
ɡōnɡ yīnɡ xué pài
  • supply side economics
  1. 供应学派政治支持供应学派经济学的政治观点。

    Supply side politics political point of view favoring supply side economics .

  2. 供应学派和凯恩斯学派对治理通货膨胀有不同的税收政策,对我国当前治理通货膨胀有一定的借鉴意义。

    Supply-side school and Keynesian school have different taxation policies to manage inflation , casting light on the management of inflation in China .

  3. 在各种税收理论学派中,论述税率确定问题较为系统的应属凯恩斯学派的税收理论和供应学派的税收理论。

    In various tax rate of theories , this paper discusses the problem of system should be the Keynesian school theory and the tax revenue theory .

  4. 如果我们正进入需求疲弱阶段,我们就需要在供应方面推动供应学派改革,通过提升竞争力来促进增长。

    If we are entering a period where demand is weak , we need to push supply-side reform on the supply side to give an impetus to growth through increased competitiveness .