
cù shǐ
  • prompt;make;urge;help;push;spur;impel;precipitate;trigger off
促使 [cù shǐ]
  • [impel;urge] 推动某物或某事使达到一定目的

  • 这些动机促使他担负起吃力而又不讨好的工作

促使[cù shǐ]
  1. 一直以来,医生们就怀疑某些类型的病毒有可能促使自身免疫功能紊乱,如红斑狼疮、多发性硬化症等。

    Doctors have long suspected that some sort of virus might precipitate autoimmune disorders , like lupus or multiple sclerosis .

  2. 同时,指导家长掌握科学的教养方式,促使儿童获得学习能力的全面提高。

    Meanwhile , it conducted parents to master correct educational and rearing ways , so to precipitate the rise of the pupils ' learning ability .

  3. 有各种原因促使我作出那个结论。

    There are various reasons that impel me to that conclusion .

  4. 此次发现炸弹促使当局加强了安全工作。

    The discovery of the bomb prompted an increase in security .

  5. 这个计划旨在促使员工更加卓有成效地工作。

    The plan is designed to motivate employees to work more efficiently .

  6. 他们设法促使我们答应了提供帮助。

    They managed to manipulate us into agreeing to help .

  7. 利率的提高将促使价格上扬。

    The rise in interest rates will push prices up .

  8. 这次会议促使他更深入地研究那个课题。

    The conference stimulated him to study the subject in more depth .

  9. 没有什么动力能促使他们加把劲工作。

    There is little inducement for them to work harder .

  10. 他们的抱怨最终促使他采取了行动。

    Their complaints have finally stirred him into action .

  11. 把枯萎了的残花除掉以促使新的生长。

    Remove the dead heads to encourage new growth .

  12. 这场危机促使整个党紧密地团结在一起。

    The crisis helped to weld the party together .

  13. 这次访问促使全世界关注难民困境。

    The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees .

  14. 对新住宅需求的主要结果是促使价格上涨。

    The principal effect of the demand for new houses was to inflate prices .

  15. 缺少食物和水促使他们加快了速度。

    Lack of food and water provided much of the impulsion for their speed .

  16. 电视广告促使孩子变得越来越胖。

    TV ads encourage kids to supersize .

  17. 是什么促使你从事律师业的呢?

    What made you go into law ?

  18. 他的戏剧被禁演,这促使他下定决心就审查制度的问题下笔。

    The banning of his play decided him to write about censorship

  19. 这促使许多雇主考量其人才选拔和招聘政策。

    This prompted many employers to appraise their selection and recruitment policies

  20. 朋友的困境促使他投身参与。

    His friend 's plight had spurred him into taking part .

  21. 舒缓的音乐会促使超市购物者花更长的时间浏览商品的同时花更多的钱。

    Slow music encourages supermarket-shoppers to browse longer but spend more .

  22. 胜利促使他给罗斯福发了封喜报。

    The victory inspired him to dispatch a gleeful telegram to Roosevelt

  23. 对种族主义的憎恨促使他写了《阿尔及尔汽车旅馆事件》一书。

    His abhorrence of racism led him to write The Algiers Motel Incident

  24. 外国人必须动用他们的力量促使这个国家变得更加宽容。

    Foreigners must use their power to nudge the country towards greater tolerance

  25. 这些情绪有可能促使人们想要推翻现行的体制。

    These feelings are likely to make people attempt to overthrow the system

  26. 富兰克林的任务是促使与法国方面的会谈顺畅进行。

    Franklin 's task was to lubricate the discussions with the French .

  27. 裁员促使很多人开始从事新事业。

    Redundancy is the spur for many to embark on new careers .

  28. 加入教会青年团契促使她形成了自己的政治观点。

    Membership in her church youth group helped develop her political ideas .

  29. 最初是朋克摇滚乐促使他正式加入了乐队。

    It was punk that first moved him to join a band seriously

  30. 他说联合国在促使该地区非军事化的进程中已经取得了显著进展。

    He said the UN had made remarkable progress in demilitarizing the region