
  • 网络Electronic Data;electronic materials;Electronic Resources
  1. 本章从分析秘取证据的种类开始,主要阐述物证书证、音像资料和电子资料、证人证言以及犯罪嫌疑人陈述。文章接着论述秘取证据的可采性问题。

    At the outset , this chapter discusses main types of covert evidence as follows : real evidence , documentary evidence , visual materials , electronic materials , testimony and suspects ' statement .

  2. 但是,这些电子资料的日常管理和维护却占用了大量的空间资源和人力资源,而且设计资料的重用率低,难以避免重复设计。

    However , the management and maintenance for these electronic materials have taken the massive space and and human resources . Moreover , design material has lower availability , it is avoidable to duplicate the designs .

  3. 用ASP实现随书电子资料的管理和借阅

    Realize Managing and Borrowing Electronics Material Attached to Books by Making Use of the ASP Technique

  4. 本附件包括含有低比特率LD-CELP实现测试矢量的电子资料。

    This annex includes electronic material containing low bit rate LD_CELP implementation test vectors .

  5. 出版物(包括纸质和电子资料)。

    Publications ( written and electronic material ) .

  6. 他们联系和监控数以百计的电子资料,节省了组织时间和资源。

    They contact and monitor hundreds of electronic sources , saving organizations time and resources .

  7. 自动电子资料交换中心

    Automatic electronic data-switching center

  8. 年内,由于实施电子资料联通,令进出口报关的程序得以简化。

    Procedures for the submission of import and export declarations were streamlined during the year by the introduction of EDI .

  9. 是商业行为通过网络来完成的形式,是电子资料交换及价值网络的延伸,旅游电子商务是一个以信息技术服务为支撑的全球旅游商务活动的动态发展过程。

    Tour of electronic business affairs is progress of communication technology as service support for global tour of electronic business affairs .

  10. 若是电子资料(如电脑上的文件),可以通过鼠标点击直接打开文件。

    If the material is a document in the computer , users can view it directly by double clicking the document .

  11. 在一些电子资料中这也很明显,然而那些波动我不打算去教导。

    It is noticeable in some of the electron material out also , but that fluctuates and I am not going to teach it .

  12. 曾记得听人说过:“我们认为,与电子资料相比,纸制图书更具永久保存价值”。

    Remember to hear person have said : " us think , with electronic information compare , paper drawing book more has permanently preservation value " .

  13. 最主要可见的技术包含条码、晶片,远频辨识、加值型网路、电子资料交换、网际网路、进销存系统、企业资源规划、与电子商务。

    The most notable techniques introduced here are Bar code , IC chip , RFID , VAN , EDI , WWW , POS , ERP and E-commerce .

  14. 本文所研究的电子资料交换架构不仅适用于公文交换,也使用于其它电子资料交换,如电子商务等。

    In this thesis , the electronic document interchange framework not only can be use in electronic documents , but also can be use in other data interchange system like e-commerce .

  15. 太阳能充电器是一款适用于各类手机、数码相机、DV摄相机、MP3、MP4等数码产品的新型太阳能多功能多用途充电器及储存电子文档资料的移动太阳能储存器。

    The multifunctional digital charger is applicable to many digital products such as mobile phones , digital cameras , DV , MP3 , MP4.It also can be used as a move solar packet as it can insert a SD card .

  16. 利用本方法对2004年和2005年IGS所给电离层电子含量资料在地理框架中做了分析预报,5天内电子含量预报相对精度在90%左右。

    The TEC data of IGS in 2004 and 2005 are analyzed by our method in order to predict the TEC in the geographic frame . The relative accuracy of prediction for 5 days obtained by our method is about 90 % .

  17. 施工现场电子化资料在城建工程归档中的应用

    Electronically Controlled Information Applied to Construction Site Filing for Urban Construction Engineering

  18. 编制适合青少年特点的《奥林匹克读本》和电子音像资料,配备到全市所有中小学校;

    A book called Olympic Readings and many electronic audio and visual materials on the Olympics will be produced and handed out to all students .

  19. 近些年来,企业重要电子文档资料的泄漏已经从外部攻击转向内部泄密。如何防范内部泄密已经引起了企业和政府部门的高度重视。

    Recent years , the unauthorized distribution of top-secret electronic documents has turned from attackers to the inside-job . How to prevent this has become a significant issue for companies and government departments .

  20. 利用图书馆、网络等各种设施设备,收集了大量的相关图书、期刊文章和电子信息资料,在前人研究的基础上,进行综合概括、归纳和提炼。

    The comprehensive summary of induction and extraction is achieved based on the use of library facilities and other network equipment , the collection of a large number of relevant books , journal articles and electronic information , as well as in previous studies .

  21. 电子时代高校资料室分馆化改革探析

    Discussion on the Integration Reform of Reference Rooms in the New Era

  22. 你那里有关于俄国电子计算机的资料吗?……

    Do you know of any reference to Russian electronic computers ? ...

  23. 电子教学参考资料的元数据方案的设计及编码

    Metadata Design and Encoding of Electronic Reserves

  24. 电子教学参考资料系统及其建设

    Electronic Reserves System and its Development

  25. 教师可以使用该网站上传精品课程的电子版学习资料,课后能够为学生展现课堂教案,同时回复学生提出的问题。

    Teachers can use the website to upload the electronic version of the quality course learning materials .

  26. 无线传感器网络在地下管线中的应用具有非常现实的意义,它解决了传统的依靠人力巡视的监控方法,且实现了电子化存储资料,管理方便。

    Wireless sensor network in underground pipeline application has the very realistic significance , which solves the problem of the traditional human patrol monitoring method , and realizes the electronic data storage with the advantage of convenient management .

  27. 笔者在搜集国内外电子拍卖市场资料的基础上,归纳出电子拍卖市场的特点,分析其市场中柠檬问题的特殊表现,并针对这些问题提出了相应的对策建议。

    On the basis of collecting materials of electronic auction markets of both domestic and overseas , this paper analyses the special behavior of Lemon Problems in the markets , and proposes some countermeasures and suggestions to these problems .

  28. 利用电子计算机实现水文资料的自动插补

    Realization of Hydrologic Data Restoration for Shortage by the Computer Automatically

  29. 电子计算机在处理资料方面很有用。

    The computer is useful in processing data .

  30. 《电子商务专业教学资料集》的建设与开发

    Development of Teaching Data for E-commerce