
  • 网络safety;Social Security
  1. 缺乏健全的社会安全保障经常被认为是中国高储蓄率的一个原因。

    The lack of a social safety net is often blamed for the high Chinese saving rate .

  2. 和现在许多的社会安全保障网一样,当下的失业保险制度也是富兰克林•罗斯福新政时制定的。

    Like much of the social safety net , the current UI system was a product of Franklin Roosevelt 's New Deal .

  3. 为国家经济和社会安全保障提供技术支持。

    Rendering technical support to national economic and social security .

  4. 更好的社会安全保障体系也许会鼓励亚洲人少存款。

    Better social safety-nets might encourage Asians to save less .

  5. 申请社会安全保障卡需要两份文件。

    You need two documents to apply for ssc .

  6. 其中包括社会安全保障,医疗保险制度,公共医疗补助。

    These are Social Security , Medicare and Medicaid .

  7. 每个人都有权利享有社会安全保障,并且有机会发展自己的谋生技能。

    Everyone has the right to social security and to opportunities to develop their skills .

  8. 当代损害赔偿体系由侵权责任法、保险制度和社会安全保障制度共同构成。

    Contemporary damages from the tort liability system , method , insurance system and social security system constitute .

  9. 犯罪预防犹如一面模具,它的凸面是社会安全保障,它的凹面是个人自由保护。

    The basic value of the criminal prevention lies in the protection of the individual freedom and guarantee of the safety to society .

  10. 为增强市场竞争优势或提升社会安全保障能力,企业或组织对数据仓库的实时性提出了越来越高的要求,但传统数据仓库不能满足这种实时性需求。

    The demand for real time of data warehouse is increasingly high to enhance competitive advantage or to enhance the social safety capability .

  11. 经济学的外部性理论,指出农业具有产品贡献、就业贡献、社会安全保障和休闲等功能。

    The externality theory of economics points out that the agricultural functions include product offer , employment offer , welfare guarantee and leisure .

  12. 白宫表示,一项大幅削减债务的计划可能会涉及医疗保险、医疗补助和社会安全保障计划等社会福利项目的资金。

    The White House said a big debt reduction plan could involve savings in social programs such as Medicare , Medicaid and Social Security .

  13. 社会安全保障部门警告德克萨斯州不应该依赖清除选民名单,但该州忽略那个警告。

    Social Security warned Texas that it shouldn 't be relied upon for purging its rolls of voters , but the state ignored that caution .

  14. 我们通过联邦医疗保险、医疗补助计划以及社会安全保障为彼此作出的承诺,不仅不会挫伤我们的积极性,反而使我们更加强壮。

    The commitments we make to each other through Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security , these things do not sap our initiative , they strengthen us .

  15. 当前农民工劳动就业权益保障、社会安全保障、平等和发展权、政治参与渠道的缺失有其深刻的客观和主观原因。

    At present , there is a defienciency of the safeguard of immigrant labor ′ s employment , social safety , equality and their development , political participation .

  16. 郑教授希望这个长篇报告将给政府提供一个建立社会安全保障体系的参考。

    He hoped the lengthy report , which included action plans , would serve as a blueprint for China 's social security system and provide reference for the government .

  17. 除了种木薯,这些农民没有什么东西能够赖以生存:没有可供选择的工作,没有社会安全保障,没有社区食品店。

    Take away the cassava , and these farmers have nothing to fall back on : no alternative employment , no social security check , no community food pantry .

  18. 随着工业化的发展及城市化的不断推进,农业的功能已经不仅局限于生产功能,而是集产品供给、社会安全保障、产业奉献、就业保障、生态功能与生活休闲为一体的多功能产业。

    As the biggest industry in China , agricultural function is not limited to the production , but combine supply , social security , industry consecration , employment guarantee and ecology .

  19. 传统的观念、传统劳动分工模式和社会安全保障体系的缺乏等因素影响了农村教育的性别模式,贫困也是影响教育性别不平等的重要因素。

    Though gender pattern in rural education is influenced by traditional conception , the traditional mode of labor division and the lack of social security system , poverty is still an important factor contributing to gender inequality in rural education .

  20. 德舒特举例说,政府必需保证耕者有其田,不能让他们被迫搬迁;而且要给穷人提供社会安全保障;确保农村妇女有权跟男人一样获得土地和其他生产性资源。

    For example , he says they must protect land users from the risk of eviction , provide their poor with social safety nets and make sure rural women have the same rights as men to access land and other productive resources .

  21. 两党同时又都反对对于军事、社会安全福利保障和老年保健医疗方面税收削减,至少在短期内反对这一政策。

    Both parties also oppose big cuts to the military , Social Security and Medicare , at least in the short term .

  22. 增强政府安全责任能力,提升企业安全管理水平,强化个人安全意识,是提高社会公共安全保障能力的三驾马车,是构建和谐社会的重要措施。

    Enhancing government 's security responsibility ability , promoting enterprises ' security controlling level , strengthening individual security consciousness , are the " troika " which sharpen the social public security guaranteeing capabilities and the important measures which help to construct harmonious social .

  23. 论人民警察职务关系试论信息社会的公共安全保障

    Research on the police duty relation A Brief Discussion on How to Safeguard the Public Security of the Information Society

  24. 警察权是一种重要的国家权力,保卫国家和社会的安全、保障公民权利决定了警察权存在的正当性。

    Police powers is an important power of state that is necessity for the protection of safety of state and society and civil rights .

  25. 缺陷产品召回制度是一种社会生活的安全保障制度,它是针对已经流入市场的缺陷产品而建立的。

    Defective Product Recall System is one kind of safety protection systems for social life , which aims at the products which have already entered into the market .

  26. 面向小康社会的水资源安全保障体系研究

    Research on Water Security Guarantee System for a Well-to-do Society

  27. 建立社会安全保护体系,保障社会可持续发展

    Building up the safety-guaranteeing system and safeguarding the sustainable development of society

  28. 治安与警察是人类社会公共安全的行为保障。

    The public security and police are the behavior guarantee of public security .

  29. 在社会交往中,安全保障义务是一项重要的基础性义务。

    In social interaction , safety-guard obligation is an important one of the basic obligations .

  30. 城市居民知道这对社会团结、安全、保障和生活质量意味着什么。

    City dwellers know what this means in terms of social cohesion , safety , security , and the quality of life .