岸。那只船便穿过圆拱桥慢慢地向前驶去。

    The boat then passed under the hump-backed bridge and approached the near bank .

  2. 纵斜机板的位置如果与船身平行,船便在水平面上行驶,

    If these fins stay parallel with the boat , the latter moves horizontally .

  3. 此后,船便一直向西行驶,驶进太平洋的中部海中。

    These bearings determined , the frigate took a more decisive westward heading and tackled the seas of the central Pacific .

  4. 那只船便穿过圆拱桥慢慢地向前驶去。那艘船行驶得很慢。我靠过去行驶在它的旁边。

    The boat then passed under the hump-backed bridge and approached the near bank . The ship was moving very slowly , and I sailed my boat alongside it .

  5. 一旦一条绳索没有绑紧,船便会变得难以控制,随风行驶,或者飘摇不定。

    If one of your sheets isn 't properly tied down , the ship would become difficult to control and would be " to the wind , " or moving erratically .

  6. 虽然外星人很友善,但温蒂和艾伦还是想回家,于是太空船便带他们回到他们自己的房子。

    Although the aliens were friendly , Wendy and Allan wanted to go home . So , the spaceship took them back to their house . Wendy and Allan took them back to their house .

  7. 海事局局长大连市副市长何建中说:一收到报告,大连市北海第一空中营救大队的一架直升机和北海救援局的救援船便赶到出事地点。

    A helicopter from the Beihai No.1 Air Rescue Squad in Dalian and rescue vessels from the Beihai Rescue Bureau were at the site immediately after the report , said He , also vice mayor of Dalian .

  8. 阅读格兰特在申请过程中所写的那些充满激情的文章,就像在读泰坦尼克号船长爱德华o史密斯的日记。前面还在感情饱满地描绘美好的天气和平稳的航行,突然船便撞上了冰山。

    Going over Grant 's enthusiastic posts written during his application process is like reading a diary entry by Edward Smith , captain of the Titanic , rhapsodizing over the lovely weather and smooth sailing that came before the unfortunate incident with the iceberg .

  9. 煤火添起来了,机轮更急地搅动水波,大船沿长岛低低的黄色海岸行驶,在晚间八点的时候,西北方不见了火岛的灯光,船便开足马力,在大西洋黑沉沉的波涛上奔驰了。

    The furnaces were stoked ; the propeller churned the waves more swiftly ; the frigate skirted the flat , yellow coast of Long Island ; and at eight o'clock in the evening , after the lights of Fire Island had vanished into the northwest , we ran at full steam onto the dark waters of the Atlantic .

  10. 他们回头看了看船,便拔腿跑了起来。

    They looked back towards the boat , and then they began to run .

  11. 百夫长在那里找到一只由亚历山大里亚来,要开往意大利的船,便叫我们上了那船。

    And there the centurion finding a ship of Alexandria sailing into Italy , removed us into it .

  12. 他得悉布莱克希尔湾出现了一只海盗船,便到我们这边来搜捕海盗。

    He had head reports of a pirate ship in Black Hill Cove and had come looking for the pirates .

  13. 我环顾四周,只看见沙滩上的一艘旧船,便高兴地问道:那个&那个就是你兄弟的家?

    I looked all round , but could only see an old ship on the sand . ' Is that & that your brother 's house ?' I asked in delight .

  14. 在信息化的大趋势下,江河上的大小船只,需要一种既能保障船舶安全航行,又能满足更多精细化服务的信息系统,船联网便应运而生。

    Under the trend of informatization , all kinds of ships on rivers need a information system , which can not only ensure the safety of the navigation , but also meet more refinement services .

  15. 良久,他们才抵达一个地下港。在那里,他们下了船,便沿着满是岩石和鹅卵石的山路向上攀爬。

    They were carried along a dark tunnel , which seemed to be taking them right underneath the castle , until they reached a kind of underground harbor , where they clambered out onto rocks and pebbles .

  16. 我环顾四周,只看见沙滩上的一艘旧船,便高兴地问道:“那个——那个就是你兄弟的家?”我们走到近处一看,船上有门,有窗,有烟囱,俨然是一所名符其实的住房。

    I looked all round , but could only see an old ship on the sand . " Is that - that your brother 's house ? " I asked in delight . And when we reached it , I saw it had doors and windows and a chimney , just like a real house .

  17. 我走出船去,便听见洪说:“香港的夜很美,你不可不看。”

    As soon as I walked out , I heard Hong saying : " it is a beautiful treat when Hong Kong at night , you cannot miss it . "

  18. 他上了船后,船便驶往勒格翁去了。

    He went on board and the ship sailed for Leghorn .

  19. 船徐徐停住,便有许多人上岸去。

    Slowly the ship moored , and people began to disembark .

  20. 所以,当我看到你们的船时,我便挟着一块我们的破船板,企图游过来。

    So , when I saw your ship , I came on a broken piece of our boat to try to reach you .

  21. 他们在等待天气变化,届时一艘破冰船搭载的直升飞机便可以开始转移被困船只上的人员。

    They are waiting for a break in the weather so a helicopter from one of the icebreakers can start ferrying people of the ship .

  22. 本周早些时候,这艘游轮从迈阿密驶抵了里约热内卢,开启了其为期40天的私人包船服务,随后便有关于这艘“浮动酒店”的新闻传出。

    News of the ' floating hotel ' was announced after the ship sailed from Miami to Rio de Janeiro to begin its 40-night private charter earlier this week .

  23. 原来里面有各式各样的恐龙,利用高科技制成,当我们的船靠近时,便会发出各种叫声。

    Have various dinosaurs originally and inside , make use of the high technology to make into , be When our ship close to , will send out various interjection then .