
kuài sù yuè dú
  • speed reading;rapid reading
  1. 为此,英语学习者都应接受一些必要的快速阅读训练。

    Thus , English learners should receive the necessary speed reading training .

  2. 中学生快速阅读训练的实验研究

    Research on Speed Reading Training for Junior High School Students

  3. 那个学生快速阅读了考卷。

    The student skimmed through the test paper .

  4. 我快速阅读时常常跳越过一两行字。

    I often jump over a line or two in rapid reading .

  5. 为了理解共享内存与私有内存之间的不同之处,首先让我们通过快速阅读DB2进程model来了解一下DB2代理进程。

    To understand the difference between shared and private memory , let 's first learn about the DB2 agent processes by quickly reviewing the DB2 process model .

  6. 所以,我快速阅读了一下,她看着屏幕一段时间,然后我建议点击右上边的按钮,来买一张新的Charlie票,不管怎样,那是一张有值票,可以通过。

    So , I did some reading quickly and she looked at the screen for a moment and then I suggested we hit the top right button to purchase new Charlie Ticket , whatever that is , value tickets and passes .

  7. 阅读速度&还有一种良好的阅读习惯就是快速阅读。

    READING SPEED - Another good reading habit is reading fast .

  8. 青年学生应该具有这种快速阅读能力。

    Young students ought to possess this ability of rapid reading .

  9. 《大学英语快速阅读(全新版)》的内容效度分析

    An Analysis of Content Validity of New College English Fast Reading

  10. 快速阅读这篇文章设法掌握其大意。

    Read the passage quickly and try to get the general .

  11. 只进行快速阅读训练是不够的。

    Carry on fast reading training 's is not enough only .

  12. 从语篇着手,快速阅读,提高阅读速度。

    Text from the start , fast reading , enhance reading speed .

  13. 摘要快速阅读是当代信息社会的重要阅读方法。

    Rapid reading is an important reading skill in modem information society .

  14. 高职学生英语快速阅读能力现状调查及解决对策

    Investigation and Solution on English Fast Reading Ability of Vocational College Students

  15. 在日新月异的现代信息社会,快速阅读的能力显得尤为重要。

    In the modern information era . fast reading is more important .

  16. 大学英语四级考试快速阅读理解题型解题技巧刍议

    Fast Reading Comprehension of CET-4 and its Question Answering Method

  17. 前测材料选自2007年12月的大学英语四级考试的快速阅读试题。

    Reading material was CET-4 fast reading comprehension questions in December 2007 .

  18. 对大学生英语快速阅读的探讨

    Approach to the English Fast Reading of the College Students

  19. 是的,快速阅读和快速理解是很实际的事。

    Yes , speed reading and speed comprehension is real .

  20. 在互联网时代,快速阅读已成为一项不可或缺的技能。

    Speed-reading is an indispensable skill in the Internet age .

  21. 有目的地快速阅读课文,检测预测。

    Ss read the text quickly and check their predictions .

  22. 学生快速阅读过程的信息加工实质的研究

    Research on the Nature of Information Processing of Quick Reading

  23. 搞法律时受的训练教会了他如何快速阅读。

    His legal training had taught him to read quickly .

  24. 大学英语四级考试新题型快速阅读的教学对策

    Teaching Strategies to Fast Reading New Pattern in College English Band 4

  25. 小学生快速阅读的眼动研究

    Eye movement study of speed reading of primary pupils

  26. 快速阅读训练可以显著减少注视次数、注视点平均持续时间;

    The fixation times and mean fixation were reduced by the training significantly .

  27. 视知觉、知识图式和快速阅读训练

    Visual Consciousness , Knowledge Schemas and Reading Speed Drills

  28. 高效快速阅读在国外已被广泛注意和应用。

    Reading effectively and quickly has been applied abroad .

  29. 这个读者在快速阅读方面相当有技巧。

    The reader is rather skillful in rapid reading .

  30. 韩特先生教我们如何快速阅读。

    Mr Hunt teaches us how to read quickly .