
shè huì bǎo hù
  • social protection
  1. 然而,首席社会保护专家JohnElder说,这项工作面临一个挑战。

    But that can pose a challenge , says Lead Social Protection Specialist John Elder .

  2. 世界银行(worldbank)在去年发布的《印度在变革过程中的社会保护状况》(socialprotectionforachangingindia)报告中称,印度有数百个官方的扶贫计划,但很多受益者并非穷人。

    According to a World Bank report last year , social protection for a changing India , the country has hundreds of official anti-poverty programmes , and many of those who enjoy the benefits are not poor .

  3. 封建社会保护农业的法律制度

    Study on Agricultural Protection by Legal System in Feudal Society

  4. 弱势群体的经济成因及其社会保护

    An Economic Analysis on the Colony of Weak Tendency and its Social Preservation

  5. 农民工的社会保护:劳动政策的视角

    Social Protection for Migrant Workers : Labor Policy Perspective

  6. 浅谈服刑人员未成年子女社会保护问题

    On the Social Protection of Prisoners ' Underage Children

  7. 弱势儿童的社会保护:社会政策的视角

    Social Protection of Vulnerable Children : Social Policy Perspective

  8. 谈服刑人员子女的社会保护

    On the Social Protection of Prisoners ' Children

  9. 非正规就业群体的社会保护

    The Social Protection of the Informal Employment

  10. 第四章社会保护

    Chapter IV Protection by the society

  11. 服刑人员未成年子女社会保护是一个不容忽视的社会问题。

    The protection of prisoners ' underage children is a social question that cannot be ignored .

  12. 采用加密技术是现代社会保护敏感信息的一种较为有效和经济的手段。

    Applying encryption technique is a valid and economical means of protecting important information in modern society .

  13. 世行的工作小组还被要求帮助确定社会保护和营养标准。

    The Bank team has also been asked to help clarify standards for social protection and nutrition .

  14. 分摊性社会保护计划

    Contributory social protection plans

  15. 于是,衡量某项社会保护政策的实施效果如何,就可以从贫困的减少和社会公平状况的改善加以评价。

    Thus , the policy effectiveness of SP could be evaluated from the poverty reduction and social equity .

  16. 一切儿童,无论婚生或非婚生,都应享受同样的社会保护。

    All children , whether born in or out of wedlock , shall enjoy the same social protection .

  17. 某些富裕国家有大批人群不能获得医疗,因为社会保护的安排不公平。

    Some rich countries have large populations without access to care because of inequitable arrangements for social protection .

  18. 加强对包括儿童、孕妇和老人等弱势群体的社会保护尤为重要。

    Strengthening social protection is especially important for vulnerable groups , including children , pregnant women and the elderly .

  19. 他们创造那些最终能够增加收入并获得社会保护的就业机会的可能性相对较小。

    They have less of a chance to create jobs that eventually pay more and benefit from social protections .

  20. 社会主义新农村建设关键在于实现对三农的社会保护

    Crux to a New Socialist Countryside : To Install a Social Security Net for the " Three Rural Issues "

  21. 政府在弱势群体的社会保护网络中处于核心地位,肩负义不容辞的责任。

    The government plays a core role in the social protection networks supporting the weak groups , bearing bounden responsibilities .

  22. 构建农村社会保护制度,需要考虑本国的国情,选择适合自己的模式。

    Construction of rural social protection system , needs to take into account their national conditions , choose their own model .

  23. 事实上体面工作对于任何一家来讲都至关重要,实现体面工作战略有利于一国的经济和社会保护稳定,有利于一国在全球竞争中保持竞争力。

    Decent work is benefit to keep the stability of economy and society , and benefit to keep global competition ability .

  24. 医治和护理糖尿病这类疾病的患者可能会压垮医疗保险计划并摧毁社会保护安全网。

    The costs of managing patients with a disease like diabetes can overwhelm insurance schemes and unravel safety nets for social protection .

  25. 因此,对非正规就业群体的社会保护应成为社会关注的对象,从而缓解我国就业压力。

    Therefore the social protection to the informal employee should be paid attention to to relieve the pressure of employment in our country .

  26. 只有建立起以政府为主导的社会保护与支持体系,才能维护社会的稳定与持续发展。

    Only by building social protecting and helping systems which the government is a main force can we safeguard a stable society and sustainable development .

  27. 该宣言重点强调通过就业、社会保护、社会对话以及各项有效的基本原则和权利保障人人得到公正的结果。

    The Declaration focuses on guaranteeing fair outcomes for all through employment , social protection , social dialogue , and fundamental principles and rights at work .

  28. 尽管交通安全社会保护机制日渐更新却依然不能满足人们交通安全风险防范的需要。

    The renovating social protective mechanism of traffic security has still been a failure to meet the needs of the precautions against the risks of traffic security .

  29. 罪刑法定原则从诞生至今只具有消极的自由保障机能,而不具有积极的社会保护机能。

    Since from its birth , the principle of legality only had the negative guarantee function for the freedom , without the active protection function for the society .

  30. 在西方文献中,劳动者权益保护方式分为两种不同的方式,即就业保护立法保护和社会保护。

    In the western literature , the pattern of the protection of laborers ' rights and interests is divided into employment protection , legislation protection and social protection .