
  • 网络softcopy;E-Book;electronic versions
  1. 你可以得到丹布朗或简奥斯汀(JaneAusten)图书的电子版本,但那些既不是非常古老也不是非常新的图书就较难找到。

    You can get an e-book of Dan Brown or Jane Austen , but books that are neither very old nor very new are harder to find .

  2. 在电子版本里面,前后对照是超链接的。

    In the electronic versions , the cross-references are hyperlinked .

  3. 这份刊物有印刷版本和电子版本。

    This journal is available in paper and electronic form .

  4. 这部词典也有电子版本的。

    This dictionary is also available in electronic form .

  5. 同时提供单独密封的价格表电子版本一份(WORD格式)。

    Ane-version of the Quotation ( in WORD format ) that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time .

  6. Compton的百科全书,电子版本,1995。

    Compton 's Encyclopedia , Electronic Edition , 1995 .

  7. 我们发现在低温情形下,电导和热导率都呈现出了电子版本的Dicke效应。

    Our results show that at low temperature , the electrical and thermal conductances exhibit characteristics of the Dicke effect .

  8. 参考的geopak文件电子版本作为本建议书的一部分含在本建议书中。

    The referenced GEOPAK files are included electronically as part of this proposal .

  9. 注:请提供书面和电子版本。

    Note : please offer both written and soft copies .

  10. 芝加哥总部会继续提供电子版本的百科全书。

    The Chicago-based company will continue to offer digital versions of the encyclopedia .

  11. 平衡影像是一个电子版本的影像暗箱。

    " A Parallel Image " is an electronic version of camera obscura .

  12. 电子版本使用电能和化石燃料。

    Electronic versions use electricity and fossil fuels .

  13. 这部词典有电子版本。

    This dictionary is available in electronic form .

  14. 还有电子版本。

    It also comes in digital .

  15. 国会第一次收到电子版本的总统预算要求。

    For the first time , Congress received the president 's budget request in electronic form .

  16. 任何纸质内容都可以数字化地显示出来,无数纸质书都有电子版本。

    Anything that 's printed can be displayed digitally . There are millions of books available in digital form .

  17. 但是,如果所有这些纸质图书转换为电子版本,他们所携带的就是一个笔记本电脑。

    But if all these paper books are converted into digital version , all they have to carry is laptops .

  18. 所有的完整电子版本的全部内容包括图表,表格,图片和文本。

    Full content is the electronic version of all the entire article including graphs , charts , pictures and text .

  19. 我发现你们的客用航班时间表的电子版本比它的手册本更有帮助性和易于携带。

    I ve found your electronic version of the timetable very useful and much easier to carry around than the book .

  20. 如果纸质印刷品已经存在,在价格和易用性方面,电子版本与之相比情况如何呢?

    If a print equivalent exists , how does the electronic version compare in terms of cost and ease of use ?

  21. 为了完成我们的电子版本,我们首先考虑用处以及每个,不同版本的缺点。

    In order to realize our electronic edition , we first considered the usages and the disadvantages of each different version .

  22. 我们收到你的定单,但是不清楚,请重新用电子版本发给我。

    We have received your order , which is not so clear , could you please sent me the electronic document ( by email )

  23. 不选择电子版本的纳税人,可填妥附于报税表的补充表格。

    A paper version of the supplementary form is annexed to the tax return for those taxpayers who prefer not to use the electronic version .

  24. 他还透露,某些该公司审计文档的电子版本在归档多年后遭人为篡改,添加额外信息。

    Electronic versions of some documents had been altered with the addition of information years after the documents had been dated , Kosmin said then .

  25. 《时代》杂志开始不再在网站上发布一些报道,因为它现在提供一种更优质的电子版本。

    Time magazine has begun to hold back some stories from its website , on the ground that it is now providing a decent digital alternative .

  26. 一经授予本合同,业主应许可承包商有权使用技术说明和图纸条款涉及的图纸和文件的电子版本。

    Upon award of the contract the company shall allow the contractor access to electronic versions of the drawings and documents referred to in specifications and drawings .

  27. 本文介绍了实现检索工具期刊的提供浏览功能的电子版本的过程,着重说明了形成目录文件的算法思想。

    This article discussed the process of changing a journal for searching into an electronic version with browsing function , especially the algorithm of the creation of the index file .

  28. 杜威十进分类法电子版本取得了一些激动人心的研究成果,使它成为下个世纪的知识组织的工具。

    Abstract There are some exciting research in electronic version of DDC and Dewey for Windows , which will help Dewey to be the knowledge organization tool for the next century .

  29. 业务分析师所理解的系统至多就是一个等价于纸制格式电子版本的屏幕(阅读或输入信息)。

    At most , the business analyst 's understanding of a system is a screen which really amount to an electronic version of a paper form ( to view or enter information ) .

  30. 网络财务报告正在普遍为企业所采用,但当今网络财务报告除少数几家上市公司外,绝大多数企业网络财务报告停留于书面财务报告格式,只是将印刷版本的财务报告转换成了电子版本而已。

    The network financial reporting is generally used by enterprises . However , apart from a small minority of listed companies , the majority remain in the form of written financial report turning the printed version into electronic version .