
gōng diàn
  • power supply;electric;feed;supply electricity;current supply
供电 [gōng diàn]
  • [power supply] 对一个电路输送电。尤指通过电路输送

供电[gōng diàn]
  1. 试论施工供电运行的质量管理

    Quality Management of Supply Electricity in Carrying out Construction

  2. 供电企业进入市场化竞争对供电企业的内部管理提出了新的要求。

    Enterprises that supply electricity enter the competitive market , which brings forward new requirements of the internal management .

  3. 叛乱者破坏了供电干线。

    The main electricity supply had been sabotaged by the rebels .

  4. 尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。

    Despite the power cuts , the hospital continued to function normally .

  5. 昨天,3万户家庭逐渐恢复了供电。

    Electricity lines to 30,000 homes were gradually being restored yesterday

  6. 叛军已经切断了来自首都的供电。

    The rebels have cut off electricity from the capital

  7. 它是由电源或者电池供电的。

    It is mains or battery powered .

  8. 大部分昨晚遭大风袭击的地区已恢复供电。

    Power has been restored to most parts that were hit last night by high winds

  9. 当地电力公司称一些住户要到周末才能恢复供电。

    Local electricity companies say some homes won 't be reconnected until the end of the week .

  10. 尽管供电中断,医院继续照常运作。

    Despite the power outage , the hospital continued to function normally .

  11. 什么时候向远处的农场供电?

    When is power going to be supplied to the distant farms ?

  12. 有了这些基本部件,汽车就可以维持它的供电了。

    With these basic parts , the vehicle can maintain its charging .

  13. 供电线短路了。

    The electricity supply short-circuited .

  14. 线路正在抢修,半小时后恢复供电。

    A rush-repair is being done on the line and the power supply will return to normal in half an hour .

  15. 使用无线设置,你可以将电池供电的传感器安置在家里的各个地方,保持对窗户,门以及所有活动的监视。

    With a wireless setup , you stick battery-powered sensors up around your home that keep an eye on windows , doors , motion , and more .

  16. 机器人需要能给自己供电。

    A robot needs to be able to power itself .

  17. 为了得到某些信息,史密斯先生打开了收音机,这个收音机是电池供电的。

    In order to get some information , Mr Smith turned on the battery-powered radio .

  18. 轨道、通信、信号、供电、灾害监测等系统的动态检测和调试已完成,整体系统功能得到了优化。铁路部门介绍,牡佳高铁联调联试结束后,将转入运行试验阶段(trialoperation),为后续全线开通运营奠定基础。

    The dynamic detection and debugging of rail track , communication , signal , power supply , disaster monitoring and other systems has been completed and the whole system has been optimized , the group said .

  19. 除了水电站,地震还破坏了四川的一些供电设施工厂,德阳的东方电气受损严重,几栋建筑物倒塌,数百人死亡。Destroy表示“完全破坏,消灭,摧毁,夺去人的生命”,被摧毁的物件不能再用。

    Apart from hydropower projects , the earthquake damaged some power equipment manufacturers in Sichuan including Dongfang Electric in Hanwang in Deyang that was badly damaged when several buildings collapsed , causing several hundred deaths .

  20. 他们将在我们家装上供热供电系统。

    They will install a heating and lighting system in our house .

  21. 数百万供电恢复的人也在处理水和其他问题。

    Millions who got their lights back on were also dealing with water and other issues .

  22. 我国普通供电电压为220/380伏。

    The common service voltage of electric power in our country is 220 / 380 volt .

  23. A:您得到供电所缴费,并支付一定的滞纳金。

    A : You have to go to the Power Supply Office for it with additional fine for delaying payment .

  24. 而海上风力产业有望在2029年底为英国的每家每户供电。

    And the offshore wind industry is on track to power every home in the UK by the end of this decade .

  25. 虽然数百万居民家里已经恢复供电,但仍有近半居民——1300万人——无法获得干净的直饮水。

    While power has been restored to millions in Texas , nearly half of residents , 13 million , don 't have access to clean , running water .

  26. 外骨骼有时也被称为“可穿戴机器人”,有的靠电池供电、电脑操作,包含发动机和液压装置,也有比较简单的运用弹簧和减震器的被动式设计。

    Sometimes also referred to as " wearable robots " , they can be battery-powered and computer-operated , incorporating motors and hydraulics . Or they can be more simple , passive designs that use springs and dampeners .

  27. 经济供电半径的Fuzzy几何规划模型与优选方法

    Model of Fuzzy Geometric Programming in Economical Power Supply Radius and Optimum Seeking Method

  28. 几何规划和含Fuzzy系数的几何规划在城市变电所供电半径选择中的应用

    Application of Geometric Programming and Geometric Programming with Fuzzy Coefficients in Seeking Power Supply Radius of Transformer Substation

  29. 应用PLC新技术提高供电可靠性

    Application of the PLC New Technology to the Improvement of Reliability of Power Supply

  30. 供电企业电力营销MIS研究

    The Research of Sailing MIS of Power Supply Enterprise