
  1. 本文基于Logistic回归分析建立起个人信用风险评价模型,提供了一种有效的信用审核风险评价方法,在对美国的经验借鉴与实证基础上,提出合理与具有针对性的建议。

    The paper builds a Logistic regression model to provide an efficient method of credit risk assessment audits .

  2. 突发公共事件应急机制:美国的经验及其启示

    Emergency Management : American 's Experience and Its Inspiration to China

  3. 面向多元文化教育的教师&美国的经验及其启示

    Teachers Facing Multicultural Education & Experience of America and its Inspiration

  4. 医学研究者的经济利益冲突对临床试验的影响&美国的经验与启示

    Investigators ' Financial Conflict of Interest May Influent Clinical Trail

  5. 美国的经验值得我国参考和借鉴。

    The experience of the United States deserves our reference .

  6. 从美国的经验看,对太阳能产品加征关税只是制造了一个烂摊子。

    The US experience with solar tariffs has simply created a mess .

  7. 我国高校会计改革的思考:来自美国的经验

    The reform of Chinese university accounting : the experience of coming form America

  8. 教育问责制:美国的经验及启示

    Accountability in Education : American Experience and Its Inspiration

  9. 资产负债观与收入费用观比较研究:美国的经验与启示

    Comparative Study on the Asset - Liability View and Revenue - Expense View

  10. 证券投资基金关联交易的法律规制&美国的经验及启示

    Rules on Related Party Transaction of Securities Investment Funds

  11. 本土法与外来法:美国的经验

    Native Law and Reception Law : American Experience

  12. 我们有必要借鉴有200年证券市场演化历程的美国的经验而完善我国的会计规范实施机制,使银广夏事件不再重演。

    We must draw lessons from American experience and perfect our accounting standard system .

  13. 影响我国医药行业创新能力关键因素分析&美国的经验和启示

    Research on the Key Influencing Factors of Innovation Ability of Pharmaceuticals Industry in China

  14. 但仔细考察一下就可以发现,美国的经验没有人们想象的那么简单。

    Look more carefully , however , and the American example is more complicated .

  15. 来自美国的经验,清楚表明了把性别平等问题想当然的风险。

    The risk of taking gender equality for granted is evident from the US experience .

  16. 第三个问题是只关注美国的经验有没有意义?

    The third question is whether it makes sense to focus on us experience alone .

  17. 今后中国应在对预约定价制不断实践探索的基础上,积极借鉴美国的经验,在实践方面,逐步推进预约定价制在中国的运用,鼓励签订双边预约定价协议;

    Based on accumulated APA practice , China should use the US experiences for reference .

  18. 垄断、竞争与市场规制&美国的经验与中国的实践

    Monopolization , Competition and the Market Regulation

  19. 创业投资基金薪酬条款的结构化研究&来自美国的经验与启示

    Research on Venture Capital Funds Compensation Agreement & From the Experience of American Venture Capital Funds

  20. 贸易保护的周期性变化&美国的经验分析及金融危机的影响

    The Periodicity of Protectionism : An Empirical Study on US and the Influences of Financial Crisis

  21. 美国的经验表明,这种情况不仅适用于商业银行,也适用于其他金融机构。

    America has learned , however , that such considerations do not just apply to banks .

  22. 关于招标投标在工程质量管理中的作用的思考&美国的经验与我国的实践

    The Role of Bidding System in Project Quality Administration & A few Thoughts on American Experience

  23. 财政管理透明度的市场实现机制:美国的经验及其启示

    The Study on the Market Mechanism of Fiscal Transparency : American Experience and the Reference to China

  24. 此外,借鉴美国的经验逐步实行教育凭证制度也是一个重要的思路。

    Besides , using the USA as a reference , we can practice the system of Vouchers .

  25. 我国应积极吸纳美国的经验,做好人才资源的开发工作。

    Our country should consult actively the experience of USA , do well the talented people resource development .

  26. 中国企业在实施股票期权过程中,应吸取美国的经验;

    In the process of China 's enterprise implementing stock option , it should absorb the America 's experience .

  27. 美国的经验对我国大学生就业指导工作有一定的启示。

    Learning good experiences from other countries is to some extent helpful for the similar work in our country .

  28. 应对教师质量危机:世纪之初美国的经验及其启示

    Coping with Crisis in Teacher Quality : American Experience and its Enlightenment in the Beginning of the 21st Century

  29. 二板市场与主板市场对经济增长作用的差异&基于美国的经验分析

    Difference of the Influence Imposed on Economic Growth by Second-board and Main-board Market : An Empirical Research on American Market

  30. 从德国和美国的经验看公立高校与教师的法律关系

    Comparative Study on Legal Relations Between Faculty and Public Higher Education Institution & Insight Into Experience in Germany and America