
  • 网络suitable land for forest
  1. 根据中国的自然条件和宜林地资源的状况,有条件大幅度扩大森林面积和增加森林蓄积量。

    China 's natural conditions and the situation of the land are suitable for forestry .

  2. 在1、2、3、5林班森林斑块破碎化程度大于灌木林、未成林、宜林地和疏林地;

    Patch fragmentation index of forest was higher than that of shrub , afforestation land , suitable forest land , woodland in No. 1,2,3,5 compartments .

  3. 研究结果显示,镇赉县宜林地和宜牧地的利用现状主要是盐碱地,其次为耕地,很少用于林地与草地;

    The results show that the utilization status of suitable forestland and suitable rangeland are mainly saline field , and the others are farmland , while rarely used forest and grassland .

  4. 在无居民点的13、14、15林班,森林斑块的分离度小于非林地、宜林地,分离度最大的是未成林。

    For No. 13,14,15 compartments without human disturbance , the isolation degree of forest land was lower than nonforest land , suitable forest land , while that of afforestation was the lowest .

  5. 退耕宜林地甘肃桃栽培与水土资源可持续利用效益分析退耕宜林地甘肃桃高效栽培与山区农业可持续发展

    P.Kansuensis Cultivating and Sustainable Use of Soil and Water Resources in Mountain Area of Conversion from Farmland to Forest P. Kansuensis High Benefit and Countermeasures of Sustainable Agriculture Development in the Mountain Area of Conversion from Farmland to Forest in pingliang

  6. 薪炭林以4.00万株/hm~2为宜,但在林地郁闭前应隔行疏伐。

    40000 per hm2 is suitable for fuel forest , but sparsely cutting at alternative rows should be done before canopy .

  7. 研究结果表明:(1)在西部多宜性土地资源按农、林、牧的优先序利用的前提下,西部实际宜林地的最大面积为1.63亿hm2。

    The conclusions as follow : ( 1 ) on the premise of the preferential sequence of the multi-usable land using is by agriculture , forestry and stockbreeding , the maximal land area usable for forestry is 163 million hm2 .