
  1. 但是我们可以确定的是,FGF家族信号通路在人牙齿的发育过程中起到了重要作用。

    What we can be sure , FGFs signaling pathway plays an important part in the course of human tooth germ development .

  2. 波顿身材瘦削、孩子气、长着一副典型的英国人牙齿,他穿着寻常西服——白衬衣配着灰色高腰修身九分裤,这两者都是其好友、美国设计师汤姆•布朗(ThomBrowne)之大作。

    Tall , slim and boyish , with British teeth , he is dressed in his daily uniform of a white shirt and slim-cut , cropped grey high-waisted trousers , both by his partner , the US designer Thom Browne .

  3. 门诊986例老年人牙齿缺失及修复情况调查分析

    Investigation of tooth loss and prosthetic conditions on 986 elderly outpatients

  4. 微波和超声波对人牙齿脱钙效果的比较研究

    Comparison of effects of microwave and ultrasonic wave on tooth decalcification

  5. 吸烟能导致许多疾病,那些经常吸烟的人牙齿不好,

    Smoking causes many illnesses.Those who smoke often have bad teeth .

  6. 新石器时代人牙齿的龋病状况分析

    Humans Dental caries in the population of the Neolithic Age

  7. 那些经常吸烟的人牙齿不好。

    Those who often smoke have bad teeth .

  8. 巢蛋白在人牙齿发育过程中表达的免疫组化研究

    Immunohistochemical localization of nestin in human developing teeth

  9. 3000年前人与当代人牙齿磨耗的对比性研究

    Comparative analysis of tooth wear between human samples from 3000 years ago and modern adults

  10. 结果增殖细胞核抗原在人牙齿发育各阶段具有不同的表达模式。

    RESULTS Proliferating cell nuclear antigen had different distribution in each stage during human teeth development .

  11. 西安地区三千年来人牙齿磨耗的对比性研究

    The Relative Analysis of Human Tooth Wear from Three Thousand Years Ago to Now in Xi'an Region

  12. 中国人牙齿形态测量分析&华北近代人群臼齿齿冠及齿尖面积

    Morphometric Analysis of Chinese Teeth : Molar Crown and Cusp Areas of a Recent North Chinese Population

  13. 河套人牙齿化石在内蒙古发现。

    The fossil ( tooth ) of " Hetao Man "( UPP ) discovered in Inner Mongolia .

  14. 老年人牙齿磨损情况调查及治疗分析新石器时期人类牙齿磨耗与饮食习惯

    INVESTIGATION ON TEETH ATTRITION IN THE ELDERLY AND ITS TREATMENT An analysis of the teeth attrition in Neolithic population

  15. 一项由500名游泳爱好者参与的研究发现,其中66%的人牙齿会受到氯的侵害。

    A study of 500 swimmers found 66 per cent of them had damaged teeth as a result of chlorine .

  16. 激光照射与酸性氟磷酸盐联合应用对离体人牙齿釉质脱矿的影响

    The effect of Nd : YAG laser irradiation combined with acidulated phosphate fluorid treatment on the acid resistance of human enamel

  17. 结论:巢蛋白参与人牙齿的发育过程,特别是成牙本质细胞分化和基质分泌。

    Conclusion : Nestin participates the development of tooth germ , especially in the differentiation of odontoblast and secretion of dentin matrix .

  18. 少数几个有一副完整的乳牙,其他人牙齿脱落的地方露出牙缝。

    A few of them had a complete set of original baby teeth , while others had gaps where teeth had fallen out .

  19. 目的:探讨应用增效剂对脉冲Nd:YAG激光提高人牙齿抗酸性能的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effect of initiator on pulsed Nd : YAG laser in the acid resistance of human teeth in vitro .

  20. 目的分析两种烤瓷比色板的颜色分布特点,并与中国人牙齿颜色分布范围比较。

    Objective To analyze the color range of two imported shade guide and compare the color range of shade guide with that of Chinese teeth .

  21. 方法:制备人牙齿发育各阶段标本,进行神经生长因子及其受体的免疫组化研究。

    Methods : After preparing specimens of every stage of human developing teeth , immunohistochemical staining of nerve growth factor and its receptor was carried on .

  22. 么会洞之中的神秘牙齿一定属于某种未知的猿类,龙骨坡的、以及类似洞穴之中发现的似人牙齿也是如此。

    The Mohui mystery teeth surely belonged to an unknown ape , as did Longgupo , and other human-like teeth often identified from similar cave fossils .

  23. 目的:探讨TGF-β1、TGF-β2、TGF-β3在人牙齿发育过程中的作用。

    AIM : Study of the effect of TGF - β 1 , TGF - β 2 and TGF - β 3 in the human tooth development .

  24. 结论:巢蛋白参与人牙齿发育过程,特别是成牙本质细胞分化和基质分泌,可以作为功能性成牙本质细胞的标志物。

    Conclusion : Nestin participates the development of tooth germ , especially in the differentiation of odontoblast and secretion of dentin matrix . Nestin may be regarded as a marker of functional odontoblast .

  25. 本研究选用较高浓度的过氧化脲漂白剂,应用扫描电镜和显微硬度测试,观察和评价了其在体情况下对人牙齿表面结构的影响;

    The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of 3 higher - concentration CP whitening solutions on the tooth surface in vivo with the scanning electron microscope and micro-hardness tester ;

  26. 中国夏代人牙齿磨耗的研究牙齿磨耗受诸多因素影响,喜食硬质、酸性食物对牙齿磨耗影响最大(P<0.05)。

    Multiple factors most frequently considered to be contributed to tooth wear , the habituation of eating hard diet or sour diet has significant correlation with tooth wear ( P < 0.05 ) .

  27. 抽烟斗的人用牙齿咬住烟斗,有时会把齿尖磨平。

    Pipe smokers sometimes wear down the tips of their teeth where they grip their pipes

  28. 他们说脚指甲就好像人的牙齿一样。

    They say that toenails are the teeth of the foot .

  29. 有些人的牙齿对冷是高度敏感的。

    Some people 's teeth are highly sensitive to cold .

  30. 前言:目的:探讨国人胎儿牙齿硬组织发育状况。

    Objective : To reveal the development of tooth hard tissue of fetus .