
  • 网络the price system;Price
  1. 波动性价格系统的H∞鲁棒控制

    A Robust H_ ∞ Control for the Fluctuating Price System

  2. 基于混沌时序的WTI价格系统预测

    Forecast on WTI spot price system based on chaotic time series

  3. 介绍了采用业界流行的B/S模式,使用先进的JAVAWeb组件技术开发的医疗服务价格系统,说明了系统的基本原理、功能特点和实现的技术。

    This paper introduces a medical treatment service price system which adopts popular B / S mode and uses the advanced Java Web component technology . Its basic principle , functions and technologies of implementation are proposed .

  4. 城市住宅市场价格系统动力学模型实证研究

    A case study on urban housing-price by system dynamics model

  5. 价格系统广义毛利率比例结构研究

    Study of the ratio of generalized gross profit rates for price system

  6. 基于R/S分析的原油价格系统的分形特征研究

    R / S Analysis of Fractal Features in Crude Oil Price Systems

  7. 价格系统的非线性动力学研究与随机梯度回归分析

    Study of Nonlinear Dynamics and Analysis of Stochastic Gradient Boosting in Price System

  8. 医疗服务价格系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Medical Treatment Service Price System

  9. 价格系统的目标跟踪优化问题是宏观价格调控中的一个关键问题。

    Price system goal-tracking is a key problem in macroeconomic adjusting and controling .

  10. 石油价格系统是一个典型的复杂系统。

    Oil price market is a typical complex system .

  11. 价格系统建模与决策

    Modelling and decision making in price system reforms

  12. 一般动态市场价格系统的稳定性

    The Stability of General Dynamical Market Pricing System

  13. 价格系统目标跟踪模型及其求解策略

    Price System Goal-tracking Model and its Solving Policy

  14. 一个具有耗散结构特征的价格系统

    A Price System with the Dissipative Structure Characteristics

  15. 价格系统的混沌行为研究

    Research on the Chaos Behavior of Price Systems

  16. 价格系统及其稳定性研究

    Research on Price System and Its Stability

  17. 宏观价格系统最优调节与控制

    Optimum adjustment and control of price system

  18. 价格系统分析与控制

    Analysis and control of price system

  19. 价格系统稳定性的临界向量

    Critical Vector of Price System Stability

  20. 证券市场价格系统的复杂性研究一直是学术界探讨的热点。

    The study of the complexity of security market price system has been the research direction .

  21. 股票价格系统性分析

    The System Analysis of Stock Price

  22. 本文给出了价格系统稳定性临界向量的定量表达式。

    The quantitative expression of this critical vector of the price system stability is given in this paper .

  23. 投资者非完全经济理性的行为造成证券市场股票价格系统性偏离其基本价值,这一现象反而成为可以利用的赚取超额利润的来源。

    Investor 's irrational behavior causes the departure of price from its own fundamental value , which can be the source for some investor to make money .

  24. 玉米期货价格系统内部结构的复杂性和外部影响因素的多变性,使得传统的预测方法不能满足玉米期货价格预测的需要。

    The complexity of corn futures prices internal structure and the variability of external factors make traditional prediction methods not to meet the needs of corn futures price prediction .

  25. 这种有效性表现为在平衡价格系统下,市场分配机制实现了集中分配机制的最大整体效益。

    The efficiency implies that the responses of water users for the equilibrium price systems in the market mechanism can implement the whole of optimal utility of the concentrated control mechanism .

  26. 研究了一般动态市场价格系统的均衡价格的存在性和稳定性问题,得到了均衡价格稳定的条件。

    This paper studies problems of the existence and the stability of the equilibrium price for the general dynamical market pricing system , and obtains the condition of the equilibrium price stability .

  27. 通过模拟发现该模型可以拟合出国际原油波动趋势,是真实反映石油价格系统的,进而可为政策制定者做出决策提供科学依据。

    The model , we use to simulate the price fluctuation of international crude oil , does truly reflect the system of crude oil price , and could provide scientific basis for policy makers in future decision .

  28. 美国的价格系统是复杂的网状系统,包括经济生活中一切产品买卖的价格,也包括无数的服务,诸如劳动力、专业人员、交通运输、公共事业等服务的价格。

    The price system of the United States is a complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services , including labor , professional , transportation , and public-utility services .

  29. 实体经济系统是基于社会生产、交换、消费的物质循环,是以成本为支撑的价值系统;虚拟经济系统是附着在这个物质系统上的社会信用价值关系系统,是以心理为支撑的价格系统。

    The real economy system is based on material cycle of social production , exchange and consumption , which is cost for the support of the value system . Fictitious economic system is attached to the credit system and it is a psychological price for the support system .

  30. 在对企业内部智力资本市场的交易主体、价格系统和市场信号分析的基础上,运用委托代理理论,分析了企业智力资本交易机理,并提出了一些建议。

    In this paper , based on the analysis of the trade body , price system and market signals of the intellectual capital market in the enterprise , the agent-principal theory is used to analyze the trading mechanism of the intellectual capital , and some suggestions are set forth .