
zì yóu shǐ yònɡ
  • free use
  1. 我们可以自由使用图书馆的参考书。

    We can make free use of the reference books in our library .

  2. 但是她还说,用户也有自由使用和访问的权利。

    But she added that there is also a right of free use and access .

  3. 我获得整座房子的自由使用权。

    I was given the freedom of the whole house .

  4. 在理想的情况下,所有信息技术(InformationTechnology,IT)资产将供任何人在任何时间任何地点自由使用。

    In an ideal world , all information technology ( IT ) assets would be free for use by anyone , anytime , anywhere .

  5. ProjectGutenberg,一个值得尊敬的计划,使无版权文本可自由使用

    Project Gutenberg , a venerable initiative to make out-of-copyright texts freely available

  6. EIS供应商可以自由使用它自己的接口。

    An EIS vendor is free to use its own interface .

  7. TAO基于标准的OMGCORBA参考模型,TAO像ACE一样,也是可自由使用的开放源码软件。

    TAO based standard OMG CORBA reference model . Both TAO and ACE are open source software .

  8. 有些内容可以自由使用,有些则受安全性或商业限制,但从很大程度上来说,这一切只是Web开发人员已经能够处理的细枝末节。

    Some will be free for use , and some will be restricted for security or commerce , but these are just details that Web developers have already sorted out , for the most part .

  9. Web2.0的源泉就是信息流的自由使用、重用、再用和综合。

    The lifeblood of Web2.0 is in liberal use , reuse , repurposing , and combining of information streams .

  10. 分析人士表示,放宽对海外金融投资的控制将有助于人民币满足国际货币基金组织(IMF)的要求,即任何官方储备货币都可自由使用。

    Easing controls on outbound financial investment will help the renminbi meet International Monetary Fund requirements that any official reserve currency be freely usable , analysts say .

  11. CC预先创建了几组保证需求,但是如果其它保证措施有助于您满足要求,那么也可以自由使用这些措施。

    The CC has several pre-created sets of assurance requirements , but feel free to use other assurance measures if they help you meet your needs .

  12. Adobe阅读器扩展权利通过AdobeReaderExtensionServer(ARES)应用到表单中,使得AdobeReader客户端可以自由使用大量的功能。

    Adobe reader extension rights via Adobe Reader Extension Server ( ARES ) can be applied to the form to enable rich functionality in free Adobe Reader clients .

  13. 通过Java的网络和界面编程技术,结合Matlab的底层运算,使得用户可以自由使用通信组件搭建和修改实验,交互性较强。

    Using Java programming techniques on interface and network , combined with the underlying operations of Matlab , users can easily set up and freely modify the experiment and related components , which interacts better than Web Server .

  14. 上月底,IMF执委会就该组织是否应取消SDR由可自由使用的货币构成这一要求进行了辩论。

    At the end of last month , the IMF executive board debated whether the Fund should abandon its requirement that the SDR be composed of ' freely usable ' currencies .

  15. BSD许可下的原始软件总是存在的,可自由使用,而不管从其派生的项目是何状况。

    The original BSD-licensed software is always still there , free for the taking , no matter what some derived projects are doing .

  16. 我的机器里也安装了很多可自由使用软件(GNUC、GNUtroff,等等),而且我发现大多数这类软件都会率先被移植到Sun平台上来,因此感觉还是很舒服的。

    I also run lots of publicly available software ( GNU C , GNU troff , etc. ) and I find most software of this form is ported to the Sun platform first , making my life simpler .

  17. 洪博培大使:对。而且毫不奇怪:“在一个有3亿5千万网民,6千万博客的国家,你听说没听说过防火墙?”第二,“我们该不该能够自由使用Twitter(叽喳网)?”——就是这个问题。

    AMBASSADOR HUNTSMAN : That 's right . And not surprisingly , " in a country with 350 million Internet users and 60 million bloggers , do you know of the firewall ? " And second , " should we be able to use Twitter freely " -- is the question .

  18. 大写和小写可以自由使用表达;

    Upper case and lower case can be freely used in expression ;

  19. 你可以自由使用这儿的每一样乐器。

    You may have the run of every instrument here .

  20. 设计巧妙,可自由使用。可轻松的调出已登录的运动。

    Flexible applications up to your ingenuity Registered motions be easily called .

  21. 日本享有自由使用先进核技术的权利。

    It has free access to advanced nuclear technology .

  22. 被许可方可以为任何目的自由使用开放源码软件。

    Licensees are free to use open source software for any purpose whatsoever .

  23. 市民可以自由使用图书馆。

    Citizens may have free access to the library .

  24. 学术作品的自由使用及相应规范

    Academic Works Freely Used and the Corresponding Norms

  25. 若要被纳入,人民币必须被视为可自由使用。

    To be included , the renminbi must be deemed to be freely usable .

  26. 我姐姐让我在她离家时自由使用她的住宅。

    My sister gave me the run of her house whilst she was away .

  27. 个人资料、目标资料、预置程序和自由使用等四种方式;

    Four modes of personal data , target data , preset program and free usage ;

  28. 他可以自由使用那房子。

    He was free of the house .

  29. 这里,凯西先生把他自己居住的那座舒适的别墅供我自由使用。

    Here Mr. Casey had placed at my disposal the agreeable villa he was using .

  30. 允许我自由使用他的书房

    Gave me the run of his library