
  • 网络Excessive competition;hypercompetition
  1. 美国AB公司并购哈尔滨啤酒的启示&过度竞争、外资并购与企业改制的一个案例分析

    American AB Company Merges the Harbin Beer & A Case Analysis of Excessive Competition and Price Wars , Foreign Capitals Merge and Enterprises Reforming

  2. 典型彩电企业过度竞争的实证分析

    The Positive Analysis About the Excessive Competition of Representative TV Firms

  3. 本文主要利用产业组织理论的SCP范式及产业联系理论等相关经济、管理理论对中国部分产业的过度竞争进行分析研究。

    This thesis mainly uses industrial organization theory ( S-C-P ) and related economic and managerial theories to investigate China 's excessive industrial competition .

  4. 进一步的分析表明,q值在行业间的分布差异与垄断行业的投资保护,以及过度竞争行业的投机行为相互交织,是造成上述结果的主要原因。

    Further analysis revealed that the difference of different industries ' q , mixed with the investment protection of monopolization industries and speculation of excessively competitive industries , was the main reason for above result .

  5. 业态同质化、片面追求GDP以及违反经济规律盲目超前等现象时有发生,县级政府之间的过度竞争是造成行政成本不合理上升的重要因素。

    Homogeneity Business Modalities , excessive pursuit of GDP and breach of economic laws and wildcat exceeding emerge times and again . The over-competition between county government is an important factor to cause the unreasonable increase of administration cost .

  6. 过度竞争的原因是:煤炭产业现实市场结构、企业组织结构不合理。

    Un-reasonable market structure and industrial structure are reasons of over-competition .

  7. 农产品市场过度竞争的初步探讨

    Discussion on the excessive competition in the market of agricultural products

  8. 那么如何做出准确的投资决策,避免过度竞争?

    How to make proper investment decisions and avoid over competition ?

  9. 长三角经济过度竞争与制度创新的思考

    Reflections on the Economic Over-competition and System Innovation in the Yangtze Delta

  10. 我国煤炭产业过度竞争研究

    A Study on the Excessive Competition of the Coal Industry in China

  11. 我国产业过度竞争的原因及对策分析

    Analyzing Causes and Counter-measures for Excessive Industrial Competition in China

  12. 次高标拍卖:解决特许经营权拍卖过程中过度竞争问题的最优机制

    The Destructive Competition Behavior in Franchise Bidding in Public Utilities

  13. 过度竞争产生的原因与治理

    The Causes and Countermeasures of Excessive Competition in Some Professions in China

  14. 低价揽客行为是过度竞争行为的典型表现形式之一。

    Low-balling is a typical example of the excessive competition .

  15. 多数研究集中于过度竞争问题的成因、结果和解决对策上。

    Most studies mainly focus on the cause , result and countermeasures .

  16. 转轨体制下中国产业过度竞争初探

    A Research on the Excessive Industrial Competition in China 's Economic Transition

  17. 西部地区经济基础薄弱,发展水平低,容易产生过度竞争的条件。

    In west area , the economic base is poor .

  18. 因此,考核过程中要避免过度竞争。

    Therefore , excessive competition should be avoided in the evaluation process .

  19. 支线运输市场过度竞争现象的分析及对策

    Analysis and Resolutions for Over Competition in Feeder Transport Market

  20. 过度竞争、进入壁垒与流通组织优化

    Excessive Competition , Entering Carrier and Circulating Organization Optimization

  21. 社会主义市场经济发展中的过度竞争研究

    Study on Excessive Competition of China Socialist Market Economy

  22. 西部大开发要防治过度竞争

    Preventing Excessive Competition In The Process of Western Development

  23. 产业群强化了竞争,但是产业群内也出现了局部过度竞争。

    The industrial clusters intensify competition , but they also cause partial excessive competition .

  24. 其存在的主要问题是旅游饭店行业过度竞争与竞争不足并存;

    The major question is that over-competition and short-competition coexist in tourist hotel industry .

  25. 竞争总是有效率的吗?&兼论过度竞争的理论基础

    Does Competition Always Produce Efficiency ? Also on the Theoretical Basis of Excessive Competition

  26. 产业集群内过度竞争研究

    The Study of Excessive Competition in Industrial Cluster

  27. 银行民营化与过度竞争:以墨西哥银行业为例

    Privatization And Over-competition of Banks : Taking the Mexican Banking Sector as an Example

  28. 产业壁垒过度竞争与企业绩效

    Industry Barrier , Over-competitiveness and Enterprise ' Profit

  29. 从过度竞争到有效竞合&中国产业发展的必然选择

    From Excessive Competition to Effective Competitive Cooperation

  30. 过度竞争是流通产业健康运行的重要障碍。

    Excessive competition is an important obstacle for the healthy operation of the circulating industry .