
  • 网络forest category
  1. 应用多因子综合评审法确定林种结构

    Defining Forest Category through Multi-factor Comprehensive Appraisal

  2. 结果表明该模型对解决林种结构的合理规划是实用可行的。

    It shows that the model is applicable and effective for planning the forest category structure .

  3. AHP法在区域林种、树种结构调整中的应用研究

    Application of AHP method on regulating structure of category and tree species in southern Qinling Mountains

  4. 用Hopfield网络模型解决林种树种结构优化问题

    Building the Optimal Model of Tree Species Structure by Hopfield Network

  5. 在此基础上,分别讨论并提出了中国实施CDM林业项目的区域、树种和林种的合理选择。

    On the basis , the reasonable choice of areas , tree and woods sorts of CDM forestry project in China are discussed .

  6. 鳞毛蕨(Dryopterisfilix-mas)天山云杉林种群结构分析

    Analysis on the Population Structure of Picea schrenkiana Fisch . et Mey . - Dryopteris filix-mas Stand

  7. 浙江省林种、树种结构调整研究

    Study on Tree Species and Forest Structure Adjustment in Zhejiang Province

  8. 作者认为:风景游憩林是特种用途林中的一个重要林种,风景游憩林抚育是风景游憩林建设的重要手段之一。

    Scenic recreational forest is an important kind of special use forests .

  9. 东北红松天然林种源在辽宁的生长表现

    Behaviour of Northeast Natural Korean Pine Forest Provenance in Liaoning

  10. 黑龙江省林区林种经营目标

    Management Target of Forest Types in the Forestry Region of Heilongjiang Province

  11. 黑龙江省林业生态经营区系与林种规划

    Heilongjiang Forestry Ecological Management Region System and Forest Type Program

  12. 地区林种树种结构优化模型

    An Optimum Structural Model of Crop and Tree Species in Jingzhou Prefecture

  13. 层次分析法在林种树种结构优化中的应用研究

    Structure optimization of forest catalogue and tree species using analytic hierarchy process

  14. 常绿阔叶林比较其他林种生态功能优势分析研究

    Analysis on Dominant Ecological Function of Broad Leaf Evergreen Forest Compared with Others

  15. 钝叶黄檀异地保存林种群结构特征研究

    Study on Community Structure Characteristics in Dalbergia obtusifolia Prain Ex Situ Conservation Forest

  16. 大兴安岭林区土地资源优化与林种结构调整

    Land Resources Optimum and Forest-type Structure Regulation for Daxing ' anling Forest Region

  17. 高分辨率影像中蕴涵了林种的细节纹理信息。

    High Resolution Imagery contains lots of detail information of texture and structure .

  18. 吉林省西部地区林种结构的多目标规划

    Multi-target programming for constituents of forest species in the west of Jilin Province

  19. 马尾松中幼龄林种内竞争的研究

    Study on Intraspecific Competition of Young Masson Pine

  20. 提出了区域林种空间布局。

    Put forward space layout of the district .

  21. 武义县林种结构调整研究

    Study on Tree Species Structure Regulation in Wuyi

  22. 林分立地和林种对土壤水分的影响

    Effects of Stand Sites and Forest Types on Soil Water Contents in Artificial Forests

  23. 线性目标规划及其辅助模型在县级区域性林种结构调整中的应用

    Application of Linear Goal Programming and Supplementary Model on Regional Structure Adjustment of Forest-type

  24. 在各加工品方面,以二林种最适于制造果汁、蜜饯及罐头;

    Ell-lin was the most suitable variety for making juice , preserves and cans .

  25. 电动比例积分微分调节桤柏混交林种群生物量动态与密度调节

    Dynamics of population biomass and its density-density-dependent regulation in alder and cypress mixed forest

  26. 已成为林业系统利用野生资源发展果用产业(饮料、酿酒等)循环经济的经济林种之一。

    With wild resources in forestry system .

  27. 中国东北部针叶林种实害虫调查报告

    Report on the survey of cone and seed insects in conifer forest in Northeast China

  28. 闽南混交林种间关系的动态调整技术研究

    Study on Dynamic Adjustment Techniques of Inter Specific Relationship in Mixed Stands of Southern Fujian

  29. 竹林是经济效益、生态功能、观赏价值俱高的林种。

    So it really has fine ecological functions and economic benefits , and high enjoying value .

  30. 黑龙江省合理森林覆被率与林种结构的研究

    Study on the Reasonable Percentage of Forest Cover and Structure of Forest Types for Heilongjiang Province