
  • 网络engram;memory trace
  1. 记忆痕迹在大脑内的定位一直以来都是神经科学、心理学和精神病学领域的研究热点之一。

    The engram is the representation of a memory in the brain . The localization of the engram in the brain is intensively studied in the fields of neuroscience , psychology and psychiatry .

  2. 格式塔心理学提出了记忆痕迹理论,强调刺激所在的情境对回忆的影响;

    Gestalt psychology put forward memory trace theory , which emphasized how stimulate context influences recall ;

  3. 跨通路选择性注意脑内记忆痕迹的位置

    Localization of memory imprinting in the brain during cross-modal selective attention

  4. 目的:研究脑内记忆痕迹的位置。

    Objective : To localize the memory imprinting in the brain .

  5. 这会让你在大脑中加深记忆痕迹。

    This allows you to imprint the memory onto your brain .

  6. 突触的可塑性变化和不同的蛋白质是记忆痕迹的基础;

    The changes of synaptic plasticity and proteins of different characters are the basis of memory traces .

  7. 这种化学物质的结构时而发生变化产生一种叫“记忆痕迹”的路径。

    The chemical and sometimes even structural changes that occur create a pathway called a memory trace .

  8. 如果记忆痕迹足够活跃在大脑里制造出一条长期路径的话,短期记忆可以变成长期。

    But short-term memory can become long term memory if the memory trace is activated enough so that it creates a long-term pathway in the brain .

  9. 人们对日常烦心事存在情绪加工偏向,与日常愉悦事件和中性事件相比,日常烦心事在语义加工、认知评价以及晚期的情绪性记忆痕迹上都存在加工偏向。

    Compared with daily uplifts and neutral events , the emotion processing of daily hassles has a emotion process bias on semantic process , cognitive appraisal and emotional memory trace .

  10. 而且这些记忆的痕迹不久就会开始影响到你为了达到目标而进行的日常活动。

    And these memory traces will soon start influencing your everyday behavior toward the attainment of the goal .

  11. 适当地在一定程度上保持地域文化特点也是为了将来给子孙们留下一些历史记忆的痕迹。

    Properly to some extent keeping a regional cultural characteristics is also for the sake of in the future to leave some traces of the historical memories for the descendants .

  12. 她在欧洲神经科学论坛上解释了这个问题。任何新的经历都会储存到记忆里,但是记忆痕迹或者被遗忘,或者变得更牢固和持久。

    Speaking at the Forum of European Neuroscience she explained that any new experience is encoded in memory , but memory traces can later be forgotten or become more stable and permanent .

  13. 由此可以推知,人们在情景记忆提取时,最初是记忆痕迹的恢复过程,随后对所提取的信息进行评估,继而做出判断。

    It was inferred that during the retrieval of episodic memory , people should firstly recover the memory , and then evaluate the retrieved information before making a decision .

  14. 随着记忆巩固过程,D-I核脱离皮层的控制而发展成为这一学习模式的记忆痕迹基础部位。

    With consolidation , theD-I nuclei become free of control from the cerebellar cortex and serve as the essen-tial component of the memory trace for this model system .

  15. 学习记忆是大脑最基本也是最重要的高级神经功能之一,它的生物学基础称之为记忆痕迹。

    Learning and memory function are one of the most important , and fundamental mental processes of the brain .