
  • 网络Relational Psychology;relationship psychology
  1. 从现代外语教学理论看交际法与跨文化交际论人际关系心理学视角下中英非言语交际失误

    Communicative Language Teaching and Intercultural Communication ; On Nonverbal Communication Failures between Chinese and English from the Perspective of Interpersonal Relation Psychology

  2. 论人际关系心理学视角下中英非言语交际失误灰色理论在人因失误严重度识别模型中的应用

    On Nonverbal Communication Failures between Chinese and English from the Perspective of Interpersonal Relation Psychology Application of Grey Theory in Identification Model of Human Error Criticality

  3. 根据国际关系心理学的认知理论,日本新大纲的出台与日本决策者的知觉紧密相关。

    According to the cognitive theory of the international relations psychology , the issuance of the new Guidelines is closely related to the perception of Japanese decisionmaker .

  4. 据英国《卫报》的一篇文章说,其实,球迷们的各种情绪,都是依据关系心理学的种种规则运转的。

    According to an abstract from The Guardian , actually , all these reactions of the football fans are worked complying with the rules of the Relational psychology .

  5. 国际关系心理学中的个体心理分析理论弥补了这一缺陷,集中探讨了个体心理因素与国际关系因素之间的互动问题。

    The theory of individual psychology analysis within the psychology of international relations makes up this shortcoming by the approaches focusing on the mutual action between individual mind and international relations .

  6. 根据人际关系心理学理论,结合高校大学生操行表现实际,提出教师评价、同学评价、自我评价和社会实践评价四结合的评价方法比较客观、公正。

    According to the psychological theory of social relationship and fact of college students ' moral conduct , fair and objective assessment methods should colligate the judgement from teachers , classmates , ego and society .

  7. 模糊偏序关系在心理学研究中的应用

    Application of relation of fuzzy partial order ing in psychological research

  8. 关注关系:心理学发展的新趋向

    Pay Attention to Relationship : A New Trend of the Psychological Development

  9. 虚拟社会关系的心理学研究及展望

    Virtual Social Relationship Research from Psychological Point of View

  10. 大学班集体人际关系的心理学研究

    A psychological study of interpersonal relations in college classes

  11. 摘要心理学与文化的关系是心理学研究中的一个重要问题。

    The relationship between psychology and culture is an important problem in psychological research .

  12. 体育运动与攻击性的关系是心理学工作者感兴趣的课题之一。

    The relationship between aggression and sport is one of the most interesting themes for psychologist .

  13. 文化心理学的基本思想在于强调文化与心理的关系在心理学研究中的核心地位。

    The basic idea of culture psychology is emphasizing the core status of the relation between culture and psychology .

  14. 文章在对布什和克林顿政府决策者的认知过程进行分析时,借鉴了国际关系认知心理学派的知觉理论成果,对这些理论进行了验证。

    In analyzing the view formation process of American policy-makers , this article make verified the perception theories of the cognitive school .

  15. 研究人和其他人,群体,以及社会的关系的心理学分支。

    The branch of psychology that studies persons and their relationships with others and with groups and with society as a whole .

  16. 自由文理教育的目的是向学生注入这些技能,无论你上的课是关于写作、历史、国际关系,心理学,还是数学。

    Liberal arts education , whether you are taking a class in writing , history , international relations , psychology or even math , aims to instill these skills in a student .

  17. 被试的文化差异、职业差异、性别及年龄差异对综合性的改善人际关系的心理学策略训练的效果影响无显著性。

    The difference of the record of formal schooling , the " sex ", the age , the occupation of the patients and doctors have no effect to The comprehensive improvement interpersonal relationship psychology strategy developing .

  18. 本研究试图从心理学角度对中学生网婚现象进行剖析,为中学生网婚行为的量化研究提供理论推测,为及时预防中学生沉迷网络关系提供心理学视角与相关策略。

    This study attempts to analyze the phenomenon that middle-school students participating in net marriage , then provide a theoretic extrapolation for quantitative study , and provide relative strategy for promptly preventing adolescences from indulging in network relationships .

  19. 有关物理刺激和心理反应的数量关系的心理学分支。心物相融&山寨温泉浴与审美主客体之关系

    The branch of psychology concerned with quantitative relations between physical stimuli and their psychological effects . The Harmony of Man and Nature - The Relationship between Aesthetic Subject and Object Initiated by A Mountain Village 's Hot Spring Bath Custom

  20. 俗话中的物以类聚,人以群分是一个永不过时的约会规则。研究人和其他人,群体,以及社会的关系的心理学分支。

    The old adage " birds of a feather flock together " is one dating rule that will never go out of style . the branch of psychology that studies persons and their relationships with others and with groups and with society as a whole .

  21. 为探讨当今医患关系的心理学,从心理学角度分析医患关系,并对如何解决医患关系中的问题提出对策,以保证医疗工作顺利开展。

    To probe into the psychology of the doctor-patient relationship nowadays , it is analyzed that the doctor-patient relationship from the psychology , and the measure is put forward that the problem how resolving the doctor-patient relationship , according to ensuring the medical work developing all right .

  22. 疲劳与驾驶时间关系的实验心理学研究

    Experimental Psychology Study on Relationship between Fatigue and Driving Time

  23. 自尊与攻击性的关系一直是心理学研究的热点。

    The relationship between self-esteem and aggression has always been a hot spot in the psychology research .

  24. 因而,反事实思维与情绪的关系日益成为心理学研究中的重要课题。

    So the relation between counterfactual thinking and emotion has become the important subject in psychological research domain .

  25. 语言与认知、脑的关系是认知心理学和认知神经科学的核心问题。

    The relations among Language , cognition and brain are a core issue of cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience .

  26. 情绪调节是近年来情绪心理学关注的焦点,情绪调节与认知的关系是情绪心理学和认知心理学的研究热点。

    Emotion regulation has been a research focus in emotional psychology , and the relationship between emotion regulation and cognition has aroused great interest in the field of emotional psychology and cognitive psychology .

  27. 国内外众多学者对国家形象的研究做出了重要贡献,他们从传播学、公共关系学、心理学等不同的学科角度深入研究,其成果蔚为大观。

    Many scholars at home and abroad have respectively made important contributions to the research of the national image in terms of the spread , relationship , psychology and etc , and their research achievements are fairly abundant .

  28. 尽管在双重环境的相互关系下,心理学对可能性有所限制,也影响各种不同成为人的方式,不过对于各种形塑自我的环境力量,人类有机体依然展现了巨大可塑性。

    Despite the obvious physiological limits to the range of possible and different ways of becoming man in this double environmental interrelationship the human organism manifests an immense plasticity in its response to the environmental forces at work on it .

  29. 第二章介绍了空间介词与多义性,包括对空间介词的传统研究的总结,空间概念与空间关系在认知心理学中体现。还包括多义性的定义以及其在认知语言学的体现。

    The second part firstly gives a brief introduction about prepositions including a brief summary about the traditional research in spatial conception and Space perception and spatial relationships in cognitive psychology , in addition , the definition of polysemy and polysemy in cognitive linguistics are also introduced .

  30. 女性服刑人员中精神创伤与创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的关系以及PTSD的心理学、认知功能、神经生化研究

    Relationship between Traumatic Events and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD ), and Psychological Characteristics , Cognitive Function and Psychobio-chemistry of PTSD among Female Inmates