
  • 网络Critical Path;CPM
  1. 基于MATLAB的企业产品研发关键线路分析

    The Analysis of Firms ' R & D Critical Path Based on MATLAB

  2. 本文根据工程项目关键线路网法CPM(CriticalPathMethod)网络计划的时间参数分析,提出了一个工程项目施工过程中资源管理的混合整数规划模型。

    In this paper , a model of mixed integer programming for resource optimization in project construction is presented based on the time analysis of critical path method .

  3. 关键线路法(CPM)是一种有效的网络计划工具,已被我国采纳为住房和城乡建设部行业标准。

    CPM developed into the powerful and effective tool that was a standard of construction industry by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of China .

  4. 工程施工中应用柔性网络计算机仿真突破了传统的PERT只考虑单一关键线路的限制以及工序的持续时间均服从β分布的假定,也使得仿真工期与关键线路都具有了不确定性。

    With the computer simulation for engineering construction based on flexible network , a breakthrough is made on the limitation of conventional PERT network planning which considers only single critical path and assumes that the duration of every activity conforms to beta distribution .

  5. 柔性网络计划工期及关键线路研究

    Total time and critical path simulation on flexible network plan

  6. 一种求双代号网络图关键线路的简便矩阵算法

    Convenient matrix calculation method for critical path in twin code network chart

  7. 基于隐性故障模型和风险理论的关键线路辨识

    Power System Key-lines Identification Based on Hidden Failure Model and Risk Theory

  8. 结果,两个关键线路没有联系。

    The result , two key rail-hubs and no connection .

  9. 工程网络关键线路在施工中的应用

    The Application of Network Technique Crux Path in Engineering

  10. 基于S型隶属度函数的模糊网络计划关键线路分析

    Analysis of the Critical Path of Fuzzy Network Plan Base on S-type Membership

  11. 在此基础上,给出了从众多骨干网架中抽取关键线路的排序方法。

    Furthermore , the method to extract critical lines from various backbone-grids is presented .

  12. 用决策关键线路法确定矿建最优施工方案

    A research into the determination of the optimal mine construction plan by means of DCPM

  13. 次关键线路的一种简单算法

    A Simple Algorithm For The Next-critical Paths

  14. 电力系统低频振荡关键线路/母线辨识与控制研究

    The Study on the Identification of Critical Lines / Buses and Controlling of Power System Low-Frequency Oscillations

  15. 一种快速确定关键线路的新方法&箭线过滤法

    A New Method of Determining Key Line in a Network plan ── The Filtering Arrow Line Method

  16. 介绍了一种确定网络图关键线路的新方法&结点时差法。

    This paper introduces a new method of determining the critical path of the network chart-node slack method .

  17. 关键线路场景剧本随着开发的进行,会被迭代式地加入更多的细节。

    Key path scenarios are iteratively refined along with the design as more and more detail is developed .

  18. 就时标网络计划在工程中如何确定关键线路、分析工作时间参数、进行网络计划的控制等进行阐述。

    This paper analyzes the time-scaled network plan applied to confirm critical path , gain time factors , control network plan and so on .

  19. 该临界能量为故障后系统轨迹刚好与关键线路上相应保护动作面相切时系统所获得的能量。

    The critical energy is the system energy which just makes the post-fault trajectory be tangential to the protection surface of the key lines .

  20. 模板工序在许多情况下是施工网络图中的关键线路,模板工艺的改进常常可以加快施工进度。

    Template processes in many cases network diagram of the construction of the key lines , Process Improvement template can often speed up the construction schedule .

  21. 本文阐述了用动态规划法求解网络技术组织流水施工中的关键线路方法;

    This article describes the process of solving the key way problem with developing programme on the organization of building construction by means of network technology .

  22. 该方法在综合考虑课程衔接关系、时间参数、关键线路、关键课程及相关约束的基础上,制定了灵活的专业课程排课计划。

    The method takes courses relation , time parameters , critical paths , critical courses and relative situation into account , then gives some flexible courses schemes .

  23. 本文将这样的线路定义为电网的关键线路,并基于潮流熵的概念提出了一种可以在复杂电网中辨识关键线路的方法。

    In this paper , we propose a method for identification of key lines in complex power grid base on the new concept of power flow entropy .

  24. 算法中的瓶颈资源就是指关键线路上等待时间/购买价格之和最大的作业所缺的资源。

    The bottleneck resources are referred to the lack resources used by the item in critical path that has the maximum ratio of wait time to their lack resources prices .

  25. 第四章基于风险理论和隐性故障模型,提出了一种复杂电力系统的风险评估方法用于辨识对系统停电影响最大的一系列关键线路。

    Based on the Hidden Failure model and risk theory an approach to estimate the risk of line outage and identify key lines causing blackouts is proposed for large-scale power systems .

  26. 从而,使施工管理人员可以预先把握工期的变化范围和关键线路的可能变化趋势,为进度控制与决策提供更多的信息。

    So , the variation range of construction time limit and probable change trend of critical path can be grasped and more information for construction scheduling control is provided . 5 .

  27. 三板溪工程导流洞与大坝施工以及水库初期蓄水是控制首台机组发电工期的关键线路。

    The critical path controlling the first power generation of Sanbanxi Hydropower Station is the construction of the diversion tunnel and dam as well as the initial filling of the reservoir .

  28. 并提出解决问题的三种具体措施,从概率论与数理统计的角度,对关键线路和关键工作进行了重新定义和确定的方法。

    According to the viewpoints of the probability and mathematical statistics , critical duration , critical activity and critical line are re-defined , and particular method is put forward for it .

  29. 基于对模糊网络计算方法的研究,提出了新的网络参数计算和关键线路判断方法。

    Based on the study of calculating approaches of fuzzy network , this paper puts forward a new method to calculate the parameters and determine the critical path of fuzzy network planning .

  30. 通过对施工网络计划图的绘制及其关键线路分析,提出施工网络计划图在施工方案中的优化、调整及应用。

    Through drawing the construction network scheme and analyzing the key route line , the author put forward the optimization , regulation and application of the CNS in hydropower project construction plans .