
  • 网络Human life
  1. 这个报告关注的是技术如何影响人类生活而非商业活动。

    The report 's focus is on how technology affects human life rather than business

  2. Web的发展给人类生活带来了巨大的方便,人们可以跨越时间和空间界限来共享大量信息。

    Web development to human life brought great convenience , it can transcend time and space limits to share substantial information .

  3. 战争是一幕巨大而包罗万象的戏,涉及地球上每个角落和人类生活的各个领域。

    The war is a gigantic cosmic drama , embracing every quarter of the globe and the whole orbit of man 's life .

  4. 毋庸多言,神经科学专家对维瑟这样的人抱有极大的兴趣,因为他们想了解大脑是如何记录人类生活的。

    Needless to say , people like Veiseh are of great interest to neuroscientists hoping to understand the way the brain records our lives .

  5. 此外,大多数过敏原与人类生活环境密切相关,不可能简单地根除。

    In addition , most allergens are closely linked to human living environments and are impossible to simply wipe out .

  6. 古代的学者认为,各个天体的位置及其反应在日历上的某个日子会对人类生活产生巨大的影响。

    Ancient scholars believed that the position of the planets and hence the dates have a great influence on human lives .

  7. “波特罗是一位非常有特色的描述人类生活的艺术家,”新奥尔良美术馆经理E。

    " Botero is an artist that uses his distinctive style to comment on all facets of human life ," said New Orleans Museum of Art Director E.

  8. 人类生活需要精确语言,但并不排斥模糊语言。

    We need precise language , but not exclude fuzzy language .

  9. 电子垃圾正成为危害人类生活的严重隐患。

    Electronic waste has become a potential danger to our life .

  10. 运输是人类生活和社会发展的基础之一。

    Transportation is the foundation of human lives and society development .

  11. 改变人类生活的一种交通公具。

    A transportation vehicle that has changed people 's lives .

  12. 信息时代人类生活方式不断改变;

    The information time humanity life style unceasingly changes ;

  13. 肥胖问题是严重影响人类生活的现代疾病。

    Obesity matter is a modern disease that severity infects human 's life .

  14. 地球的脱气过程及对人类生活环境的影响

    Degassing process of the earth and its effects on living environment of mankind

  15. 宠物是人类生活的一部分。

    Pets are a part of peoples ' lives .

  16. 原始手工业对人类生活的影响

    Influence of primitive handicraft on people 's life

  17. 全球信息化是全球经济发展和人类生活进步的重要标志。

    Global Information is an important reflection of the economic development in society progress .

  18. 我要世俗享乐,也要神圣的超越人类生活的双重荣耀。

    I wanted worldly enjoyment and divine transcendence the dual glories of a human life .

  19. 未来社会是网络的社会,是由网络主宰人类生活的各个方面包括人的思想的社会。

    The future is networks , in which networks dominate all including people 's minds .

  20. 它是人类生活最基本的需求之一,是具非公共品特性的准公共品;

    It is the basic necessity of mankind , and a semi - public product .

  21. 现代人类生活处于普遍危机之中。

    Today mankind is in crisis .

  22. 人类生活的大部分时间都在室内,室内甲醛气体的检测直接关系到人类的生活质量、健康程度。

    Indoor formaldehyde gas detection is directly related to the quality of human life and health .

  23. 人类生活方式发生的巨大变化,对城市广场的设计提出了新的要求。

    The design of urban square faces new requirements because of the change of life style .

  24. 生物基因技术是对人类生活产生重要影响的科学技术之一。

    Genetic technology is one of biological technology which plays an important impact on human life .

  25. 生物技术与人类生活

    Biology Technology and Human Life

  26. 哲学应该为人类生活提供指导,它的任务是判断、批评和评价。

    Philosophy whose task is to judge , criticize and evaluate should provide guidance for human life .

  27. 经过几十年的发展,计算机应用技术业已渗透到人类生活的各个领域。

    In the last half century , the computer application has extended all over every walk of life .

  28. 随着因特网成为人类生活重要一部分,它的可靠性也变得越来越重要。

    With the Internet becoming an important part of human life , its reliability is becoming absolutely essential .

  29. 装饰图案在人类生活中有着举足轻重的作用,是人们智慧的结晶。

    Decorative pattern has a pivotal role inhuman life , and it is the crystallization of human wisdom .

  30. 战争是人类生活的一部分,也是文学的重要主题之一。

    War is part of human life , while it is also an important theme of the literature .