
yuè dú sù dù
  • reading speed;rate of reading
  1. 只是这些招数就能很快让你的阅读速度提高一倍。

    These tricks alone should double your reading speed very soon .

  2. 大学英语阅读速度提高方法之探索

    Exploration on the Methods of Improving College English Reading Speed

  3. 如果让我给你一个忠告来提高你的阅读速度的话,那就是全神贯注的研究你的资料。

    If there was one piece of advice I would offer to improve your reading rate it would be simply to engross yourself in the material you are studying .

  4. 该系统的八台处理机按ROM中的识别软件并行运行,使文字阅读速度满足需要。

    This system is operated in parallel mode by means of the character recognition software storing in ROM.

  5. 柯比是杜克大学(DukeUniversity)的药学研究员,他这样做是在为手机应用Spritz进行β测试。这款应用声称有助于人们不去上速读课就能够提高阅读速度。

    Mr. Kirby , a research fellow in medicine at Duke University , is a beta-tester for Spritz , a mobile app that claims to help people read faster without the bother of classes .

  6. 脑力作业负荷后,肥胖组阅读速度I、MC均低于对照组,错误率高于对照组(P<0.05),视觉追踪测验完成时间显著长于对照组。

    After mental workload , compared with control group , lower reading velocity and IMC were found in obese group , mistake rate was higher ( P < 0.05 ), and test time was significantly longer than normal ones .

  7. 弗里德曼透露,库尔特・冯内古特(KurtVonnegut)的《猫的摇篮》(Cat'sCradle)是加速因子最高的作品之一,读者在读到一半时就开始加快阅读速度。

    One of the highest acceleration factors comes from Kurt Vonnegut 's ' Cat 's Cradle , ' which readers start speeding through at the halfway mark , Mr. Friedman says .

  8. 切记,阅读速度太慢只能妨碍你集中注意力。

    Remember , nothing hurts concentration more than reading too slowly .

  9. 阅读速度&还有一种良好的阅读习惯就是快速阅读。

    READING SPEED - Another good reading habit is reading fast .

  10. 人们总想提高阅读速度,赶紧把书读完。

    People want to read fast , to get it done .

  11. 她的阅读速度是每分钟100词。

    She can read at the rate of100 words a minute .

  12. 一连串的生词使他的阅读速度慢了下来。

    His reading is slowed down by a string of new words .

  13. 视觉训练对低视力儿童阅读速度的影响

    Vision training and its effects on reading speed in low vision children

  14. 阅读速度慢是大学学习的主要障碍。

    Slow reading is a major handicap in university studies .

  15. 我国学生英语阅读速度过慢成因分析

    Causes of Slow Reading Speed with Chinese Learners of English

  16. 阅读速度和阅读理解成绩相互代偿,若注重理解正确率,宜采用150字/分的起始速度;

    There was a trade-off between reading speed and comprehension ;

  17. 真的可以这么快地提高阅读速度吗?

    Can you really boost your reading speed so much so quickly ?

  18. 阅读速度和理解是阅读的核心。

    Reading speed and comprehension are the core of reading .

  19. 英语阅读速度与理解率概定

    English Reading Speed and the Conception of Comprehensive Rate

  20. 影响英语阅读速度的因素及解决途径

    Research on the Factors Which Influence English Reading Speed

  21. 略读有利于双你的阅读速度,提高了您的理解,以及。

    Skimming helps double your reading speed and improves your comprehension as well .

  22. 对英语专业学生阅读速度的归因倾向调查

    A Survey on Attribution Tendency for English Majors and Teachers in Reading Speed

  23. 效率体现在阅读速度和立即能力两方面。

    The efficiency body reads the speed now and immediately ability both side .

  24. 阅读速度的培养;

    ( 6 ) Train the speed of reading ;

  25. 因此研究中文的阅读速度是研究脑力负荷测量及工作效率的一个重要内容。

    Therefore , studying mental workload requires to study the speed of reading .

  26. 寻求信息发展规律,提高学生英语阅读速度

    Seek Developing Rules of Passage Information , Improve Students ' English Reading Speed

  27. 提高阅读速度的最好方法,就是练习。

    The best way to improve your reading speed is to practice reading .

  28. 我担心阅读速度太慢,无法在规定时间内完成作答。

    I am afraid that I can 't answer each question on time .

  29. 我需要一个软件来提高我的阅读速度。

    I need a piece of software which can improve my reading speed .

  30. 认知单元图形对阅读速度的影响

    Influence of Recognition Unit Block on Reading Speed