
  • 网络Price supervision;price surveillance
  1. 群众价格监督人员进行价格监督检查活动时,应当佩带标志,出示价格检查证。

    A public price surveillance officer shall wear a badge and show a price surveillance certificate when carrying out price surveillance activities .

  2. 北京方面发出了信号,暗示中国的反通胀运动不会排除一切涨价。此前价格监督机构称,消费产品巨擘联合利华(Unilever)不会因提高向零售商收取的一些日用必需品价格而受到处罚。

    Beijing signalled that its anti-inflation crusade does not preclude all price rises after a watchdog said Unilever , the consumer goods conglomerate , would not be punished for raising the amount it charges retailers for some necessities .

  3. 谈在新形势下价格监督检查的作用

    Functions of price supervising and checking under the new situation

  4. 信息服务的社会监督(Ⅱ)&信息服务的价格监督

    Social Supervision of Information Services (ⅱ) & Price Supervision in Information Services

  5. 对我国医疗机构服务价格监督管理的思考

    Study on the Health Service Price Supervision in Our Country

  6. 第二部分为对价格监督检查必要性的理论分析。

    The second part analyzes the importance of the price supervision systems theoretically .

  7. 价格监督检查制度是经济监督的重要内容之一。

    Price intendance and inspect mechanism is one of the most important content of economy intendance .

  8. 第十条对生产经营者牟取暴利的行为,任何单位和个人都有权向价格监督检查机构投诉或者举报。

    Article 10 As for any behavior of producers and operators in making exorbitant profits , any unit and individual shall enjoy the right to lodge a complaint with or make a report to the price supervision and inspection agencies against it .

  9. 价格监督检查及反垄断局局长徐坤林表示,根据反垄断法,这几家公司提供了重要证据,积极配合了调查并进行了自我改正,所以可以被免除处罚。

    Xu Kunlin , Head of Price Supervision & Anti-Monopoly Bureau , NDRC , said , " In accordance with the anti-monopoly law , these companies have provided important evidence , actively cooperated in the investigation and carried out active self-rectification , then can be exempted from punishment . "

  10. 在金融资产管理公司(简称AMC)运用各种手段处置不良资产的过程中,评估发挥着指导处置价格、监督处置行为、衡量处置效果等至关重要的作用。

    In the course of handling non - performing assets with the employment of various means in financial asset management company ( AMC ), valuation plays a vital role in guiding disposal prices , supervising disposal operations , and weighing disposal effects .

  11. 加强医疗服务价格的监督和管理;

    Strengthening the supervision and management of medical service prices ;

  12. 新闻单位有权进行价格舆论监督。

    Medias have the right to mobilize public opinion for the monitoring of prices .

  13. 价格规制的监督机制的完善也是不可或缺的,其中听证制度的完善是重点。

    Price regulation system is also indispensable perfect monitoring mechanism , in which the improvement of hearing system is the key .

  14. 各行业协会在市、区主管部门的指导、监督下,对本行业的价格活动进行监督管理。

    Each trade association shall carry out supervision to the pricing of its trade under the direction and supervision of the municipal and district competent departments .

  15. 应通过进一步完善相关的法律规定,强化对价格的法律监督,进一步健全惩罚性赔偿制度,加强价格信用体系建设这几个方面进行完善,以建立完善的法律规制体系。

    We will further improve the legal supervision and perfecting the punitive damages system , strengthen the price of credit system for the few aspects and establish the rule of law system .

  16. 应采取调解住房供给结构性矛盾、平抑商品房价格、加强监督和管理及采取一系列优惠等措施,解决中国房屋空置率过高的问题。

    We should adopt to mediate the constitutive contradiction of the housing supplying , hold down the commodity apartment price , strengthen the surveillance and the management , and take measures such as a series of preferential benefits so as to solve the Chinese house vacant oversized rate .

  17. 负责选择供应商,价格谈判,质量监督以及及时交货。

    In charge of supplier 's selection , prices negotiations , quality and on time delivery follows up .

  18. 经营者接受政府价格主管部门的监督检查时。应当如实提供价格监督检查所必需的帐簿、单据、凭证、文件以及其他资料。

    In accepting the monitoring and checking by government price departments , business operators should provide their account books , bills and vouchers , documents or other materials needed for such monitoring and checking .

  19. 房产价格持续攀升的原因和价格监督机制的构建

    The Reasons of Continuously Rising of the Property Price and the Structure Price Supervision Mechanism

  20. 县级以上各级人民政府价格主管部门,依法对价格活动进行监督检查,并依照本法的规定对价格违法行为实施行政处罚。

    The price departments of the people 's governments at and above the county level exercise monitoring and checking over pricing activities according to law and mete out administrative punishments on acts that violate the law .

  21. 研究提出邮政服务价格政策和基本邮政业务价格建议,并监督执行。

    To study and put forward policies on the pricing of postal services and recommendations on the pricing of basic postal services and supervise their implementation ;

  22. 第四章提出了我国公用事业价格规制的现状和存在的问题。从价格形成方式、定价办法、价格水平、价格结构、价格监督机制和法律等方面介绍了价格规制的现状。

    The actuality and existent problems of price regulation of Chinese public utilities are introduced in Chapter IV. The actuality of price regulation are studied from the aspects of price formation way , price means , price level , price structure , price supervise mechanism and laws .