
lín fēn ɡǎi zào
  • stand conversion
  1. 浅谈森林公园林分改造

    Stand Conversion of the Forest Park

  2. 马尾松人工纯林林分改造问题的探讨

    Approaching the Stand Remake Problems of Artificial Pure Forests of Pinus massoniana

  3. 赤峰市敖汉旗五种林分改造模式评价

    Evaluation on Five Kinds of Forestation Models in Aohan Banner of Chifeng

  4. 三种人工林的结构特征及林分改造对策

    Structural Characteristics of the Three Forest Plantation and the Strategies for Forest Rehabilitation

  5. 黄果树风景名胜区低效林分改造措施及生态恢复对策

    Improvement Measures in Deteriorated Forests and Management of Ecosystem Restoration in Huangguoshu Scenic Spot

  6. 从择伐、林分改造和更新3方面研究提出了可持续经营管理技术。

    Sustainable techniques are advanced based on researches of selective cutting , improvement pure plantation and regeneration .

  7. 深圳围岭公园人工次生林植物群落及林分改造

    The Artificial and Secondary Forest Communities and Their Stand Rebuilding in Weiling Park in Shenzhen City , Guangdong Province

  8. 同时提出5项林分改造总原则和5项林分改造措施,为公园的植被建设提供理论依据。

    At last authors proposes 5 basic stand rebuilding rules and 5 stand rebuilding measures to act as the theoretical basis for the vegetation construction .

  9. 结果表明四个树种进行林分改造均比较合适,但秋茄表现欠佳。

    The result showed that it was more suitable to conduct stand reformation with these four species , but K. obovata had a little bit worse performance .

  10. 基于深圳围岭公园现有人工次生林植物群落的特点及其自然条件,合理的进行林分改造设计。

    Based on the man-made with the secondary community characteristics and the natural conditions in Weiling Park of Shenzhen city , authors make a design for the stand rebuilding reasonably .

  11. 主要依据适地适树原则及工作的具体需要进行造林设计,划分了造林地主要立地类型,并制定了林分改造年度计划和造林地类型表;

    Mainly according to the rules of suitable trees and suitable sites and the work need , authors divide the stand types , then design the yearly stand rebuilding plans and stand types tables .

  12. 在林分改造和营林中适当增加阔叶速生树种,改善凋落物性质,对促进凋落物分解和养分周转、改善土壤养分状况、提高柏木人工林的生态和经济效益是很必要的。

    It is necessary to introduce some fast-growth broadleaf woody species in managing pure artificial Cupressus forest to improve litter property , to speed up nutrient release , turnover and cycling , and to enhance economic benefits .

  13. 文中提出了人工林害虫精确防治的概念,阐述了实施精确防治的林业科学基础,建立了从造林(林分改造)设计到化学农药精确闪击初步完整的技术体系。

    The authors put forward the concept of accurate prevention and control of plantation insect pest , described its basis on forestry sciences , and founded a complete set of technique system including from afforestation planning to chemical pesticide application .

  14. 针对山区生态公益林在建设过程中存在的问题,提出林下非木质利用、低效林分改造、树种结构调整等限制性利用的途径。

    In view of the existing problems in the construction of ecological public welfare forest in mountain areas , this paper raised the restrictive utilization ways of non-woody utilization under the stands , low-effective stand improvement , and tree species structure adjustment .

  15. 基于低碳经济的林分质量改造分析&以云南省思茅区中低产林改造项目为例

    Study on Forest Stand Quality Improvement by Low Carbon Economy Development Model : A Case Study on Low Productivity Forest Stand Transformation in Simao District of Yunnan Province

  16. 低质低效林的成因和分类是对其林分作出评价和改造的基础。

    Finding out the causes of formation to low quality forest and their classification are the bases for the evaluation and future reclamation of stand .

  17. 与现有林分状况进行比较,提出林分改造建议。

    Compared to the current forests condition , the rational suggestions for forest stand are discussed .