
guò fá
  • overcutting;overfell
过伐[guò fá]
  1. 你有没有看过伐龙船比赛?

    Have you ever seen dragon boat races ?

  2. 森林过伐,质量下降;

    Forest reduction and wood quality decline ;

  3. 阔叶红松过伐林内倒木大头直径仅在14,22,42,54,70cm径阶有倒木分布。

    There were dead woods only in 14,22,42,54,70 cm diameter grade in Broad-leaved Korean Pine over-cutting forest .

  4. 由于过去森林过伐,采伐量高于森林生长量,使川西山区森林生态系统发生明显退化。

    The ecological system of the mountainous region 's forest evidently deteriorated due to the deforestation in the past .

  5. 抚育间伐对北京山区油松幼龄人工林水源涵养功能的影响长白山过伐林区云冷杉针阔混交林与落叶松人工林多目标效益研究

    Study on Ideal Multi-objective Effectiveness of Spruce-Fir Mixed Stands and Larch Plantation in the over Cutting Area of Changbai Mountains

  6. 我还赛过车,当过伐木工、鱼贩子,并在北坡油田干过。

    I 've raced cars ; and worked as a logger , commercial fisherman , and in the North Slope oil fields .

  7. 长白山过伐林区云冷杉针阔混交林的经营关系到该地区经济社会发展和生态安全。

    The management of spruce-fir and broad-leaved trees mixed forests in the over-logged forest region of Changbai Mountain concerns steady development of economy and society and safe ecology directly .

  8. 本文以长白山过伐林区金沟岭林场云冷杉针阔混交林为研究对象,从直径结构、树种组成、径阶蓄积结构三个方面探讨了该森林类型的林分结构。

    This paper analysed the structure of Spruce-Fir mixed stands from the point of view of diameter structure , species composition and volume structure in Jin Gou Ling forestry farm of Changbai Mountains .

  9. 用角尺度、混交度和大小比数3个林分空间结构参数,分析了长白山过伐林区云冷杉针阔混交林的空间结构。

    Three parameters , which are neighborhood pattern , mingling and neighborhood comparison , are used to describe spatial structure of the spruce-fir mixed stands of coniferous and broad-leaved trees in the over-logged forest of Changbai Mountains .