
lián jiē fù cí
  • conjunctive adverb;conjunctional adverb
  1. 如why可以作为连接副词和关系副词引导从句,同时由于自身具备感叹词的性质,也可以表达感叹的语气。

    Why can be used as a conjunctive adverb and a relative adverb to introduce subordinate clause ; besides , why is an interjection , so why can express the mood or emotion .

  2. 他不喜欢你的建议,然而他没有提出反对。and之后的yet是连接副词,不可用but代替。

    He did not like your suggestion , and yet he raised no objection .

  3. 此外,笔者借助社科统计软件包SPSS(10.0版本)来测定CLTST3语料库中不同分数段的作文中连接副词的使用频率和作文质量之间的关系。

    Moreover , SPSS ( 10.0 ) was used to test the relationship between the Chinese learners ' use of adverbial connectors and the quality of their English writing .

  4. 中国大学生英语议论文中连接副词使用特征研究(英文)

    Use of adverbial connectors in Chinese EFL learners argumentative writing ;

  5. 写作分数高的作文中连接副词的使用越多。

    More adverbial connectors have been used in higher-scored writings .

  6. 连接副词的语用功能与使用情况调查

    Investigation of pragmatic functions of adverbial connectors and English writing

  7. 学习者与母语作者相比,在论文写作中较少使用表示确认关系的连接副词;

    Corroborative conjuncts are underused in the learners ' papers ;

  8. 一,修饰性副词和连接副词之间的差异是存在的。

    One is that there is difference existing between the adjuncts and conjuncts .

  9. (连接副词)这增加而不是减少了我们的勇气。

    That increased instead of decreased our courage .

  10. 用语料库研究中国学生英文写作中连接副词的使用

    A Corpus-based Analysis of Adverbial Connectors in the Chinese EFL Learners ' Written English

  11. 基于语料库的对中国硕士研究生学位论文摘要中连接副词的研究

    A Corpus-based Study on Adverbial Connectors in the Abstracts of Chinese Postgraduates ' Theses

  12. 中国学生连接副词的使用对英文写作质量的影响(英文)

    The effect of the use of adverbial connectors on Chinese EFL Learners English writing quality ;

  13. 中国学习者在议论文中连接副词的使用频率和作文分数的高低有较高的相关性。

    There is significant correlation between the learners ' use of adverbial connectors and their writing quality .

  14. 本文运用语料库的研究方法,对中国英语学习者和本族语者写作中的部分连接副词的使用情况进行语料库对比分析。

    This paper presents a contrastive study on adverbial connectors between the native English speakers and Chinese English learners .

  15. 接着,确定检索对象,即本文要研究的100个英语连接副词以及相对应的147个中文连接副词。

    Then we determined the search items , i.e. , 100 English adverbial connectors and their 147 Chinese equivalents .

  16. 同时,研究者St4中不同语义类的连接副词的分布也进行了调查,并使用卡方检验进一步验证语义类分布差异是否具有显著性。

    Meanwhile , the researcher investigates the distribution of semantic types . Chi-Square is used to test the difference in semantic distributions .

  17. 学习者作文中连接副词的使用和作文质量之间有何关系?

    Is there any relationship between the Chinese non-English major EFL learners ' use of adverbial connectors and the quality of writing ?

  18. 本文运用语料库的研究方法,对不同程度的中国非英语专业大学生使用连接副词。现象进行了分析。

    This paper reports a corpus-based study on the use of adverbial connectors by Chinese non-English major EFL learners with different English proficiency levels .

  19. 最后,利用所得的数据对个别连接副词的使用进行定量和定性的分析。

    Finally , based on the statistics at hand , a qualitative and quantitative analysis has been carried out to investigate some typical individual adverbial connectors .

  20. 主要研究发现为:第一:中国不同层次的英语学习者在连接副词的使用频率上和本族语者存在差异。

    The main findings of the research are as follows : First , Chinese English learners of various levels use adverbial connectors differently from the native speakers in frequency .

  21. 英语中的连接副词作为一种衔接手段,对篇章的构建和逻辑语义关系的体现起着重要作用。

    Since English linking adverbials ( henceforward LAs ), a kind of cohesive tie , plays an important role in constructing a text and indicating the logical relationship , they have attracted much attention from researchers .

  22. 中国非英语专业大学英语学习者连接副词的使用情况和英语本族语者相比,在总体频率上呈现出使用过度的趋势。

    The major findings of the study include : ( 1 ) The Chinese non-English major college EFL learners have displayed a great tendency to overuse adverbial connectors in their essays in terms of total tokens .

  23. 高分组的学习者比低分组的学习者使用更多次数和类别的连接副词,在连接副词的使用上具有较强的语体意识和读者意识,受汉语影响的痕迹较少。

    The Chinese learners with higher linguistic proficiency use more tokens and types of adverbial connectors and show stronger stylistic awareness , audience awareness and less evidence of LI transfer in the use of adverbial connectors than those with lower linguistic proficiency .

  24. 本研究主要进行两种类型的比较:中国英语学习者和本族语者连接副词使用情况的比较;中国不同层次英语学习者之间连接副词使用情况的比较。

    Two types of comparison are conducted in the present research : the comparison in the use of adverbial connectors between Chinese English learners of various levels ; the comparison in the use of adverbial connectors between Chinese English learners and the native speakers .

  25. 汉语使用的手段主要是第一种,包括连词、具有连接功能的副词和语气助词。

    Connectives are used as the dominant marker in Chinese conditional sentences , including conjunctions , adverbs with connective functions , and particles .

  26. 逻辑连接词可分为两类:连接副词和从属连词。

    Two categories of logical connectors are conjunctive adverbs and subordinating conjunctions .