
dì fɑnɡ xìnɡ
  • local;regional;local/regional characteristics;endemic
  1. 原因很复杂,既有地方性冲突也有全国范围的紧张局势。

    The causes are a complex blend of local and national tensions .

  2. 中国地域文化与建筑的地方性

    Regional culture and distinctive local features of the dwellings in China

  3. 举行的会议有地方性的,有全国性的。

    Meetings were held locally and nationally .

  4. 地方性氟骨症的脊柱MRI表现

    MRI of the spine in endemic fluorosis

  5. 这表明H5N1病毒在该地区是地方性的。

    This indicates that the H5N1 virus is endemic in the area .

  6. 本文采用生化方法测定地方性甲状腺肿组织甲状腺过氧化物酶(TPO)活性,同时采用免疫组化方法原位观察TPO的改变。

    The changes of thyroid peroxidase ( TPO ) in endemic goiter were studied by means of biochemical and immunohistochemical methods .

  7. 目的:地方性甲状腺肿(以下简称地甲病)是碘缺乏病(以下简称IDD)中最易发现、最易诊断的一种疾病。

    Objective : Endemic goiter is one of the diseases that were found and diagnosed easiest of iodine deficiency disorders ( IDD ) .

  8. 此项研究结果确定了新疆绵羊细粒棘球蚴可溶性蛋白组分存在着地方性差异,并证明SDS-PAGE银染分析法可用于棘球属绦虫种下分类的研究。

    The result of the study confirmed that there existed some regional differences in the soluble protein components of Echinococcus granulosus in Xinjiang and , silver-stained SDS-PAGE can be used in the sub-specific taxonomy of E. granulosus .

  9. 用单光子吸收法(SPA)测定30例6~32岁神经型地方性克汀病人的前臂骨矿物质含量(g/cm~2)。

    The bone mineral content ( BMC ) in forearm on 30 cases ( 18 males and 12 females aged from 6 to 32 years old ) of neuro-endemic cretinism was measured by using single-photon absorptiometry ( SPA ) .

  10. 本文对现行《地方性甲状腺肿基本控制和基本消灭指标》做了初步商讨。提出:1、用碘缺乏病(IDD)来取代现行控制指标中地方性甲状腺肿一词的必要性;

    In this paper , the current index for endemic goiter controlled has been studied , and suggested : 1.it is necessary to substitute iodine deficiency disorder ( IDD ) for endemic goiter in the current index ;

  11. 每只鸡免疫接种0.5mL,临床无不良反应,对地方性鸡大肠杆菌病有较好的预防作用。

    After each chichen seeded 0.5 millilitre vaccine , chichen did not reveal the clinical adverse reaction . So the vaccine has better preventive effect on parochial colibacillosis in chicken .

  12. 方法运用大学生心理健康标准和西部地方性大学学生被测试SCL-90各因子分与全国常模和大学生历年综合样本比较找出成因和差距。

    Methods Compared the factors of SCL-90 of the regional college students in the west with that in the whole country and the example of the students in the past years by the healthy standard of the students ' psychology to find out the reasons and the differences .

  13. 锦州地区1993&1998年地方性斑疹伤寒疫情分析

    States Analysis ( 1993-1998 ) of Endemic Typhus in Jingzhou Area

  14. 师院物理专业的非师范专业初探关于地方性多科性本科院校非师范专业建设的思考

    Thoughts on the Non-Teacher Majors Construction of Regional Multi-Discipline Four-Year College

  15. 自由基在地方性甲状腺肿发病学上的可能作用

    Possible effect of free radicals in the pathogenesis of endemic goiter

  16. 地方性甲状腺肿甲状腺内元素含量的测定

    Quantitative analysis of trace element in thyroid tissue of endemic goiter

  17. 生态学视野下的地方性体育社团建设研究

    The Construction of Local Sports Associations in the Perspective of Ecology

  18. 黑龙江省地方性氟中毒重病区流行病学现况典型调查

    Epidemiological survey on the severe endemic fluorosis areas in Heilongjiang province

  19. 进行城市化的地方性研究,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    It has quite realism meaning to process locality Urbanization study .

  20. 群体尿氟发氟在地方性氟中毒防治中的作用

    The function of urine and hair fluorine in controlling of fluorosis

  21. 地方性院校土木工程专业实践教学探索与改革

    The local college civil engineering profession practices the teaching investigates and reform

  22. 省级政府有权制定地方性政府规章。

    The provincial governments had the power to make local government rules .

  23. 卫生服务本质上是一种地方性、社区性的行为,它必然要求管理上的社区协同。

    Joint - Up Community is crucial to the community health services .

  24. 关于地方性甲状腺肿病区划分标准的初步探讨

    Primary exploratory study on the standard of defining the endemic goiter area

  25. 马银花若干地方性群体内和群体间的变异式样的分析

    An analysis of the variation patterns of infra-and inter-populations of Rhododendron ovatum

  26. 口服碘化油微型胶囊治疗地方性甲状腺肿效果观察

    Effectiveness of oral iodized oil micro capsule on endemic goitre

  27. 恩施市地方性氟中毒病区氟源初步调查

    Preliminary Investigation of Fluoride Source of Endemic Fluorosis Disease Area in Enshi

  28. 云南省地方性猝死早期发现的探讨

    Investigation on early detection of Yunnan endemic sudden cardiac death

  29. 在克汀病重病区复制大鼠地方性克汀病的实验研究Ⅰ.第一代仔鼠甲状腺和脑的改变

    The Experimental Study on Reproducing Endemic CretiniSm Rats in Severe Cretinism Area

  30. 食盐加碘对地方性克汀病流行的影响

    Effect of iodized table salt on prevalence of endemic cretinism