
  1. 货币政策:政府调控经济的重要工具

    One Important Instrument for Government to Control Economy : Monetary Policy

  2. 而利率手段是政府调控经济的重要工具,世界主要经济体都频繁调节利率。

    The interest rate is a kind of important tool to regulate macro-economy for the government .

  3. 为尽可能避免经济运行出现过度波动,财政政策成为各国政府调控经济运行的常用工具。

    Fiscal policies are normal tools used by every country to prevent excess fluctuations in economy 's running .

  4. 运用财政政策推动经济增长,是政府调控经济的一项重要措施。

    To carry out fiscal policies to promote economic growth is an important measure for the government to regulate economy .

  5. 财政作为政府调控经济社会运行的主要杠杆,是政府配置资源的主体。

    Finance , as the main levers of adjusting economy operation , is the main body of government to allocate resources .

  6. 根据该模型,分析了广东省未来的消费水平以及经济发展的走势,对广东未来经济进行预测,为政府调控经济增长提供科学依据。

    Based the proposed model , we predict the future level of consumption and the trend of economic development in Guangdong Province .

  7. 地方政府调控经济手段的行政化倾向强烈;地方政府经济主体地位的稳固与增强,加剧了地区经济发展不平衡状况;

    The local government economic main body status is gradually steady and strengthened , which intensifies the imbalance condition of the local economic development ;

  8. 税收是政府调控经济的重要杠杆,是促进中小企业发展的基本条件和重要因素。

    Revenue is the important lever for the government to regulate economy , and revenue is the basic requirement and principal elements to promote SMEs .

  9. 公共支出作为政府调控经济运行的重要杠杆,其支出规模与结构可以对经济增长产生影响。

    As the important level of government to control the economy , the scale and structure of public expenditure can have the profound influence to the growth of economic .

  10. 税收优惠政策是各国税制中不可或缺的重要组成部分,也是政府调控经济的重要手段。

    The tax preference policy is an important component in the tax system of various countries . It is also an important measure taken by governments to regulate economy .

  11. 众所周知,财政政策是政府调控经济的重要方式,主要是财政收入和财政支出两个方面。

    Even if you have not learned economics , you know fiscal policy is an important economic way of government regulation , including two aspects the financial revenue and expenditure .

  12. 土地不仅是经济建设的重要资源,合理利用土地也是政府调控经济、调整产业结构和发展社会经济的重要手段。

    Land is not only the important resources of economic developments , but also the important instrument of government to accommodate , control , develop economy , to adjust industrial structure .

  13. 而财政政策作为政府调控经济的主要手段,其作用的方式和力度将直接影响到产业结构的优化和升级。

    As one of the major means of government 's regulating the economy , fiscal policy will directly influent the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure in terms of mode and degree .

  14. 另一方面,南通市也面临着主要产业竞争力不强,政府调控经济方式创新力不足,现行体制与市场经济亲和力不够等三大障碍。

    On the other hand , Nantong is confronted with three major obstacles , including the low competitiveness of chief industry , inadequacy in the government 's economic monitoring and lack of harmony between the existent system and market economy .

  15. 日本政府调控市场经济初探

    A Preliminary Probe into Japanese Government 's Regulation of Market Economy

  16. 它既是公共财政的重要组成部分,也是政府调控宏观经济的重要手段。

    It is an important component of the public finance , and a necessary measure for the government to regulate and control the macro-economy .

  17. 税收作为政府宏观调控经济的重要手段,在促进高新技术产业发展中具有重要作用。

    Taxation , as an important means exerted by the government for macro economic control , plays an important role in accelerating development of the high-tech industry .

  18. 从宏观上看,国有控股公司是政府调控国民经济的重要工具和政府有效干预经济的手段。

    From on macroscopic looked that , the state-owned holding company is the government regulates the national economy the important tool and the government effective intervention economy method .

  19. 税收优惠是一国政府调控本国经济发展的一种财政手段,是政府放弃或未征收本应征收的政府税收的补贴形式。

    Preferential tax is an important approach of the government to Regulate operation of the economy , it means the government gives up or not levies the tax that should be collected .

  20. 公共政策扮演着公共利益的调配角色,在政府调控市场经济与管理社会事务过程中发挥着不可替代的作用。

    Public policy plays an irreplaceable part in the process of adjusting control of the market economy and managing the social affairs , as pulic policy taking the rule as distributor of public interests .

  21. 而寿险产品特有的长期性,使保险期间利率会因为政府调控、经济周期等多种宏观经济原因而波动。

    However , since the life insurance is a long-term economic action , the factors of government policy and economic cycles may cause the interest rate to be uncertain during the time of insurance .

  22. 在现代市场经济条件下,国债又是政府宏观调控经济的重要手段,是财政政策和货币政策的最佳结合点。

    Under the modern market economy condition , national debt is the economic important means of government 's macrocontrol , and itis combination of the best of fiscal policy and monetary policy which is joined .

  23. 区域经济发展过程中,政府调控、经济发展、要素流动、环境状况等因素对小城镇建设产生推动作用,在小城镇发展的不同时期各种要素所起的作用也不尽相同。

    In the course of regional development , the governmental regulate and control , economic development , factor flow , environmental conditions and etc. could drive the small town construction and also play a different role for different stages of the small town development .

  24. 政府宏观调控在经济发展中的作用

    The role of government macro-control in the economic development

  25. 资源税费制度是政府调控石油企业经济行为的一项重要政策手段。

    That resource tax system is that the government regulates and controls one major policy means of petroleum enterprise economic behaviors .

  26. 财税政策作为政府进行宏观调控经济的重要工具,是低碳化公路运输过程中的一个主要杠杆,也是全面深化改革的主要对象。

    As a good tool for the nation macroeconomic regulation , Fiscal and tax policy is not only a major lever in the low-carbon road transportation , but also a target of comprehensive deepening reform .

  27. 技术革命、政府宏观调控以及经济全球化等方面影响的两重性,在引起资本主义经济周期新变化的同时,也导致了经济周期理论的进一步发展。

    The influence of technical revolution , government macro-control and economy globalization and so on has dual nature which not only causes new changes of the capitalist business cycle but brings about a further advance in the business cycle .

  28. 资源税作为政府调控矿业企业经济行为的一项重要政策手段,由于在设计上存在诸多不足,已经不能适应当前时代发展的要求。

    Although the current resource tax policy is an important tool for the government to regulate the economic behaviors of mining enterprises , there are still many limitations . Moreover , the policy does not meet the requirements of the present development of the country .

  29. 公债作为政府调控市场、应对经济周期的重要手段,起到了非常重要的作用。

    Bonds , which is regarded as government 's important mechnism to control market and measure the economic cycle , performs an important function .

  30. 这种服务型政府应是宏观调控经济政府,而不是微观指挥经济政府;应是责任政府,而不是权力政府;

    The service-oriented government should be the government in macroeconomic adjustment and control , not the government in microeconomic command , should be the government of responsibility , not the government of power ;