
  • 网络Price control
  1. Fuzzy控制理论在商品价格控制中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Control Theory in Commodity Price Control

  2. 在进一步的深入分析中,以CG高铁项目为例,来验证价格控制和数量控制的融合控制措施的适用性和有效性。

    In further analysis , they have one thing in common , which is price control and quantity control . It is proved by the case of the CG high-speed railway project .

  3. 供应链渠道价格控制的动态博弈分析

    Analysis of Dynamic Game on Channel Price Control in Supply Chain

  4. 价格控制问题满意解的直接搜索法与边界搜索法

    Directly Search and Boundary Search for Satisfactory Solutions of Price-Control Problems

  5. 非线性条件下的一类价格控制方法

    A Price Control Method Under the Condition of Nonlinear Demand

  6. 价格控制问题及其推广形式的罚函数法

    Penalty function method for price control problem and its generalization

  7. 什么是转售价格控制?为何它是由争议的。

    What is resale price maintenance , and why is it controversial ?

  8. 政府还可能制定专利药品的价格控制。

    It may also set price controls for patented drugs .

  9. 在此以前,只有州际间的交易才受联邦价格控制的支配。

    Previously , only interstate sales were subject to federal price controls .

  10. 价格控制问题是一类重要的二层规划问题。

    The price control problem is a kind of important Bilevel Linear Programming .

  11. 在该案中,战争时期的价格控制以授权为由受到质疑。

    There the system of wartime price controls was challenged on delegation grounds .

  12. 在下游贸易环节,石油出口国实施各类价格控制。

    At the downstream stage , oil exporting countries impose various price controls .

  13. 中国已经宣布了严厉的价格控制措施&通常是在绝望的情况下才会出台此类政策。

    China has announced tough price controls , usually a policy of desperation .

  14. 印度一直以来对很多种商品进行价格控制。

    India has long imposed price ceilings on a wide range of goods .

  15. 关于线性二级价格控制问题的注记

    A Note on Bilevel Linear Price Control Problem

  16. 同时系统地阐述了控制物资成本的有效方法&责任价格控制法。

    Meanwhile it systematically introduces a method of controlling material cost-responsibility price control method .

  17. 二层价格控制问题的研究

    The Research On the Bilevel Price Control Problem

  18. 泰国,马来西亚以及菲律宾都在考虑价格控制和补贴。

    Thailand , Malaysia and the Philippines are considering new price controls or subsidies .

  19. 价格控制是一个更好的解决方法。

    Price controls are a better answer .

  20. 价格控制问题的基础算法

    The Basic Algorithm for Price Control Problem

  21. 供不应求季节性商品的价格控制和生产销售决策模型

    A Production / Sales Decision Model for Price Control of Seasonal Goods on Tight Market

  22. 宏观经济部门价格控制模型

    Controling Model on Macro-economic Sectors ' Price

  23. 价格控制问题的最优性定理

    An Optimum Theorem of Price Control

  24. 当他们投标土地时,价格控制并不是招标书中的项目。

    When they tendered for the land , price control was not a term of the tender .

  25. 原材料价格控制;

    Raw Material cost control .

  26. 然后从绿色壁垒对进口产品的数量控制、价格控制和对贸易的制约三个方面对绿色壁垒的经济效应进行了分析。

    Then discusses its economic effects : quantity control , price control and trade restriction of exported goods .

  27. 蛋价又涨了,政府应该把价格控制在3块钱。

    The price of the eggs is going up again . The government should stop within 3 yuan .

  28. 在基于价格控制策略的拥塞控制研究中,给出两种基于价格控制策略的拥塞控制方案。

    In studying congestion control based on pricing policy , two policies based on customer demand information are presented .

  29. 政府同时也在发出正确的呼声:放宽严厉的国内价格控制,从而给现金流松绑。

    The government is also making the right noises about alleviating harsh domestic price controls to liberate cash flows .

  30. 价格控制和出口关税降低了生产利润,阻碍了供应的增加,可能导致食品短缺加剧。

    Price controls and export tariffs make production less profitable , which discourages increased supply and can make shortages worse .