
xún huán xìn dài
  • roll-over credits
  1. 2.上月,Zynga签署了高达10亿美元的循环信贷协议,此前Zynga并未公布该消息。

    Last month Zynga secured up to $ 1 billion in revolving credit facilities , which previously had not been disclosed .

  2. 最有效的方法,以提高您的信用评分在这方面是付出你的循环信贷。

    The most effective way to raise your credit score in this area is by paying down your revolving credit .

  3. 这笔贷款将分为两大块:一笔5亿美元的贷款和一个5亿美元的循环信贷额度。

    The loan will be split evenly into two $ 500m tranches : a term loan and a revolving credit facility .

  4. 循环信贷(一俟偿还部分债款即自动恢复到原定数额)。

    Revolving credit ( credit that is automatically renewed up to a fixed amount , as part of the debt is paid )

  5. 信用卡集循环信贷与支付结算工具于一身,因而是商业银行综合性最强、关系最复杂的业务种类之一。

    Credit card combines revolving line of credit with payment instrument , it is one of the most comprehensive and complex practices in commercial banks .

  6. 当时,该公司报告达成一项新的30亿美元的循环信贷安排,尽管它尚未利用这一资金来源。

    At the time , it reported entering into a new $ 3bn revolving credit facility , although it had not yet tapped the funding line .

  7. 企业家再也不能依靠金融工程使用某种债务来为自己的项目融资,无论这种债务是保理、租约、循环信贷、定期贷款,还是什么诸如此类的东西。

    Entrepreneurs can no longer rely on financial engineering using debt of some description , be it factoring , leasing , revolving credit , term loans or what have you to fund their projects .

  8. 二月份的消费者贷款数额再次上涨,不过数额增长的大部分原因是非循环信贷增长,比如教育和汽车贷款,而不是商店贷款和信用卡债务这样的循环信贷所带来的增长。

    Consumers boosted their borrowing again in February , though much of the rise was due to an increase in non-revolving credits , things like education and auto loans rather than for revolving credit which covers store and credit card debts .

  9. 价值激励下的循环经济信贷供需均衡变迁

    The Equilibrium Transition of Credit Supply and Demand of Recycling Economy under Value Incentives

  10. 中国房地产景气循环与银行信贷风险研究

    A Study of China Real Estate Cycles and Bank Credit Risk

  11. 经济金融发展良性循环的基础:信贷资金合理配置

    Rational Allocation of Credit Funds : the Foundation of the Better Cycle of the Economic and Financial Development