
  • 网络transition economics;transitional economics;Economics of Transition
  1. 中国过渡经济学研究的反思

    Self-examination of Research on Transition Economics in China

  2. 过渡经济学规范性问题的思考

    Some Reflections on the Standardization of Transition Economics

  3. 过渡经济学的基本假设构架

    A Frame Of Fundamental Assumptions of Traditional Economics

  4. 过渡经济学范式述评

    On the Model of Economics of Transition

  5. 其次回顾了制度分析范式在中国经济体制改革中的具体运用,即所谓的过渡经济学;

    Then he takes a retrospect of the application of this diagram in Chinese economic reform , which is called transitional economics .

  6. 第二章介绍社会分工理论、风险理论、过渡经济学理论,从而为全文提供经济理论基础。

    Chapter 2 , an introduction about the theory of social division of labor , the theory of risk , and the Chinese transitional economics .

  7. 接下来,我们以过渡经济学为理论基石构建了过渡会计学的理论体系,明晰了过渡会计学的基本目标和内容体系,并对会计改革的过渡性进行了详细分析。

    Therefore , we constructs the theory of transitional accounting on the basis of transitional economic theory , and put forward the primary objective and system of transitional accounting .

  8. 根据过渡经济学的理论,文章最后对港口国有资产管理体制改革提出了近期和远期两套改革方案。

    According to the theory of transitional economics , it puts forward short-term and long-term reform plans about the state-owned port capital management at the end of the paper .

  9. 但他的过渡经济学观点显得比较极端,如所谓过渡就是从社会主义向资本主义转变的观点、在社会主义与市场经济的联姻、公有制与市场经济的兼容这个问题上的观点,是我们不能接受的。

    We cannot agree with his opinion that transition is a transform from socialism to capitalism , of the combination between socialism and market economy and the compatibility with State-owned ownership and socialism .

  10. 从成本的角度考察经济转轨过程,无论是国外的制度经济学家还是国内的过渡经济学研究者,都做出过这方面的努力。

    Not only the system economists from abroad but also the domestic researchers on transitional economics have made their efforts on the investigations to the cost of the process of the Chinese Economic Transformation .

  11. 过渡经济学的相关理论作为专门研究从计划经济向市场经济过渡的经济学理论,对于中国的改革实践,尤其是住房制度的改革具有重要的理论和现实意义,是指导我们进行改革的有力依据。

    Economics of transition theory as a specialized research from a planned economy to market economy transition of economic theory , the Chinese practice of reform , particularly reform of the housing system is of great theoretical and practical significance , and is guiding us a strong basis for reform .

  12. 从创造性毁灭到网络外部性&中国电讯产业从2G到3G过渡的经济学思考

    " Creative Destruction " and the Network Externality : the Economic Thinking of the Transformation from 2G to 3G in China 's Wireless Telecommunication Industry

  13. 认为转轨经济学是研究社会主义向资本主义过渡的经济学理论;

    Transition economics involves theories on transition from capitalism to socialism ;

  14. 经济转型中航运价格双轨制过渡的经济学分析过渡语僵化现象给外语教学带来的启示

    Economics analysis on price dual-track of shipping industry in economic transition ; A study on Language Fossilization and its Implications for FLT

  15. 从交易成本的争议入手过渡到新制度经济学建立在交易成本分析基础之上的企业的契约理论的形成是本文的核心。

    From debating of transaction costs to forming the contract theory of new institutional economics on the base of transaction costs analysis is the center of this article .

  16. 运用历史归纳法,对各种过渡经济的特殊形态进行归纳概括,是科学解答过渡经济学规范性问题最根本的方法。

    The possible best method for a scientific explanation of the standardization of transition economics is to summarize the special forms of all transition economies through the application of historical induction .