
  • 网络artificial periods
  1. 在识别和提取人工周期项,并经FISHER检验后,可近似地认为它是平稳随机过程。

    After distinguishing and extracting the man-made periodic terms and Fisher test , the residual component may be considered as a stationary stochastic process .

  2. 方法:对江苏省中医院门诊就诊的符合纳入标准的FHA患者32例,随机分为治疗组(中药补肾序贯),对照组(西药人工周期)。

    Method - ' According to the accepted standard , selecting 32 FHA athletes from Jiangsu Province Hospital of TCM that divided patients into treated group using traditional Chinese drug and controlled group using western drugs randomly .

  3. 治疗观察112例排卵障碍性不孕症,西医组55例采用人工周期及克罗米酚治疗;

    Cases of sterility due to anovulation were treated in different therapies .

  4. 中药人工周期法治疗女性迟发性痤疮疗效观察

    Therapeutic Effect of Herbal-medicine Artificial Menstrual Cycle Therapy for Female Tardive Acne

  5. 对照组25例,采用单纯西药人工周期疗法治疗。

    The control group ( 25 cases ) by western medicine alone .

  6. 胥受天应用中药人工周期疗法的经验探析

    Experience of XU Shou-tian on Using Traditional Chinese Drug Man-made Period Treatment

  7. 针刺并人工周期治疗抗精神病药物所致闭经疗效观察

    Observation of antipsychotics-induced amenorrhea treated by combination of acupuncture and artificial cycle

  8. 中西药人工周期治疗不孕症疗效分析

    Therapeutic Analysis of Infertility Treated with Chinese and Western Medicines in Artificial Cycle

  9. 中医人工周期疗法治疗无排卵性不孕症

    Treatment on the patients with infertility by artificial cycle methods with Chinese medicine

  10. 卵巢功能早衰的不孕症患者采用半人工周期治疗在体外受精及胚胎移植中的作用

    In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer in seminatural cycles for patients with ovarian aging

  11. 自然周期与人工周期方案冻融胚胎移植结局比较

    Compare the outcome of frozen-thawed embryo transfer between in natural cycles and artificial cycles

  12. 施行人工周期的常用药物及用法。

    The medicines most in use and their usage for the artificial menstrual cycle ' .

  13. 方法采用人工周期疗法,结合现代医学卵巢周期变化用药对50例无排卵性不孕症患者进行治疗。

    Methods Chinese medicine were applied in the patients ( 50 cases ) by artificial cycles methods .

  14. 结论:中药人工周期疗法辅以心理疏导是治疗黄体不健的较好方法。

    Conclusion : Intergration TCM artificial cyclic therapy into psychological regulation is the better therapy of LPD .

  15. 结论:中药人工周期对月经障碍的治疗不是起替代作用而是起调节作用。

    Conclusion : The periodical treatment of menoxenia with Chinese herbs is just to make an adjustment not a replacement .

  16. 中药人工周期治疗稀发月经和继发性闭经80例疗效观察

    Observation of therapeutic effect on 80 cases of oligohypomenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea with artificial menstrual cycle with Chinese herbal medicine

  17. 全部患者给予人工周期治疗,治愈率为22.6%,有效率为25.8%,但无1例妊娠。

    The cure rate of premature ovarian failure was 22.6 % and no patient was treated to have a pregnancy .

  18. 中药人工周期疗法配合辅助生育技术对体外受精胚胎种植率的影响

    Effect of Artificial Menstrual Cycle Induction by Chinese Medicine Combined with Assisted Reproductive Techniques on Embryo Implantation Rate in In-vitro Fertilization

  19. 目的:比较人工周期法与自然周期法准备内膜在复苏囊胚移植中的效果。

    Objective : To assess the clinical outcome of frozen-thawed blastocysts transfer ( FET ) in natural or hormonally controlled cycles .

  20. 研究了由两种不同的各向异性材料交替排列而构成的一维人工周期结构材料的带隙结构和传输特性。

    The band gap and propagation properties are studied for one-dimension photonic crystals that are made by alternately arranging two different anisotropy dielectric materials .

  21. 方法应用宫腔镜对36例宫腔粘连并发不孕患者进行粘连松解,宫内放置节育环,同时给予人工周期3个月。

    Methods 36 cases of infertility caused by intrauterine adhesions received hysteroscopic adhesiotomy , then IUD were placed to treat with artificial menstrual cycle for 3-months .

  22. 对照组采用单纯辅助生育技术,试验组在中药人工周期疗法2~3个疗程后采用辅助生育技术。

    Group B was treated with simple ART and group A received ART treatment after artificial menstrual cycle induction by Chinese medicine for 2 ~ 3 treatment courses .

  23. 直到上个世纪九十年代,随着人工周期性材料的发展,人们分别在理论和实验上证明了实现左手材料的可能性。

    Until 30 years later , with the development of artificial periodic materials , scientists have theoretically and experimentally proved the possibility of realization of left-handed materials , respectively .

  24. 中西医人工周期治疗排卵障碍性不孕症研究卵巢功能早衰的不孕症患者采用半人工周期治疗在体外受精及胚胎移植中的作用

    Clinical Study of the Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine Combined with Western Medicine in Treating Ovulation Dysfunction In vitro fertilization and embryo transfer in seminatural cycles for patients with ovarian aging

  25. 【目的】探讨辅助生育技术结合中药人工周期疗法对体外受精胚胎种植率的影响。

    【 Objective 】 To observe the effect of therapy of artificial menstrual cycle induction by Chinese medicine combined with assisted reproductive techniques ( ART ) on embryo implantation rate in in-vitro fertilization .

  26. 【结论】在采取辅助生育技术前运用中药人工周期疗法有助于患者整体机能的改善和协调,从而提高胚胎种植率。

    【 Conclusion 】 Therapy of artificial menstrual cycle induction by Chinese medicine combined with ART is helpful for the improvement and coordination of organic function , and thus increase embryo implantation rate in infertility patients .

  27. 运用辨证施治、中药人工周期、针灸治疗,效果显著,安全性高,更能为患者接受,在卵巢早衰治疗中有着不可替代的重要作用。

    Using the dialectic treatment , traditional Chinese medicine artificial cycle and acupuncture treatment , the effect is remarkable , is safer , is more acceptable by patients , and it takes an irreplaceable important role in the treatment of premature ovarian failure .

  28. 西医学在治疗本病上,尚无能完全根治的有效方法,多采用激素建立人工周期,促进排卵等,治疗时间长,副作用大。

    In the treatment of the disease , there is no effective way to completely cure it in Western medicine , it usually uses homone to establish artificial cycle , promote ovulation and so on , the treatment time is long and the side effect is big .

  29. 结果在护理人员编制没有增加的情况下,每年体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF)周期数从1998年的781个上升到2004年的1180个。人工授精周期数从185个上升到503个。

    Results The numbers of IVF and IUI cycles increased from 781 and 185 in 1998 to 1 180 and 503 in 2004 respectively .

  30. 观测安放Cu-IUD大鼠在人工性周期的不同时相,子宫组织ET-1、NO含量的动态变化以及柴胡止血液对其产生的影响。

    Testing dynamic movement of ET-1 , NO of Cu-IUD rats ' uterus organism in manual estrous-cycle and Chaihu hemostatic effects .