
yuè dú qì
  • reader;viewer
  1. 有关基于windows的屏幕阅读器实用程序一览表,参见

    " For a list of Windows-based screen reader utilities , see "

  2. 识别系统是由条码阅读器和DSP译码两部分组成。

    The recognition system is composed of a reader and decode DSP .

  3. 在技术和阅读方面,这份报告对想了解电子阅读器和平板电脑对阅读影响如何的父母几乎没什么帮助。

    When it comes to technology and reading , the report does little to counsel parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading .

  4. 智能手机和电子阅读器近年来变得更加普遍。

    Smartphones and e-readers have become more common in recent years .

  5. 分别对多个输出设备(如智能手机、电子书阅读器和替代Web浏览器)的内容进行样式化

    Style content separately for multiple output devices such as smart phones , e-book readers , and alternate web browsers

  6. 然后Feed阅读器就可根据给出的类别拉出所需的分类后feed。

    Feed readers then pull categorized Feeds knowing that any required Categories are present .

  7. 这些接口包括从智能卡阅读器到IP网络摄像机等一系列硬件设备。

    These interface with hardware devices ranging from card readers to IP network cameras .

  8. 这种提要能够让用户通过一种称为提要阅读器的软件阅读Web站点的内容。

    This feed enables users to read the contents of the Web site with software known as a feed reader .

  9. 基于隐私保护的MobileRFID阅读器协议

    Mobile RFID reader protocol based on privacy-protection

  10. 每种阅读器都拥有不同的特性,旨在帮助管理来自Internet的难以置信的信息量。

    Each reader has different features , designed to help make sense of the incredible amount of information coming from the Internet .

  11. 基于ARM的RFID阅读器设计

    The design of RFID reader based on ARM

  12. 基于移动阅读器的RFID概率空间范围查询技术的研究

    Study on Processing Probabilistic RFID Spatial Range Query Based on Mobile Readers

  13. 3D条形码阅读器通过你的手机摄像头,扫描出条形码,并能找出商品。

    3D bar code readers use your phone 's camera to literally scan bar codes and search for products .

  14. 用Foxproforwindows语言编写资料阅读器的程序

    Programming for the Reference Reader with FoxPro for Windows Language

  15. 启动或重新加载阅读器时,会对URL进行访问。

    The URLs are accessed when the readers are started or reloaded .

  16. 它不使用Google阅读器的文本界面,而是显示一连串的截图。

    Instead of a Google Reader-like text-based interface , Fast Flip displays a series of screenshots .

  17. 该中文电子阅读器,充分利用了数字信号处理器一DSP的实时处理图象、实时处理声音的能力。

    The Chinese electronic reader that bases on DSP , which adopt digit signal processer for CPU .

  18. 一款电子邮件阅读器软件被拒绝,是因为它与苹果公司自己的软件Mail形成了竞争。

    An e-mail reader was denied because it competed with Apple 's own Mail app .

  19. RFID应用系统中一种快速高效的冗余阅读器去除算法

    A Fast and Efficient Algorithm for Redundant Reader Elimination in RFID Application System

  20. 满足RFID阅读器系统对时钟电路的设计要求。

    These meet the RFID reader system design requirements .

  21. 皆因NookSimpleTouch电子阅读器的销量低于预期。

    Lower-than-expected sales of its nook simple touch .

  22. RFID系统阅读器反碰撞算法分类与研究

    Taxonomy and Survey of RFID Reader Anti-collision Protocols

  23. RFID系统阅读器防碰撞技术研究

    Reader Collision Technology Research in RFID System

  24. 这些阅读器提供指定URL的功能,URL返回RSS提要。

    These readers provide the capability of specifying URLs that return RSS feeds .

  25. UHFRFID阅读器芯片功率放大器设计

    A Power Amplifier Design for UHF RFID Reader Chip

  26. 基于ActiveX控件的PDF文档阅读器的设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of a PDF Reader Based on ActiveX Control

  27. 基于RSS阅读器的个人信息门户的构建

    Construction of the Personal Information Portal Based on RSS Readers

  28. 您的在线提要阅读器同样支持RSS提要和网页。

    Your online feed reader also supports RSS feeds and web pages .

  29. 页面阅读器无法读取Flash或图形,搜索引擎也不行。

    A page reader can 't read the Flash or the text & and neither can the search engine .

  30. RFID只有两个基本器件,由询问器(或阅读器)和应答器(或标签)组成。

    RFID comprises two parts , interrogator ( or reader ) and transponder ( or tag ) .