
  • illegal cooking oil;Hogwash oil;swill-cooked dirty oil;gutter oil, sewer oil, illegally recycled waste cooking oil
  1. 北京采取有力措施根治地沟油。

    Beijing moves to root out " gutter oil " .

  2. 人们已经拍照记录下地沟油收集和加工的过程。

    People have taken photos documenting both the collection and processing of gutter oil .

  3. 为确定酸催化餐饮业废弃油脂(地沟油)与醇类酯化反应的最佳反应条件,以浓H2SO4为催化剂对其酯化反应进行了正交试验。

    In order to determine the best reaction condition for transesterification reactions of acid catalyzing waste oil and alcoholic compounds , the orthogonal tests of waste oil with methanol and waste oil with ethanol catalysed by concentrated H_2SO_4 were carried out .

  4. 非法加工者再将地沟油回卖给餐厅。

    Illegal processors may then sell the oil back to restaurants .

  5. 因为地沟油有臭味,而且很粘稠。

    As the gutter cooking oil is smelly and very thick .

  6. 地沟油等废油脂的回收炼油势在必行,但仍有瓶颈。

    It is imperative to reclamation waste oil in spite of difficulties .

  7. 地沟油为原料制备的深色生物柴油的氧化法脱色

    Bleaching of deep color biodiesel made from waste cooking oils by oxidation

  8. 这些地沟油被收集起来后,流到哪里去了呢?

    Where does it flow to after the drainage oil is collected ?

  9. 我确信那些有毒的地沟油是来自中国苹果工厂。

    I 'm sure the toxic oil came from a Chinese Apple plant .

  10. 酸催化地沟油与醇类酯化反应研究

    Study on Transesterification between Waste Oils and Methanol or Ethanol Besed by Acidity

  11. 该研究探索通过电导率测定鉴别食用植物油掺入地沟油检测方法。

    Distinguishing hogwash oil in edible vegetable oil by determination of cholesterol content ;

  12. 令人作呕的地沟油是如何加工的呢?

    How this disgusting gutter cooking oil is processed ?

  13. 这间工厂早在2003年就开始加工地沟油。

    This factory began to process gutter cooking oil as early as 2003 .

  14. 目的:测定地沟油中的微量元素含量。

    Objective : To determine the contents of trace elements in hogwash oil .

  15. 地沟油有时也被叫做糟粕油,因为这种油不能食用,不卫生。

    Waste oil are sometimes called hogwash oil because it is inedible and unsanitary .

  16. 地沟油是质量极差的非食用油,若用于食用会严重危害人的身体健康。

    The waste oils may greatly harm people 's healthy due to their poor quality .

  17. 他说,每吨食品垃圾经提炼可得到130公斤地沟油。

    Refining 1 ton of the waste would produce 130 kg of illegal cooking oil .

  18. 地沟油是从废弃物中提炼的劣质而且不卫生的不可食用的油。

    Hogwash oil is refined , inedible waste oil & of poor quality and unsanitary .

  19. 他们用的是地沟油吗?

    Do they use illegal cooking oil ?

  20. 地沟油生物柴油和酸化油生物柴油降粘及发动机台架试验研究

    Experiment Study on Viscosity Reduction and Engine Test of Waste Cooking Oil , Acidic Oil Biodiesel

  21. 在作呕的同时,一些严重的健康问题也和地沟油有关。

    Aside from the ick factor , there are serious health concerns associated with gutter oil .

  22. 为止,警方缴获了近700吨地沟油,拘捕了9人。

    So far , nearly 700 tons of gutter oil has been seized and 9 people arrested .

  23. 据《京华时报》报道,北京拟立法禁止生产销售地沟油。

    Beijing will ban the production and sale of " gutter oil ," the Beijing Times reported .

  24. 说白了,大酒楼大宾馆是地沟油的主要产地。

    To be frank , big restaurants and big hotels are the main places producing drainage oil .

  25. 厨房垃圾经过提炼,最后变成地沟油。

    The " illegal cooking oil " is usually made from discarded kitchen waste that has been refined .

  26. 可以说,供货商要是在其中掺假,用地沟油,防也防不住。

    Say , if the distributor mixes in fake drainage oil , there is really nothing we can do .

  27. 这起食品安全丑闻的焦点是劣质食用油&常被称为地沟油或变质油。

    The food safety scandal has centered on substandard cooking oil , often called gutter oil or rancid oil .

  28. 公车收集废油点子主要是鼓励全民的热情,以地回收地沟油的目的。

    To recover used oil most efficiently , the focus of the bus-collection service is to promote citizen involvement .

  29. 利用餐饮业地沟油生产无磷洗衣粉的研究

    Studies on the Production of Non-phosphate Laundry Powder Through the Use of the Drainage Oil in the Catering Industry

  30. 警方还面临着清除流向市场的所有地沟油的更为艰巨的任务。

    But more tough work faces the police to thoroughly eliminate all the gutter oil sold in the market .