- 名international loan

Latest Development of International Loan Loss Provision and its Implication for China
Preparation of Clauses for Measurement and Payment in Construction Contract for International Loan Project
W : A rather important one , as a matter of fact , deputy director of the international finance corporation .
Two of the largest investment companies defaulted on international loans last year .
International lending has often loomed large .
Application of computer to the measure and payment in the international loan project , shen-ben highway
And when international lenders had to intervene in 2008 , the braking was correspondingly severe .
In 2000 , the proportion of international loans used in central and western regions jumped to 70 percent .
The national debt was running at an enormous amount until we received international support in lending us money .
They are upset about austerity measures imposed by the government , which are needed to obtain international loans .
The state sponsor of terrorism designation prevents North Korea from getting access to much-needed international loans for its feeble economy .
The government must approve a new bailout package and commit to reforms in order to secure the next instalment of an international loan .
Furthermore , under current uncertain circumstances , no country can be sure it will not need access to official international credit witness Iceland .
The urgent priority of his government , he said , would be to secure the country 's international loan by implementing its recent bailout package .
Last month , finance ministers of the G-8 countries proposed to cancel the debts that the world ' s18 poorest countries owed to international lenders .
Experts say China imposed few of the conditions required by traditional international lending agencies such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank or ADB .
The Comparison between the HSK ( Advanced ) Construct Validity and the C.TEST Construct Validity ; Empirical Test of International Loan Ratio 's Impact on Chinese Loan Ratio
Huge investment and large venture and analogue publicity are characteristic of the infrastructure construction of transportation logistics . It is difficulty that department takes on all investment .
In Nicosia , John Psaropoulos reports lawmakers have voted down a bill to impose a hefty levy on bank deposits in order to receive an international loan .
Public investment costs could be financed mainly by public tolls , gradually rising carbon taxes and by repayments of international loans to finance the export of infrastructure .
Bilateral lenders with plenty of surplus capital , especially China , are undercutting their international rivals by offering low-interest loans unfettered by strict social or environmental conditions .
Greek politicians have voted in favor of $ 40 billion worth of austerity measures that were a precondition for Greece to receive international loans and stave off financial disaster .
The idea is to create an alternative to the major international lending sources so as not to be so dependent on them for money and as a symbol of political strength .
It argued that booming consumption in China and India and a reduced reliance on international lending should allow Asia to weather the credit market contraction , as well as a possible US slowdown .
Valuing Chinese banks is harder than it is for most global lenders , both because of the country 's galloping economic growth and because the banks have been publicly listed for only a few years .
The reduction in international lending also underlines the rising tide of financial protectionism as pressure mounts on banks to maintain loans to domestic borrowers following government bail-outs , but reduce their overall extent of their assets .
The capital is already home to 20 per cent of all cross-border lending , 30 per cent of world foreign exchange turnover , 40 per cent of over-the-counter derivatives trades and 70 per cent of the global secondary bond market .
On the Cross - Default Clause of International Syndicated Loan
The Problems of SMEs Loans International Syndicated Loans and International Business Arbitration
International syndicated loan is one of main methods of international finance .