- permanent memory

A research on the environment-friendly textile finishing agent with permanent memory
The organization of word knowledge in permanent memory is called the mental lexicon .
Impermanent memory There are two kinds of memory : short-term and long-term .
I shall be left with many enduring memories of the time I spent in india .
In interpreting , three mental structures-sensory memory , working memory and permanent memory represent respectively the precondition , crux and foundation in terms of memorial operations during the process .
Chris Brewin at University College London has confirmed that people suffering from depression or post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) are especially prone to this sort of persistent memory .
Hippocampal place cells can process the environmental inputs and make up a cognitive map in the hippocampus , or strengthen the synaptic connections within an association cortical cell assembly , thus creating a permanent engram for a spatial site .
Leave permanent memory traces on the mind ;
Your mind , while blessed with permanent memory , is cursed with lousy recall .
My hope is that the event and the whole weekend will bring lasting memories , like an epic move .
Now they are the remembered voices of the men and women who were trapped on the high floors of the twin towers .
It is where I do my shopping , send emails or read the news – not where I would naturally choose to mourn or store memories for ever .
Conclusions Endoscopic placing of a per manent netlike shape-memory alloy stent might be a treatment of choice for the managment of upper urinary tract atresia instead of open surgery .
Thucydides deliberately inserts the Great Plague in the middle of the two speeches in order to display how Pericles , under different situations , persuaded the Athenians to love their city-state and to undergo various sufferings for the purpose of marvelous achievements as well as everlasting memory .
Because the proteins are unstable , they can be easily removed with drugs or behavior therapy , ensuring the memory is eliminated forever .
But these pictures aren 't just small monuments to a failed romance , they 're high-resolution instants from your life , recorded forever , unfading .