
  • 网络shipyard
  1. 宋代官营船场的建立受自然条件以及政治、经济、军事等因素的影响,形成官营船场北少南多的分布格局。

    The establishment of government-running shipyards in the Song Dynasty under the political , economic and military influences caused the unbalanced distribution between the northern and southern areas .

  2. 两国总理还同意明年著手建立一个海上联合捕鱼区,并由韩国在北韩修建造船场、公路和铁路。

    They also agreed to move next year to establish a joint fishing zone and for the South to build shipyards and repair a major highway and railroad in the North .

  3. 薄膜式LNG运输船温度场研究

    Study on temperature field for membrane type LNG carriers

  4. 通过对LNG运输船温度场的分析,为我国独立研制或改进LNG船液货舱热维护系统打下了良好的基础。

    By analyzing LNG ship 's temperature field , it will lay a good foundation for our country to develop and improve LNG ship 's heat maintenance system independently .

  5. 一种气垫船远场波形理论计算方法

    Theoretical Calculation of Wave Profile in Far Field of Surface Effect Ship

  6. 双壳化学品船温度场及其热应力分析

    Analysis of temperature field and its thermal stresses for double chemical tanker

  7. 亚伯拉罕的军队在太空船发射降落场的通路前进。

    Abraham blocks the advance at the gateway to the Spaceport .

  8. 尼格尔和尼奴塔毁灭了太空船发射降落场和周游的迦南城市。

    Nergal and Ninurta destroy the spaceport and the errant Canaanite cities .

  9. 高海况实船微弱水压场信号测量技术研究

    Entity Ship Hydraulic Pressure Field Acquiring on High Sea State

  10. 这条船沉没是场灾难。

    The loss of the ship was a disaster .

  11. 你可以看见船在停车场。

    As you can see , the boat 's on the parking lot .

  12. 正当拿布集合他的迦南追随者去捕获太空船发射降落场,伟大的安奴那其批准使用核武器。

    As Nabu marshals his Canaanite followers to capture the Spaceport , the Great Anunnaki approve of the use of nuclear weapons .

  13. 小舢舨船是海上养鱼场的鱼农用来载送往返鱼排的工具。

    The small speed boats are used to travel to and fro the floating fish farms .

  14. 大气温度对沥青船温度应力场分布的影响研究

    A research on the effect of Atmospheric temperature to that of Stress field distribution of asphalt carrier

  15. 4月15日抵达遇难地点后,人们将在船上举办一场追悼会,纪念海难百年。

    There , on April 15 , a memorial service will be held on board to mark the centenary of the disaster .

  16. 而那些得过且过,没有一点压力,做一天和尚撞一天钟的人,像风暴中没有载货的船,往往一场人生的狂风巨浪便会把他们打翻。

    However , those who muddle along and do not have the least pressure will be tipped over by the storms in life just like a ship without any cargo in the stormy weather at sea .

  17. 还得到了船行波的速度场,速度在跨过临界边时连续变化,在临界边的外侧,色散关系虽然没有实数解,因而没有波动,但是仍存在扰动。

    The velocity fields are also obtained . The velocity changes continuously on the critical lines . At the outside of the critical lines , the dispersive relation has no real solution , but the disturbances still exist . 2 .

  18. 那艘旧船要开往破船场。

    The old ship is going to the breaker 's yard .