
chuán bó dài lǐ
  • marine agency;shipping agency
  1. 船舶代理业务是天津航运业的重要组成部分。

    Shipping Agency Tianjin shipping business is an important part .

  2. 实现天津船舶代理企业竞争力提高,实现可持续发展。

    Tianjin shipping agency business to achieve improved competitiveness and achieve sustainable development .

  3. 我国加入WTO后,船舶代理业受到巨大冲击。

    After our country joined in the WTO , ship agent industry underwent tremendous shock .

  4. 船公司、船舶代理、港口等许多部门或组织对船舶AIS信息有着非常迫切的需求。

    Many departments and organizations have a thirsty requirement of AIS information .

  5. 电子商务趋势下WD公司集装箱船舶代理业务流程再造的研究

    Study of WD Co. Container Shipping Agency Business Process Reengineering in E-business Trend

  6. 总部位于伦敦的船舶代理公司Clarkson的董事HenriettevanNiekerk不赞同Su对干散货运定价体制的分析。他补充道,过去一年的价格波动,很大程度上是由于之前5年干散货船的匮乏。

    Henriette van Niekerk , a director of London-based Clarkson shipbrokers , disagreed with Mr Su 's analysis of the dry bulk pricing mechanism , adding that the volatility over the past year was due in large part to a shortage of dry bulk vessels in the preceding five years .

  7. 船舶代理业务是海上船舶运输的辅助性服务。

    Ship agency is an auxiliary service provided to maritime transport .

  8. 航行国际航线船舶代理费收项目和标准

    Charges and Standard of Agent for Ships Sailing in International Route

  9. 这是去船舶代理公司的路么?

    Is that the right way to the shipping agency ?

  10. 如何正确处理海事监管与船舶代理的关系

    How to correctly deal with the relationship between maritime control and shipping agents

  11. 深圳联合国际船舶代理有限公司。

    Shenzhen United International Shipping Agency Co. , Ltd.

  12. 船舶代理服务产品的好坏对于从事船舶代理的企业来说就显得至关重要。

    It 's vital to ship agents whether their service products are appropriate or not .

  13. 船舶代理交付货物风险

    The cargo risks delivered by ship agents

  14. 天津市的船舶代理企业如雨后春笋般纷纷建立,市场竞争日趋激烈。

    A lot of agency companies have been established in Tianjin and made market competition increasingly fierce .

  15. 是交通部批准注册的国际公共船舶代理公司。

    The company is one of the common agencies in Qingdao approved by The Ministry of Communication .

  16. 我国国际航运行政管理体系结构研究航行国际航线船舶代理费收项目和标准

    System Structure of Chinese International Shipping Administration Charges and Standard of Agent for Ships Sailing in International Route

  17. 随着船舶代理市场的开放,S公司面临的来自顾客、竞争和变化三种力量的挑战更加严峻。

    With the opening of shipping agency market , customers needs , competition and change have become more challenging .

  18. 针对船舶代理行业这一航运业的一个特殊分支,提出了基于市场营销理念下的船舶代理营销策略。

    Ship agency is a special branch of shipping industry , so the products it provides are also service products .

  19. 船舶代理业是我国航运业的一个重要领域,伴随着我国海运事业的发展不断而壮大。

    Ship agent industry is an important domain . It is increasingly strengthening along with the development of the ocean shipping .

  20. 本文首先阐述了船舶代理业务的基本理论及相关知识,为文章的主要研究工作做了成分的理论铺垫。

    Firstly , it expounds the basic theory of shipping agency , this part is the academic basis of the article 's major idea .

  21. 厦门外轮代理有限公司地处厦门港,是东南沿海最早、最大的国际船舶代理公司。

    China Ocean Shipping Agency Xiamen locating in Xiamen harbor , is the earliest and largest foreign shipping agency in the southeast coastal area of China .

  22. 船上物料及燃油供应、担保争议,船舶代理、船员劳务、港口作业所发生的争议;

    Disputes arising from supply or security of ship 's stores or fuel , ship 's agency , seamen 's labor service or port 's handling ;

  23. 文章主要从船舶代理的基本概念、内涵、发展历史等方面阐述了船舶代理知识,并着重介绍了班轮代理业务。

    The article mainly states the basic concepts , connotation , the development history and other aspects of shipping agency knowledge , emphatically the liner agency business .

  24. 大连榕和国际船舶代理有限公司是经中国交通部批准的国际船舶代理公司,主要是在中国大连口岸从事国际船舶代理业务。

    Harmony International Shipping Agency Co. , Limited has been approved by China Transport Bureau and is specialized in international shipping agent business from Dalian Port , China .

  25. 船舶代理企业是船舶代理市场的竞争主体,船舶代理企业竞争力的强弱直接关系到一个国家或地区船舶代理业的兴衰。

    Ship transport ship agency business is the main competition agency , shipping agency competitive strength is directly related to a country or shipping agency industry rise and fall .

  26. 当前船舶代理市场中各船代企业的竞争越来越激烈,如果要在船舶代理的市场上维持企业生存,获得可持续发展,船舶代理企业提高企业的竞争力。

    Current shipping agency market , increasing competition , to gain a firm foothold on the ship agent to obtain sustainable development , shipping agency business must have a super-competitive .

  27. 主要经营:海运、空运进出口货物的运输代理,国际集装箱场站综合物流业务,国际海铁多式联运以及船舶代理业务等。

    Main business : shipping , air freight cargo freight forwarders , container station international integrated logistics services , international sea and rail intermodal shipping agency business and so on .

  28. 然后系统的阐述船舶代理和现代物流相关的概念,为下文分析船舶代理业向现代物流发展做基础。

    Then the related concepts of ship agencies and modern logistics are explained systematically , which lay a foundation for the following analysis of the development of shipping agencies to the modern logistics .

  29. 华联通物流公司,主要经营海运、空运、陆运、国际船舶代理、仓储、报关、保险、国际搬运等一站式综合物流业务。

    H & T company , the main business sea , air , inland transportation , international ship agency , warehousing , customs clearance , insurance , international handling the one-stop integrated logistics business .

  30. 最后为满足新时期船舶代理行业的发展需要,本文还就企业创新问题进行研究,其中包括技术创新、组织创新和管理创新。

    Last but not least , aiming at meeting the requirement of the shipping agency industry in new era , the paper also throws a light on innovation in technology , organization as well as management .