
  1. 付给一定时期内阅读连续发行的报纸或杂志的费用。

    A payment for consecutive issues of a newspaper or magazine for a given period of time .

  2. 一五计划时期,中央政府决定连续发行5期国家经济建设公债,借此来筹措一部分建设资金。

    Central Government issued the economic construction bond successively for five times in order to raise some of construction fund during the first five-year plan .

  3. 特别是1998年实施积极财政政策以来,连续7年发行的9100亿元国债,使我国政府债务规模急剧扩大。

    Especially Since implementing positive fiscal policy in 1998 , 910 billion national debts have been issued continuously in 7 years , which caused the amount of Chinese governmental debts to expand sharply .

  4. 这种方法将禁止评级机构为对一家发行人及其债务工具进行(付费)评级超过3年,或者连续对一家发行人的10种债务工具进行评级。

    This measure would bar a CRA from issuing ( paid-for ) ratings on an issuer or its debt instruments for more than three years , or for more than 10 consecutive debt instruments .