
  • 网络adverb of place;avverbi di luogo
  1. 汉语儿童使用频率最高的为否定副词,英语儿童Seth和She使用频率最高的是地点副词,其次是否定副词。

    Negative adverbs are most frequently used by Chinese-speaking children . English-speaking children named Seth and She use adverbs of place most frequently , and negative adverbs come in the second place .

  2. 通常用作地点副词。

    " There " is often an adverb of place .

  3. 可以做指示词语的词汇手段是很多的,例如时间副词、地点副词、人称代词等。

    Among the many different kinds of deictic expressions are temporal adverbs , spatial adverbs and personal pronouns .