
  • 网络ovulation induction;COH
  1. 结论改良国产阿拉瑞林/FSH/hMG联合长方案是一种简单、经济、有效的控制性促排卵方案,值得在IVF&ET周期中推广。

    Conclusions Modified Alarelin / FSH / hMG long protocol is a simple , saving and effective COH protocol , deserve to popularize in IVF program .

  2. 将所有样本按照受精方式、年龄、超促排卵方案、Gn用量和Gn天数等分组。

    All samples were divided into different groups by fertilization , woman age , protocol of COH , dosage of Gn , days of Gn .

  3. B组42例采用促排卵治疗。

    Group B : 42 case were treated with ovulation induction .

  4. 超促排卵治疗的妇女雌二醇水平与载脂蛋白A1、B改变的关系

    Relationship between estradiol levels and changes of apoproteins A_1 and B in the women receiving induced ovulation therapy

  5. 来曲唑对SD大鼠促排卵及致畸作用的研究

    Study of Letrozole 's Ovulation Induction and Teratogenicity in SD Rats

  6. Ⅰ、Ⅱ期患者随机分为A(促排卵药物组)、B(期待治疗组)2组;

    Patients in phase ⅰ、ⅱ were divided into Group A ( urging ovulation medicine Group ) and Group B ( Expecting treatment Group ) stochastically ;

  7. 促排卵治疗对多囊卵巢综合征患者子宫内膜整合素αv、β3表达的影响

    Effects of Ovulation Induction Therapies on Endometrial Integrin α _v 、β _3 Expression in Patients with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Related Infertility

  8. FSH促排卵子宫内膜超声声像与妊娠的关系

    Relationship Endometrial Pattern Thickness to Fecundity in Ovulation Cycles Induced with FSH

  9. PCOS不孕的治疗主要是一个促排卵的治疗。

    PCOS infertility treatment is a treatment for ovulation induction .

  10. 对IVF超促排卵周期结局的分析

    Analysis on outcome of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation cycles in 28 cases

  11. 多囊卵巢综合征妇女促排卵后着床窗口期子宫内膜MMP-9和TIMP-1的表达

    The expression of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in endometrium of PCOS patients after ovarian hyperstimulation treatment

  12. 中医中药在促排卵治疗中的效果与CC和HMG相仿。

    The effect of TCM is similar to that of CC and HMG .

  13. 促排卵中多卵泡发育者改行IVF-ET的分析

    Analysis of IVF-ET in patients with multi-follicle development induced ovulation

  14. 不同促排卵启动时机对IVF-ET的影响

    Influence of Different Starting Time of Ovulation Induction on IVF-ET

  15. HMG-HCG促排卵治疗席汉氏综合征

    Ovulation induction with hmg-hcg in sheehan 's syndrome

  16. 控制性超促排卵过程中雌激素水平对IVF-ET结局的影响

    Effects of serum estradiol levels during controlled ovarian hyperstimulation on outcomes of IVF-ET

  17. 地塞米松对PCOS患者超促排卵中血清E2水平影响的临床研究

    Clinical investigation on effect of dexamethasone on serum estradiol level of PCOS patients undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation

  18. 促排卵过程中子宫内膜厚度变化对IVF-ET结局的影响

    Effect of Changes in Endometrial Thickness in Controlled Ovarian Stimulation on the Outcome of IVF-ET

  19. 结论药物促排卵方案治疗无效的PCOS可选择卵巢电凝术进行促排卵治疗。

    Conclusions Laparoscopic ovarian electrocautery can be selected in PCOS patients who have no response to ovulation-inductive drugs .

  20. 目的:随着现代辅助生育技术(ART)的发展,已经能应用促排卵药物取得较高的排卵率,但其妊娠率却一直徘徊在较低的水平。

    Objective : With the assist reproductive technique ( ART ) widely being applied , we can obtain high ovulating rate by using ovulation stimulants , but the pregnancy rate is still rambling in a low level .

  21. 而前两种方法之间宫颈粘液质量相似。结论CC加EE促排卵法是基层医院取代HMG的较佳选择

    Conclusions CC + EE is the better choice of method of impelling-ovulation for local hospitals , instead of HMG

  22. 目的:观察达英-35、中药周期用药对多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)促排卵的效果。

    Objective : To investigate the Diane-35 , Chinese medicine treatment cycle of polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS ) ovulation results .

  23. 改良GnRH-a长方案在控制性促排卵中的应用

    The use of modified GnRH-a long protocol in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation

  24. 随后2组均用hMG常规促排卵治疗,随访其排卵及妊娠情况。

    Afterwards , hMG were used to stimulate ovulation and the pregnant results were followed up .

  25. 结论高纯度hMG的促排卵治疗和国产普通hMG一样有效而安全。

    Conclusion highly purified hMG is as effective and safe as ordinary hMG in ovarian induction .

  26. 目的探讨性激素替代疗法(HRT)在治疗卵巢早衰(Prematureovarianfailure,POF)中的作用以及POF的促排卵方案。

    Objective To evaluate hormone replacement treatment ( HRT ) in patients with premature ovarian failure ( POF ) and explore the effective inducing ovulation protocol .

  27. 方法:拟行促排卵治疗的多囊卵巢综合症(PCOS)患者(66例),分为来曲唑组(20例)和克罗米酚组(46例)。

    Methods : The patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome ( PCOS ) undergoing ovarian stimulation were divided into LE group and CC group .

  28. 方法分析86个促排卵周期中19例发生OHSS患者的干预性护理措施。

    Method Varied nursing measures were analysis in 19 patients with OHSS in 86 cycles .

  29. PCOS病人促排卵治疗有排卵的着床期子宫内膜MMP-9与TIMP-1的表达与正常对照组比较,差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

    After ovarian ovulation treatment , the expression of MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in PCOS patients did not show singificant difference from the normal control group .

  30. 上述实验结果表明:卵泡发育障碍和排出障碍是肾虚不孕病症的重要因素或环节。以补肾立法的促排卵方通过影响大鼠FSH、LH的水平,改善其内分泌机能;

    Conclusion : The results show that growth disorder and excretion disorder of follicle are important factor of the female sterility due to asthenia of kidney ;