
ɡōnɡ xū shī tiáo
  • Imbalance between supply and demand;lack balance between demand and supply
  1. 结论:冠脉搭桥术患者尽管SvO2在正常范围,但仍有氧供需失调和组织缺氧。

    Conclusions : Tissue oxygen imbalance exists in patients undergoing CABG procedure under the mild hypothermic CPB , although SO 2 is in the normal limits .

  2. 阿布尔女士指出,目前的粮食危机是好几个因素引起的,其中包括供需失调和贸易政策不公平。

    Arbour said the current food crisis stems from several factors including distortions in supply and demand and unfair trade policies .

  3. 水资源供需失调成为制约贵州岩溶山区经济发展的一个主要瓶颈。

    A problem of supply and demand of water resource turns out to be a main factor restricting economic growth in Guizhou .

  4. 器官市场供需失调,有些人从动物身上下手,甚至想复制人的器官来使用,这是错误的道德观念。

    Demand exceeds supply on the organ market , and some people want to take organs from the bodies of animals , they would even like to harvest organs from human clones , this is a mistaken ethical concept .

  5. 这虽然有体制上的因素,但更主要的是供需结构失调。

    Although this has the factor on system , but mainer is structure of supply and demand maladjusted .

  6. 不合理、不合法、不公平的生产要素(劳动、资本)的转移导致了我国现在收入分配恶化、供需结构失调、居民预期不强,从而导致我国消费需求低下。

    Unreasonable , unlawful and unfair production factors ( labor , capital ) had led to the deterioration of income distribution , the imbalance structure between supply and demand and the low expectation of residents ' consumption in China . Then they resulted in the low consumption demand in China .